Inside the Sakurajima barrier.

Xiayou Jie calmly walked to a worm curse spirit and raised his palm, and the terrifying curse power representing the curse spirit manipulation technique erupted.

The worm curse spirit in front of him was extremely huge, and in an instant it would be absorbed by this special-grade curse master and become a curse spirit jade.

"Hey, Jie."

Gojo Satoru came to Xiayou Jie with a teasing tone and hugged his shoulders, "This bead tastes bad, right?"

"Be serious, Satoru." Xiayou Jie sighed helplessly and swallowed the curse spirit ball into his stomach.

The taste has not changed at all, but I don't hate it at this time.

Xiayou Jie inadvertently looked at his best friend beside him and smiled slightly.

Perhaps it was because as long as I acted with Satoru, I could bear any pain, right?

As long as I was not alone...

Xiayou Jie thought of the bitter summer 12 years ago.

Exorcising low-level cursed spirits and devouring cursed spirits day after day exhausted him physically and mentally.

His faith was once shaken, but fortunately-

Ze pulled him back into the sunlight when he was about to fall into darkness.

Xiayou Jie shook his head. Now was not the time to reminisce. The most urgent thing was to get more points and help Ze put an end to the death and extinction journey.

He asked Gojo Satoru: "Satoru, how many points do you have now?"


Gojo Satoru never remembers these things. He summoned the little golden bug shikigami and checked Zenin Ze's points and location at the same time.

"My words are 300 points." Gojo Satoru's face suddenly looked bad, "Ze that guy has already 500 points..."

"How many old monsters has he killed?"

Xiayou Jie's mouth twitched, although judging from Ze's personality, it is definitely impossible to kill ordinary people.

And these 500 points mean that Zenin Ze has fought with at least 50 magicians in the past few days.

Xiayou Jie immediately said in a deep voice: "Satoru, we have to work harder..."

"End this barrier as soon as possible, and finally transfer all the points to Ze."

"That Xuan'an's points have reached 700 points..."

The opportunity was fleeting. When Zenin Ze set out to find Li Mei, he was only 100 points behind. Unexpectedly, that guy had already hunted down nearly a hundred swimmers.

Gojo Satoru grinned, extremely confident, "Of course!"

"Jie, I haven't fought side by side with you for a long time. Can you still keep up with me?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Do you think you are Ze?" Xiayou Jie narrowed his eyes and complained:

"Two guys just came in front."

In front of Gojo Satoru and Xiayou Jie, two swimmers appeared in front of them.

These two people are Da Dao Gang, who has been devoted to swords all his life, and Sandai Liushisi, who is obsessed with sumo.

"Third generation, which one do you want to pick?" Da Dao Gang said while holding a long sword while looking at Gojo Satoru. It was obvious that he had taken a fancy to Gojo Satoru.

"I'll choose this weird bangs." The Third Generation Sixty-four obviously did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

"It's wonderful that you can still pick an opponent..." Gojo Satoru turned and laughed at Xia Yujie.

Xia Yujie shrugged indifferently, "They are very good at picking, aren't they?"


Gojo Satoru and Xia Yujie walked side by side, and their figures were just like that summer twelve years ago.

The powerful aura exuded scared Da Dao Gang and the Third Generation Sixty-four, who were just confident, into cold sweats.

Gojo Satoru took the lead and came behind Da Dao Gang in an instant, punching fiercely.

Da Dao Gang's pupils shrank, and he quickly raised the long sword to protect his chest.


Gojo Satoru's heavy punch suddenly blasted Da Dao Gang almost dozens of meters away.

The latter flew in the air like a kite with a broken string, and the long sword in his hand that was strengthened by the power of the spell had turned into powder.

After flying for dozens of seconds, Da Dao Gang finally landed. His face was in disgrace and he obviously couldn't believe it.

Gojo Satoru came to him calmly and said lightly: "Points."

Da Dao Gang snorted coldly, "I admit that no one is better than you among the opponents I have met in my life..."

"I, Da Dao Gang, would like to call you the strongest!"

Gojo Satoru: "..."

He clenched his fists and felt that he had to teach this guy a lesson.

He had said all the pretentious words, what else could he say?

After a while.

"Don't fight, don't fight... I'll give you the points!"

Da Dao Gang was grabbed by the collar by Gojo Satoru, and cried with a swollen nose and face: "I have 50 points, all for you!"

This big man who had been strong all his life was actually crushed by Gojo Satoru's physical skills!

The opponent even didn't know how to use the technique.Without using it, he played with me in the palm of his hand.

Gojo Satoru looked at Daido Gun and couldn't help laughing, "Wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier? Do you have to let me beat you up?"

Daido Gun: "..."

If I had known earlier, he would have chosen that weird bangs as his opponent...

Speaking of the devil, Xia Yujie rode on Honglong and led the three generations of sixty-four to Gojo Satoru like a chicken, and threw it next to Daido Gun.

Daido Gun looked at the mount of the curse spirit under Xia Yujie's feet and the flower god behind him, and was silent again.

Two special-grade curse spirits?

Where did these two guys come from?

When Da Dao Gang was just resurrected, he thought that this Death and Annihilation Tour was just like a game, and he could pass it by playing casually...

But he didn't expect that he would encounter two big demons so soon after winning ten consecutive games...

Gojo Satoru looked at his 50 extra points and said complacently:

"That guy Ze ​​must thank me well when the time comes."

Xia Youjie complained mercilessly, "Although Ze must know that we will secretly participate in the Death and Annihilation Tour, if we give it to him so openly..."

"Do you think Ze will cut you?"

Gojo Satoru: "..."

Thinking of Zenin Ze's unfriendly eyes, Gojo Satoru shuddered, then raised his right hand with his index finger raised and said:

"Hey, I have an idea!"

"Add another rule, as long as the swimmer is willing, he can anonymously transfer the points to others at will."

Xia Youjie listened to Gojo Satoru's attention, touched his chin and pondered the feasibility.

This is similar to what Ze added before, that swimmers can transfer points to each other -

The essence is voluntary on one side and voluntary on both sides...

But will this conflict with that rule?

And adding rules in this way will still show the name...

After hesitating for a long time, Geto Xiayou looked at the trembling Dadaogang.

Dadaogang: "..."

Why do I have a bad feeling.

Under the gentle education of Gojo Satoru and Geto Xiayou, Dadaogang added a rule that points can be transferred to anyone voluntarily.

At the same time, Osaka barrier.

At this time, this barrier has been completely filled with cursed power due to the mutual fighting between swimmers, and this is one of the purposes of Nozomi -

Cursed power optimization and control of Tianyuan assimilation world.

Xuan'an stood on the castle tower, looking down at the sea of ​​blood and corpses under his feet like a god, and evoking an inexplicable smile.

He has completed the assimilation of five barriers in succession - that is, the assimilation that does not require slaughter, and the points have exceeded that of Zeninze.

At the same time, his strength has also recovered.

Xuan An opened his hands and smiled: "Then it will be Sukuna who will kill Gojo Satoru next..."

"Zeninze, let me do it myself."

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