When the black flames collided with the blue cursed power, Amaterasu mercilessly devoured Gojo Satoru's spell.

"This black flame is really hard to deal with..."

Gojo Satoru smiled, then teleported behind Zeninze, his fingers became guns, and red cursed power emerged in his hands.

"Phase, Jackfruit, Pillar of Light!"

"Spell reversal, maximum power, He!"

Gojo Satoru did not omit the chanting part of the spell, and quickly formulated a strategic goal while the field became dark due to the burning of the black flames.

Defeat Ze before he can activate Susanoo!

At this time, the two people seemed to have swapped their identities. Twenty years ago, it was Zeninze who wanted to seize the victory of Gojo Satoru's unlimited defense when he could not activate it...

And today, the strategic goals of the two people have been completely changed!

He, filled with huge repulsive force, was shot out by Gojo Satoru and rushed straight to Zeninze's back.

"Satoru, did you forget something?"

Zenin Ze glanced at the red energy with his left eye, and smiled slightly.

"Oh no... I forgot that these directional skills are useless to Ze."

A layer of repulsive force burst out from Zenin Ze's body, quickly bouncing off the red energy.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Zenin Ze turned around at the same time, holding the Chidori blade in his hand and came to Gojo Satoru.

Lightning flashed, and a strand of white hair fell on the ground.

Zenin Ze gave the lightning blade a must-hit effect of the domain. Because Lightning and Fire Escape were not his innate techniques, he could always maintain the state of domain extension and use skills.

Gojo Satoru was stroking his hair in annoyance, and yelled at Zenin Ze in dissatisfaction: "Ze! It would be fine if you hit me in the face..."

"But, you actually ruined my hairstyle!"

Zenin Ze's mouth twitched, and he looked at Gojo Satoru's death speechlessly:

"Not to mention that you have forgotten all my skills, and if I had used a little more force, your head might have been gone..."

Gojo Satoru: "..."

This guy is really merciless...

Gojo Satoru took a deep breath, and then rekindled his fighting spirit, thinking constantly in his mind-

Ze's lightning and fire must not belong to the natural technique, so my limitless limit is basically meaningless to him...

Because Ze can give the lightning and fire an extended effect.

In addition, there is the ability of Ze's eyes, the attraction and repulsion are the same as mine, and then there is the change of black flame and its controlled form.

And the last Susanoo...

Gojo Satoru understood that if Ze used Susanoo, he would probably only be able to fight him with the Hollow Style.

After reorganizing his thoughts, Gojo Satoru took the initiative to attack again.

All the stones and objects on the playground were sucked up by the gravity in Gojo Satoru's hand and thrown towards Zeninze.

Zeninze stood on the ground, looking at the rubble flying towards him, expressionless.


Amaterasu, like a tornado, appeared in the center of the playground without any signs, and swept up all the rubble and debris thrown by Gojo Satoru.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

Gojo Satoru was refreshed by Zeninze's ability again. Looking at the black storm that didn't seem to be created by humans, he once again felt the powerful strength of his best friend.

When did I start to lose track of you?

Gojo Satoru was puzzled, and he once again recalled their first meeting when he was seven years old.

At that time, it was only because the six eyes immediately felt the power of Zeninze's spell from the undisguised cursed power, so he followed him all the way to the comics store.

Although he personally killed a scumbag curser at that time, he was still interested in this young man when he saw Zeninze's finishing blow without any hesitation.

"Ze... how far can your eyes see?"

Gojo Satoru murmured. For his best friend, he seemed to have never been able to see through Zeninze's mind.

He seemed to have many secrets hidden from him.

The storm of Amaterasu gradually extinguished, leaving only a deep pit that was burned out on the field.

Gojo Satoru attached Cang to his hands, Zeninze formed a hand seal, and the wings of Nue grew from his back.

Flying high into the sky, Zeninze did not say much. He understood that Gojo Satoru at this time needed to fight with him to satisfy the regrets of his youth.

Because since the first year of high school, he has never had a sparring match with Wu again.


A purple skeleton wrapped around Zeninze's body, and Amaterasu also existed around the skeleton.

Gojo Satoru teleported in front of Zeninze, and the Rasengan with attraction in his hand hit the bone in Zeninze's abdomen.On the shelf.

Very strong defense.

Gojo Satoru took a step back and then used multiple Cang at maximum power.

Countless blue magic balls appeared on the battlefield between the two. In the huge attraction, Gojo Satoru's white hair fluttered.

There seemed to be a trace of satisfaction in his eyes, looking at Zeninze and smiling:

"Ze, how are you going to deal with it now?"

Looking at Gojo Satoru's smile, Zeninze did not summon the Ten Shadows or continue to upgrade Susanoo.

"It's very simple, I will destroy them all, right?"

Gojo Satoru narrowed his eyes, he didn't know what means Zeninze would use to crack this move.

Because he was the caster himself, Cang's attraction to him was far less than Zeninze's attraction.

Zeninze's left eye seemed to flash with purple light, Gojo Satoru immediately understood his thoughts, and hurriedly stepped back.

"Lightning Release - Thunder Guide God."

With his hands open, this was a modified version of the move that had penetrated Sukuna in Shibuya.

Just like the Flame and Thunder God, he uses the gravity of the Samsara Eye to attract the opponent, and then uses the Flame Release or Lightning Release to accurately strike the enemy.

Just by looking at Zeninze's eyes, Gojo Satoru understood that this guy was going to use the pupil technique!

Gojo Satoru's body flew towards Zeninze uncontrollably, and his brain quickly worked to think about how to avoid it.

And the answer was...

Zeninze attracted all the surrounding Cang, and at the same time, lightning and thunder appeared on his body.

Just like a lightning rod, the gravity that was stronger than Cang's attraction attracted all the blue mana balls.

The powerful electric current flashing from his body shattered the surrounding Cang one by one.

Zeninze saw Gojo Satoru being attracted among the countless mana balls, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Satoru, this is meaningless."

Gojo Satoru laughed like a child who succeeded in a prank, "If you don't use it again, I won't have a chance..."


Around Gojo Satoru, there was a domain extension that could neutralize all spells.

And in Gojo Satoru's hands, there was also a flash of purple light.

He flexibly used the gap created by the switch between domain extension and Shengde spell to achieve the current effect.

In the extremely short switching period of a few tenths of a second, he retained He.

Then on the way, he used the trajectory of Cang flying towards Zenyuan Ze to generate another Cang in the same way to attract it and merge it with the already existing He.

"Jiu Gang, polarization..."

"Wu and Chen Sheng, between the inside and the outside."

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