In front of Shibuya STREAM, 9:32, the second minute of the fight between Zeninze and Sukuna. (The two fought for only three minutes)

The two hedgehog heads shuttled through the bustling city, but neither of them was attracted by the scenery.

Fushiguro Megumi was pressed step by step by Zenin Shin in front of him, and he looked at his so-called "ancestor" in front of him as if he was facing a great enemy.

Fushiguro Megumi saw Zenin Shin and said coldly, "Do you know why those two curse masters resurrected you?"

Zenin Shin smiled indifferently: "They just used the information of my body and soul to make me a dagger in their hands to kill people."

"Then can you still act like this?" Fushiguro Megumi scolded, "You are the head of the Zenin family, are you willing to be controlled by the curse master?"

"It doesn't matter."

Zenin Shin spread his hands as if nothing had happened, "From the moment I died in the duel with the head of the Gojo family in front of the emperor four hundred years ago, I am no longer the head of the family.

At the same time, I am also helpless now, can you understand?"

Zenin Shin looked at Fushiguro Megumi in front of him with inexplicable emotions in his eyes, "Based on your use of ten kinds of shadow magic, I infer that you can't be a foreigner, In other words..."

"You must be my descendant!"

"Tell me, who is the current head of the Zenin family?" Zenin Shin's eyes were full of nostalgia, "I think the Ten Shadows is the only heir now, right?"

Fushiguro Megumi's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "Now it is the 27th head of the family-Zenin Ze, and he is also my teacher."

"He taught me how to use the ten shadow spells since I was a child, and taught me all the principles in it."

"The head of the Gojo family is my teacher in school."

"Then it seems that Zenin Ze's technique is also the ten shadow spells?" Zenin Shin chuckled, "The Zenin family is still the same as before."

Fushiguro Megumi was full of doubts at this time. What is the attitude of this ancestor?

I feel that this guy is very strange-one moment he said that all non-Zenin family magicians should be killed, and the next moment he mocked the Zenin family.

"Where is that guy?" Zenin Shin made the Nue handprint, and purple lightning struck Fushiguro Megumi.

"This guy!"

Fushiguro Megumi's pupils were startled, and then he rolled to avoid the powerful lightning.

Lightning flashed in front of Fushiguro Megumi, and the huge sound seemed to break his eardrums.

Although this purple lightning is not as good as Mr. Ze... but it is far from being comparable to him!

Looking at the shocking charred ground, Fushiguro Megumi moved one hand forward and the other hand forward and backward, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Zenin Shin also saw the meaning of Fushiguro Megumi's gesture, and smiled indifferently, "You are very similar to me. When you meet an unbeatable opponent, you only think about summoning Mokura..."

Suddenly, he felt a strong curse in the distance.

"Is it the breath of Makkuluo?" Zenin Shin folded his arms and laughed: "Is it probably the current head of the Zenin family?"

"Are you planning to die together by summoning Makkuluo?"

"Four hundred years... no one has been able to subdue Makkuluo?"

Fushiguro Megumi listened to Zenin Shin's ridicule and couldn't help but get angry, "You are just a relic of the old times, how can you understand his glory?!"

"You should know that the teacher... is the first Ten Shadow Magician in history to subdue Makkuluo!"

Zenin Shin's pupils shrank after hearing this, and his face was shocked, but he reacted immediately and laughed: "You are really interesting, bragging without thinking?

In our Zenin family, if there is no one-time powerful burst technique, subduing Makkuluo is simply wishful thinking I thought.

I also thought that relying on the ten shadow spells alone would be successful, so I studied hard day after day, and even got inspiration from the fusion of shadows, and developed a chimera beast with expanded spells...

Zenyuan Xin's expression gradually fell into madness, and then his mood became depressed, and he smiled bitterly:

"Later I found that the power of the ten shadows is limited. I came to the conclusion from my short life-

The deeper I study the ten shadow spells, the more I can find the horror of the final Shikigami, Mo Xu Luo, unless I can escape the shackles of the ten shadow spells..."

"But it was at this time that a strange man found me... He claimed that the taming ceremony of Mo Xu Luo was different. Have you ever thought about why Liuyan and I were born on the same day?"

"I suddenly understood at that time. Based on the precedent that no one in history has ever been able to tame and eliminate Mo Xu Luo, he told me a lot later, so I slowly believed that guy. "

Fushiguro Megumi was shocked. It turned out that what Gojo Sensei had said to him was true.

He couldn't help butHe kept asking, "Who is that man?"

Zenyuan Xin shook his head, "I don't remember, I just remember that guy had a bunch of sutures on his head..."

"If I hadn't gradually become addicted to power and trusted him, I'm afraid that guy and I wouldn't have died."

Then Zenyuan Xin shook his head again, just a little annoyed:

"Back then, I was blinded by power, and that guy kept chasing me... So in order to find a shortcut, I took the most extreme approach."

Fushiguro Megumi's mouth twitched. This guy seemed to have fallen into darkness not only because of Nosoko's instigation, but also because of pressure from his friends.

His mentality is so bad - Fushiguro Megumi complained in his heart expressionlessly.

Nosoko only said a few words to eliminate the six eyes and ten shadows who were the most threatening to him at the time.

But soon after, a new Rokugan was born again. He killed the baby Rokugan in the cradle again, but found that there would still be a baby born in the Gojo family with that special physique...

There was no other way, he could only find another person to target Rokugan.

As for destroying the Gojo family?

Are you kidding... The reason why he, Noso, has lived for a thousand years is not just because of the technique, but more importantly, he relies on his brain, not brute force.

Later, he gave up killing Rokugan and prepared to take the means of sealing.

Time quickly came to the modern times. When Noso discovered that the ten shadows and Rokugan were born in the contemporary era, he had a plan to repeat the old trick in his mind.

He planned to show up when Zeninze was confused in the process of exploring the ten shadow spells, and use roughly the same words to seduce Zeninze and die together with Gojo Satoru.

And this is also the reason why Noso saw Zeninze's methods at the gathering of the three families, but still did not take it to heart.

He believed that there was no Ten Shadow Master or Master who would not be curious about the limits of his own technique.

Noso had lived for so long, he understood the ugliness of human nature, people are selfish, he believed that Zeninze would definitely pull Gojo Satoru into the subjugation ceremony for power in the end to help him subjugate Makoro.

After all, the two were born on the same day and almost at the same time, he was sure that he could persuade Zeninze to fall into darkness with the same words he used to persuade Zenin Shin.

But what happened later was completely beyond Noso's expectations-

Zeninze actually subdued Makoro alone, and Gojo Satoru comprehended the [Hypostyle - Chi] that the previous six eyes had never mastered, and the two of them became the strongest of the contemporary era... or the strongest in history!

Especially the monster Zeninze... Not only was his strength unmatched, but his personality was also impeccable, Noso had almost no way to start, which led to the Shibuya battle that he planned with the cursed spirit until today.

After Zenyuan Xin finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and made a hand seal. A chimera beast came out from his shadow, grabbed the blade that suddenly attacked from behind, and sneered:

"Have you heard enough?"

"Well... not yet."

Chou Bao was wrapped around Shen'er's shoulders, and the dragon bone of his right hand was grabbed by the chimera beast, and his left hand was picking his ears:

"By the way, can you stay away from my son?"

PS: This chapter has a lot of private settings, so just read it and don't replace it with the original book. In addition, I have modified the first half of the book, and the character of the protagonist is not so childish in the early stage.

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