Neon December 7, 1989

Zen home.

"Master of the family! Master of the family!" A man dressed as a traditional warrior hurriedly ran into a room, "My child is..."

"Fan, what are you making all this fuss about... You're not young anymore!" An old man with a mustache picked up a wine gourd and poured it into his mouth. "Unless it's the ten kinds that have been passed down from generation to generation in the family..."

"My son summoned the jade dog..."

"It's just a jade dog..." The man directly next to the Zen Yuan stood up suddenly, seeming to have forgotten what he just said, "What did you say? Jade dog? Take me there quickly!"

The two of them walked quickly and quickly arrived in front of the midwife.

At this time, she was holding a boy with black hair and black eyes in her arms, who was dozing off. What surprised the people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan was that there were two wolf-like creatures, one black and one white, beside the midwife.

"That's right... that's right..." The people directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan laughed loudly, "These are the ten shadow spells!"

Then he picked up the baby boy and raised it high in his hands, "This is the blessing God has given to our Zenyuan family!"

At this time, the baby boy seemed to be awakened by his, and slowly opened his eyes, followed by the dissipation of the jade dog.

"It seems that this little guy's spell power is not enough for him to summon the Jade Dog for a long time..." The person directly next to the Chanyuan Chanyuan smiled slightly, "From now on, he is the twenty-seventh generation head of the Chanyuan family!"

"That is, the next generation of family head!"

Chanyuan Fan danced happily, but in his heart he had already thought of his prosperous life in the Chanyuan family in the future. He couldn't hide his excitement, "Master, is this serious?"

The direct neighbor of the Zen Yuan looked at the baby boy in his arms dotingly, ignored the Zen Yuan Fan, and said to him dotingly, "Since it is grace, then take the word "Ze" as your name."

"Wow wow wow..." The baby boy can't speak yet and can only express his mood by clapping his hands happily.

"Seal the news within the clan and protect Zen Yuan Ze well."

At the same time, the Gojo family was on the other side of Tokyo.

"Six Eyes! It's the Six Eyes that haven't appeared in a hundred years!"

A group of old men cheered and shouted, "Now my Gojo family will definitely reach the top of the magic world again."

"Great Elder..." A young man walked up to the leader of the old man, "Just now news came from the Zenyuan family, it seems that the Ten Shadows were born..."

"What?!" The great elder's pupils shrank and he muttered to himself, "How could it be possible, how could it be possible, that there could be such a coincidence."

"Is all this the fate of the six eyes and ten shadows?"

"Are the two destined to have a winner?"

A fatalism spread in the Gojo family, but was later severely stopped by the Gojo family's senior management, and they explicitly prohibited the promotion of one thing:

"Block news about the Ten Shadows."

Seven years have passed quietly...

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Uchiha Sasuke Template.]"

"Due to the world the host is in, all of Sasuke's abilities will be activated when the host's life is threatened. At this stage, his abilities are limited..."

"Can my life still be threatened in this world?" Chanyuan Ze curled his lips disdainfully.

"Abilities that can be used at this stage: the power of thunder, the power of fire, and the power of heavenly hands."

"The host can use the various ninjutsu of Uchiha Sasuke with the power of the fire and thunder spell."

"Hey, the system master was so generous this time and just gave me the power of heaven."

A young man lying under a big tree smiled in a daze, "I thought the massive amount of spell power I was given last time was already perverted enough."

The boy's black, spiky head and fair face were pouting. What made others find it strange was that the color of his eyes was scarlet, as if it was about to capture people's hearts.

"It seems that so far, we can only reach three magatama...but it seems that the ability of the reincarnation eye can be used in advance."

The boy was Zenin Ze. In his previous life, he watched the spells being updated in front of the company where he worked. However, he never thought that just because he complained about the boss, he was actually involved in it by his curse. Now think about that boss. Definitely not an ordinary person...

"Nue!" The young man made a hand seal, and then he made a wing gesture.

A huge owl with an orange mask on its face appeared in front of Zeninzawa from the shadow.

"Try to see if you can be like Su Nuo, and load the power of the shikigami into yourself at this time..."

"Thousand birds!" A little thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the palm of Zen Yuan Ze's hand, and then expanded from the palm to the whole hand. The sound was clear and crisp, like the chirping of a thousand birds.

"Hahahahahaha... I finally did it!" Zen Yuan Ze was overjoyed, "Now, Guan Niu, when you old boy bumped into me, I just raised my hand and Chidori went over."

Zen YuanzeHe put his hands on his hips, raised his head and laughed. Then he moved his mind, and the wings of the Shikigami Nue appeared on the white jade dog. At this moment, he had already mastered the Ten Shadows Technique!

The huge laughter seemed to spread throughout the mountain. At this time, Chanyuan Shener, who had been sleeping on the tree, frowned, "Can you be quiet, you little brat? Don't disturb my sleep!"

"Okay, okay..." Chanyuan Ze squinted his eyes and stared at the muscular man above, "Teacher, you should teach me more. I haven't learned anything yet."

"Shut up..." Shener growled at the tree, "In just two years, if I teach you again, I'm afraid you will learn all my skills. If we become enemies in the future, how can I beat you? You are simply a monster. . "

"How could it be..." Zenyuan Ze looked away guiltily, not daring to look into Shen'er's eyes, "My admiration for the teacher is as surging as the Yellow River~"

"Go, go, go, subdue the bull by yourself this time. I'm tired enough helping you subdue the elephant before."

"Don't... Teacher."

"At most, I won't covet your Soul-Releasing Sword anymore!"

"Get lost!"

Ah... Zenyuan Ze sighed, it seems that the idea of ​​asking Shen'er to work for him was still unsuccessful. As he spoke, Zenyuan Ze formed a bull's hand seal, "Bull!"

The bull-subduing ceremony began.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge bull rushed towards Zenyuan Ze.

The Bull of the Ten Shadows! The longer the distance it runs, the higher its damage will be. It is a complete mechanism monster.

"Let's use this..."


Two toads emerged from the shadow of Sora Zenin, and then their long tongues wrapped around the horns of the bull, temporarily slowing down its rapid charge.

"Chidori!" Zenin Ze raised Chidori, and with the insight of Sasuke's Sharingan, he quickly rushed to the front of the bull. As the lightning in his hand fell, the bull turned into a shadow and drilled into the shadow of Zenin Ze.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for subduing the shikigami - the bull."

The cold mechanical sound rang in Zenin Ze's mind. He was now like a player fighting a boss, and had been stuck on the bull for several months.

Shin'er on the tree looked up with shock in his eyes, "I really succeeded for this guy..."

"How is it?" Zenyuan Ze smiled at Shin'er on the tree, "I'm very strong!"

Shin'er jumped down from the tree and looked at Zenyuan Ze, "Sometimes I really doubt your age, sometimes you are serious, sometimes you are like a little kid..."

"Hey, hey, hey, I am." Zenyuan Ze rolled his eyes, "Teacher, help me with the shikigami later, I don't want to work hard anymore..."

"Hey... what a unlucky child." Shin'er held his forehead helplessly, "You summon it..."


Zenyuan Ze murmured, "Shikigami, Maru!"

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