Gojo Satoru was constantly switching between the forward and reverse spells, and the whole person was like a flashing neon light.

Eiji looked at Gojo Satoru like this and fell into deep thought.

Are there any reverse spells in the ten shadow spells? There are many spells that have appeared in the Jujutsu Kaisen.

Although many of them are flexible, only a few can use reverse spells.

Even if there are many strong people in the future, many people who can reverse spells are still the same.

The forward spell is the effect produced by injecting cursed energy into the spell.

The principle is very simple, which is to increase the output of cursed energy and strengthen the effect of your own spell.

Usually, the effect produced by Eiji outputting cursed energy to the shikigami is to help the shikigami replenish cursed energy and strengthen its attributes.

The reverse spell is the effect produced by injecting the reversed spell into the spell.

The reversed spell is not a born spell, but a high-level operation skill of cursed energy.

Therefore, in theory, everyone has the opportunity to master the reversed spell.

Therefore, in theory, everyone can also use the reversed spell.

At present, Gojo Satoru is the one who shows the forward and reverse spells most clearly.

Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique is the embodiment of the infinite series that converged in Achilles'"paradox".

In fact, it can be understood as a space manipulation ability.

That is, to cut a certain range infinitely, so that people can never reach the end.

Therefore, the attacks blocked by unlimited are not actually stopped.

They are just blocked in the space after infinite cutting.

The technique of forward rotation is to inject cursed power into unlimited, and shrink it infinitely with a certain point as the center.

The result is a sphere with huge attraction, like a small black hole.

The technique of reverse rotation is the opposite. It does not shrink the space but expands the space, thus creating a huge repulsive force centered on Hercules, resulting in an attack like a small supernova. After quickly recalling Gojo Satoru's technique of forward rotation and technique of reverse rotation in his mind, Yingzhi began to wonder if he could find content that could be borrowed from the ten shadow spells.

"What's wrong, Eiji?

Xia Youjie was the first to notice Eiji's abnormality.


Eiji looked up at Xiayou Jie.

"Can your cursed spirit manipulation technique use the technique of reversal?"

Gasaurus Geto is very talented, and later he comprehended one of the mysteries of the technique of Extreme Fan, so Yingzhi hopes to get some inspiration from Gasaurus Geto.

"Cursed spirits are the product of negative energy. If you use the reversal technique on them, they will be destroyed directly."

Ieiri Naoko supported her hands behind her back and looked up at the two people behind her.

She had experimented with cursed spirits more than once before.

Cursed spirits touched by the reversal technique melted quickly like snow under high temperature.

The higher the efficiency of the reversal technique and the greater the output, the faster the cursed spirits melted.

But if the efficiency is low and the output is not enough, the cursed spirits will run away before being destroyed by positive energy.


Ieiri Naoko tilted her head and looked at Geto Suguru

""Gate doesn't know how to perform the reversal technique yet."

Ieiri Shoko smiled playfully at Geto.

Geto felt like he was hit by an arrow in the knee.

Needless to say, Ieiri Shoko is a natural born user of the reversal technique, a treasure in the world of curses.

Eiichi also learned the reversal technique when he encountered the special-grade cursed spirit a few years ago, and even if Eiichi didn't learn the reversal technique, he could use Marika instead.

Now even Gojo Satoru has learned the reversal technique.

Artoria is a heroic spirit, so it doesn't count.

So I'm the only one left behind?

‘No, the research on reversal techniques must be put on the agenda, otherwise I won’t be able to beat Wu and Yingzhi in close combat in the future.’

"Hey, I'm the protagonist now, why are you guys leaving me alone to discuss?"

Gojo Satoru also felt hurt.

Now should be the time for him to make rapid progress and receive praise and applause.

Why are you guys chatting among yourselves and leaving me, the protagonist, aside?

""Gojo Satoru, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Let the strongest Lord Gojo guide you in the direction of progress."

Gojo Satoru teleported behind the others, grabbed Geto Suguru and Eichi with both hands, and brought them to him, along with Ieiri Naoko and Altria below.

The five of them put their heads together.

"Don't get so close all of a sudden."

Ieiri Naoko complained.

But she didn't hide.

After all, she knew that if she dodged at this time, Gojo Satoru would definitely come up to her and act like a spoiled child until she stopped hiding.

"Do you have any idea about our reversal technique?"

In front of Gojo Satoru, Eiji never had any shame or anything like that, and asked directly if he wanted to.

Even if the reason for asking this question was to comprehend the reversal technique and step on Gojo Satoru again.

Perhaps this is also the charm of Gojo Satoru.

It makes people close to him not be vigilant.

"Shikigami? I have seen a few Shikigami users. They basically strengthen and heal Shikigami. Some Shikigami users who have mastered the reversal technique go up to exorcise the cursed spirits themselves."

Gojo Satoru pinched his chin and fell into memories.

‘Even though he has a shikigami, he still goes up to fight people. It's worthy of being a fighting technique. '

Eiji was speechless



Yingzhi looked up at Gojo Satoru.

"What would happen if you output the magic power to all ten shadow spells?"

It's not strengthening the individual shikigami, but strengthening the whole group?

"Normally it only enhances the summoning speed and the strength of the shikigami. If it is in the shadow and has not been fully summoned yet......"

Yingzhi fell into deep thought


Chimera beasts are formed by fusing shikigami of ten kinds of shadow magic.

Only two shikigami of ten kinds of shadow magic can be summoned at a time.

Therefore, Yingzhi also fused Qiongqi and Giant Elephant slowly in groups of two.

Yingzhi cannot do the chimera like Sukuna, who destroyed useless shikigami to let other shikigami inherit their abilities.

Then he kept two shikigami he wanted and directly fused them together.

Sukuna's chimera beast Jato is formed by the fusion of Nue, who inherited the power of Orochi, Maruko, and Tiger Sang, and Jade Dog Hun.

He summoned Tiger Sang and Nue first, chimera them together, and then summoned Guangyu to chimera.

The speed will be much slower, but Yingzhi is willing.

Because to Yingzhi, who has always lived alone, shikigami are like his family.

"So that's it, a Chimeramon?"

Kagome nodded.

Eiji's knowledge of Chimeramon came from the comics in his previous life, so he just followed the instructions and didn't really know whether Chimeramon belonged to the direct conversion of the technique.

"What will happen if you inject the reversal technique into the chimera beast?"

Xia Youjie continued to ask

"Treating Chimera's Injuries......"

Yingzhi suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have really injected much positive energy generated by the reversal technique into the chimera.

In the past, it was Marika who was responsible for the treatment, but now that Marika was fused into the giant elephant, it was the giant elephant who took over.

Yingzhi formed seals with both hands and summoned the giant elephant.

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