Sukuna looked at Zeninze, who looked relaxed, with a serious expression on his face. He had a tense look that he had never seen in a thousand years.

"Will I lose?"

An idea that was once absurd and extremely far-fetched to Sukuna appeared in his mind. Apart from the domain, he had clearly used all his strength, but he couldn't even scratch the corner of Zeninze's clothes.

The purple power called Susanoo... is more difficult than the unlimited technique!

Sukuna laughed again. No matter what, he had already enjoyed this battle.

With it as the center, a large number of slashes were slashed in a circle around it. The building was cut one by one and then collapsed. For a while, the site was filled with smoke.

Zeninze looked at Sukuna's little movements coldly. He knew what this guy was going to do. He made seals with his hands and said lightly: "It's already a desperate situation, King of Curses?"

"Domain expansion - Demon-Subduing Chef!"

An evil shrine rose from the ground, and on both sides of the shrine were white bones. Sukuna made seals with his hands and stood at the shrine with a big smile.

His domain is the same as Nozomi's. He did not use a barrier to trap the opponent in the domain, but materialized the domain he created and projected it directly into reality.

When he was in Yuji Itadori's body, he learned about the battle between Zeninze and Nozomi who used domains. This guy's attainments in barrier techniques are not low. Just compressing the domain to the size of a basketball is enough to surpass many sorcerers...

Sukuna had a guess in his heart - that is, Zeninze would also use an open domain!

The cursed power on Zeninze surged, and a huge black coffin rose up. Unlike Sukuna's domain, which was as calm as the surface of the water, Shibuya at this time seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

"Domain expansion - Shadow Fukan."

The purple Susanoo stood on the black coffin. Zeninze looked at Sukuna on the opposite shrine indifferently. To be honest, he didn't want to open the domain.

However, he felt the breath of glass, and Zeninze was afraid that Sukuna's slash would affect glass...

"It's not open..." Sukuna sneered. At this time, he and Zeninze were on the iconic buildings in the domain and looked at each other.

Sukuna immediately changed the conditions of his own domain, using the narrowing of the domain as a constraint, and increased the attack on the outer shell of Zeninze's domain.

Zeninze seemed to sense something, smiled slightly, and let Sukuna slash his domain. His goal had been achieved.

In an instant, the black sphere shattered, and the black sphere where Zeninze was located collapsed, but the Susanoo on his body still existed.

This also made Sukuna more convinced that this kid Zeninze must have multiple techniques!

Then he changed the domain conditions again, narrowing the domain range to a radius of 50 meters, increasing the power of the slashing release and eight, and limited to surface attacks!

Suddenly, within a radius of 50 meters with Sukuna as the center, whether it was the birds in the sky, or the remaining buildings and ordinary people around, they were all cut into blood foam without exception.

Zeninze looked up at the ping-pong bang bang bang sound on the shell of Susanoo, shook his head, and said lightly, "Sukuna, you are weaker than me."

"Is this all you mean? Since you can't even break my defense..."

Sukuna's face did not change the smile, "Sure enough, the domain is compressed, thereby neutralizing my must-hit effect?"

Maybe if I learn this, I can go further!

But Sukuna no longer had this chance.

However, he still did not give up, and flames rose in his hands. Unlike the black flames of Zeninze, his flames were of normal color.

"My flame and your flame... Who is better!?" Sukuna excitedly shouted at Zeninze, "Stove - open!"

The flames that devoured everything were shot out by Sukuna, and at the same time ignited the dust produced by the surrounding buildings that were dismantled and cut.

The arrows fell slowly, like the powder of thermobaric bombs filling the entire battlefield where he fought with Zeninze. Suddenly, high temperature, lack of oxygen, and ultra-high pressure filled Sukuna's domain.

He bound himself, and the objects that were cut into pieces in the domain would carry the same explosive curse power as [stove]. Finally, he used open to detonate them all.

And this is exactly the ultimate secret that Sukuna used to subdue Makoro in the original work!

Zeninze frowned, watching the explosions on the battlefield and the slightly cracked shell of Susanoo without any ripples in his heart.

Zeninze put his index and middle fingers together, "Sukuna, enough playing house..."

"Let me show you what a true miracle is!"

"Complete Susanoo!"

That day, the people of Shibuya recalled the fear of being dominated by giants - two purple giantsGiants appeared on the east and west sides of Shibuya.

Zeninze was on top of the completed Susanoo, looking down at Sukuna, who was like an ant at his feet. On Double Eleven, "Chibaku Tensei!"

Sukuna's evil smile on the shrine suddenly froze. He saw countless rocks coming towards him, as if they were magnets!

This is the power of the Magatama Samsara Eye. With Sukuna as the gravitational point, countless rocks around Shibuya were attracted to it, and at the same time, they continued to rise slowly into the sky under the action of gravity.

"Is this guy... still a human?"

Sukuna's body continued to rise into the air, and more and more stones surrounded his body. He stared at the giant wearing a Karasu Tengu mask at his feet, and Zeninze's indifferent eyes deeply hurt him.

He had tried his best, but he was still like a lamb waiting for his cubs in front of Zeninze. He had already treated this battle as a game of house.

Sukuna felt unprecedented frustration. The open field of Demon-Subduing Chef that he was proud of was completely ineffective at this moment. Soon, his vision went black and was completely sealed by the Chibaku Tensei.

A meteorite appeared out of thin air in the sky above Shibuya, and at this moment, whether it was the cursed spirits, the cursers, or the sorcerers, they all stopped fighting and stared at the sky in a daze.

Perhaps it was not limited to Shibuya, ordinary people in Tokyo saw this meteorite floating in the air.

This meteorite... made a sensation in the whole neon!

Zeninze's completed form Susanoo flapped the huge wings behind him, and his left hand was already rolling with electricity, even mixed with black flames!

He used Susanoo to launch a ninjutsu and attached Amaterasu to Chidori at the same time.

The combination of Chidori, Kagutsuchi and Chibaku Tensei is...

When Zeninze looked up, the meteorite rose up into a ball of Amaterasu, which burned its surface mercilessly.

The completed Susanoo raised his left hand high, thunder and lightning surged, and the cries of thousands of flying birds resounded in the sky of Shibuya.


The power of Chidori Amaterasu in the left hand collided violently with Chibaku Tensei, and at the same time, Zeninze's right hand touched its surface with the reversal technique.


A fierce white light flashed in the sky, and an explosion like a nuclear explosion exploded in the sky of Shibuya, affecting many high-rise buildings in the distance and shattered them.

Countless meteorite pieces fell to the ground with flames, and countless Amaterasu flames appeared on the ground of Shibuya for a while.

Suddenly, the area where Zeninze and Sukuna fought seemed to have become a hell, with black flames burning like the god of death in hell.

Zeninze looked at the scene in front of him coldly without any ripples in his heart. Although there were ordinary people and some ordinary magicians among them, he didn't care about anyone among them.

Zeninze's heart suddenly trembled, and he looked in the direction of the Inogashira line.

In the sky, Sukuna, whose limbs were blown off and only his head was left, fell heavily to the ground. Although he was so seriously injured, he didn't die in the end because of the magic power of Zeninze's reversal technique, because Sukuna and Yuji are now in a symbiotic relationship.

Sukuna's face was full of burns, but he was smiling.

Another result:

In the end, Sukuna was motionless in the toilet of Shibuya Station. Behind him, the purple magatama Samsara Eye seemed to be materialized.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Who is this god..."

Zeninze just glanced at him, and Sukuna was already in the illusion.

PS: Hmm - a very classic Douyin of Sasuke fighting Sukuna, you can also watch it this way (funny)

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