The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy's heart was in chaos.

Xia Liu's goal was to knock her out directly, then put her into the divine space, and then release her after the task was completed.

Just as the fan in his hand approached her neck, a sharp gust of wind came from the side of her head!

Xia Liu decisively gave up the attack, and the giant axe pierced through Xia Liu's body without any hindrance.

The air was very damaged!

After this attack, Mingming suddenly retreated and distanced herself.

She covered her aching forehead with one hand, her whole body was covered with sweat, and her chest was elastic and rose and fell.

"Huha... Huha..."

Mingming was panting heavily, as if she had just survived drowning!

Fortunately, I broke free. What a scary guy. I almost fell into his hands.

How embarrassing would it be if this got out?

Xia Liu was also a little surprised. He actually broke free from his illusion so quickly?

But on second thought, it was normal.

He had some energy left for this illusion. In addition, he overused his eyes today and fought non-stop, so his curse power was almost exhausted.

Tick-tock, liquid dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he subconsciously stretched out his tongue to lick it.

Salty, and a fishy smell?


Xia Liu quickly closed his eyes, and a few drops of blood dripped.

It seems that he overused his eyes today, and from this point of view, launching an illusion consumes the most from the Sharingan!

We must fight quickly!

He looked at Mingming and said calmly, "You should be thankful that I didn't let you see the scene of collapse."

"Do you still want to stop me? Can you really withstand the nightmare of hellish illusion? Even if it's just an illusion."

Mingming had already put away his casual attitude and looked at the ground with a serious look.

He was right. He had indeed shown mercy to his men just now, otherwise he wouldn't have gone around behind him to knock him out.

And if Xia Liu really wanted to kill him, he could have taken advantage of him being trapped in an illusion and used space to break her head!

Haha, it's still embarrassing. He was actually threatened by a freshman.

But it seems that he really has no ill will towards the sorcerer.

Seeing Mingming hesitate, Xia Liu took out a black briefcase from the divine space and threw it over.

This was what he picked up from the curser just now, and it was full of money!

Mingming took the bulging briefcase, opened it, and stared blankly.

This... so much?

I am being controlled~

"You seem to know me well?" She put away her weapon, gradually approached Xia Liu and whispered: "Anything else?"

Xia Liu's mouth twitched: "You have to leave some for me, right?"

"Oh! Forget it." Mingming looked at him deeply: "Give me an answer, or a position. I don't care about your identity. I can even help you avoid unnecessary trouble with Ye Moth."

As for why Xia Liu came back and what was the use of these artificial curse spirits? She didn't want to care anymore.

And it seemed that she couldn't beat him, so naturally she had no right to ask these questions.

Xia Liu pondered: "Everyone has his own ambitions. I can guarantee that I will not cause any harm to teachers and students. Your concerns are completely unnecessary."

At the same time, he silently said in his heart: Poaching should not be considered as causing harm, right?

Mingming looked at Xia Liu through the mask for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "In this way, I can take this money with peace of mind."

Then she stretched out her slender hand, stroked Xia Liu's mask, and called Ye Mo Zhengdao.

The voice of a middle-aged man came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, how is it?"

"No abnormal behavior was found. Xia Liu was brave along the way. After sending the children, he also helped three old ladies cross the road. Moreover, at my invitation, he destroyed a nest of curse masters. Remember to add money."

After saying that, she also uploaded the photos she took before. Of course, she didn't send them out in the underground laboratory.

After doing all this, she raised her mobile phone and shook it at Xia Liu, as if asking if she was satisfied with this?

Xia Liu was a little speechless. Can't you be more normal? Helping old ladies cross the road has come out, and there are still three...

"Thank you."

Xia Liu turned around and looked at the transparent containers with artificial curse spirits on both sides.

The power of God is activated!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The muffled sound of the flesh passed through the container and spread throughout the laboratory.

As Xia Liu's eyes swept over them one by one, all the cursed spirits in the container had their necks twisted and were completely freed!

"Thank you..."

A head that barely maintained a human face rolled down, and tears of relief flowed out.

Xia Liu smiled and nodded: "The people who transformed you have been killed, just go with peace of mind."

At this time, his mind kept hearing the reminder of the increase in points.

Mingming looked at Xia Liu with a dull look as he killed the artificial curses one by one.

Especially the last thank you, which made her heart tighten.

If she was allowed to take these artificial curse spirits back, they would definitely be greeted by high-level living research.

"This may be the best result for them."

Is Xia Liu just doing this?

A guy who is hard to see through!


Finally finished, Xia Liu was ready to use his divine power to go directly to the dormitory.

"Hey! Wait, can you bring people with you?"

Mingming came over with her long legs.

She was exhausted following this guy all the way, and she wanted to take a ride.

Bring people? It seems that he can indeed bring people.

Xia Liu said nothing and hugged her waist.

The sudden movement made Mingming's delicate body tremble, but she did not resist.

"Hold on tight, this is my first time teleporting someone, don't blame me if you lose arms and legs."

Mingming smiled, leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Tsk... I'm your teacher, don't let your imagination run wild~"

After that, she gently pressed her mature and plump body against him.


Jade High School, Girls' Dormitory, Teacher's Residence.

Whoosh! The space twisted, a vortex appeared, and two figures landed.

"You really come and go freely, very convenient." Mingming sighed with some envy.

Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Liu with a scrutinizing look: "You shouldn't be careless and teleport directly to the girls' dormitory, right?"

Xia Liu raised his eyebrows slightly. If she didn't say it, he hadn't thought of it yet.

But then again, is the mighty God used for such a thing?


After leaving a word, Xia Liu disappeared.

Back to the dormitory, Xia Liu took off his mask, and through the mirror he could see his bloodshot eyes.

Fortunately, apart from dryness and dull pain, there are no other effects, and vision is not affected.

Judging from today, Mingming is a mature woman, not as easy to deceive as Kugisaki Nobara.

So he did not invite her to join the Akatsuki organization, after all, he could not see through her true thoughts.

Then the next target is Maki, a woman who wants to prove herself all the time, it should be easy to deal with.

The Eternal Mangekyō is a permanent solution!

He lay on the bed to check the points.

This wave tonight really made him gain a lot.

Hundreds of curse masters and those semi-finished artificial curse spirits added up to a total of 51,000 points for him.

He still needs half to buy Madara's collection of ninjutsu scrolls.

It's not too much, but it's not too little.

This time, with a bit of luck, he directly took down a group of curse masters' nest! Only then did he get so many points.

It is still in the early stage of the plot, there are not so many special curse spirits, and the four natural disasters have not appeared yet.

After buying the mask and the round fan, the store refreshed two new items.

[24-hour double physical training card, price: 500 points (automatic training even when sleeping)]

[Tsunade's bra, price: 500 points (those who understand will understand)]

Uh, the system is getting more and more wrong, Tsunade's bra is here? That's it?

If you have the guts, just put Tsunade on it and sell it!

In the end, Xia Liu bought both.

He put the bra into the Shenwei space, there was no other meaning, Xia Liu was just curious.

And physical training is also very important to him.

You should know that the reason why Ye Kai can play such an amazing role in the Eight Gates of Dunjia is because his physical training is extremely powerful!

If a person with average physical training is allowed to open the Eight Gates of Dunjia, the power may not even reach half of Kai's.

Moreover, without a strong physique, the subsequent six gates cannot be opened!

After activating the automatic training card, Xia Liu fell into a sweet dream.

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