While Yuji Itadori and his three companions were fighting with Yugao, Megumi Fushiguro and his companions were fighting against Hanami.

Shengshou continued to attack Hanami, and Megumi Fushiguro hid in the shadows and found opportunities to suppress Hanami from time to time, while Kenji Kamo and Gojukko used blood piercing and curses to interfere with Hanami from a distance.

Hanami caught Shengshou's punch, and his arm was blackened by purple lightning, and he quickly took a step back.

"It seems that I can still use the power of Shikigami..." Hanami said solemnly. If this boy named Megumi Fushiguro is not eliminated at this time, he may become another Zeninze in the future!

With this thought, Hanami increased the output of curse power, and countless vines underground spread towards Shengshou and Gojukko like monsters.

"Crush..." Gojukko just wanted to speak, and suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat. He covered his mouth with his hand. It turned out that he was backfired because of using the curse.

"Have we reached our limit?" Kamo Kenji looked at the dog roll that could no longer use the spell with a serious expression, and quickly picked up the dog roll and retreated.

The Sheng beast turned into a shadow and drilled into the ground. Fushiguro Megumi also jumped out of the shadow, with cold sweat on his forehead. He was a little tired of controlling the Sheng beast for a long time!

"The power of the spell can still summon the Sheng beast for about five minutes..." Fushiguro Megumi ran to Kamo Kenji and whispered, "We must find a key point to win!"

Kamo Kenji remained silent and continued to run.

This guy...

Fushiguro Megumi twitched his mouth, and the three of them ran to a wooden door.

Kamo Kenji just wanted to push the door, and the wooden door quickly turned into vines and stretched towards the few people.

"Hundred Refinements - Piercing Blood!"

Kamo Kenji quickly put down the dog roll and launched the Red Blood Manipulation Technique to cut off all the vines in front of him.

At this time, Hua Yu came behind the three people, and his long pointed fingers merged into a wooden sphere, throwing it straight at the three people.

Fushiguro Megumi put his hands forward, which was obviously the handprint to summon Mokuro.

"Fushiguro, what do you want to do?"

Kugisaki Nobara stood on a high place and smiled heartily. At the same time, the nail in her left hand was hit by the hammer in her right hand, quickly knocking Hua Yu's sphere away.

Along with Kugisaki Nobara came Nishimiya Momo flying in the air on a broom.

"Two more reinforcements?" Hua Yu's expression did not change, looking at the two women on the high place. From the perspective of curse power, these two guys are not his opponents!

"Same quick battle..." As if sensing something, Hua Yu opened his hands, and a huge flower appeared behind him. The petals opened, revealing a strange flower with countless long fangs.

At Hua Yu's command, all the strange flowers rushed towards the five people present.

"This is the strength of a special-grade cursed spirit..." Fushiguro Megumi took out a black short knife from the shadow space and looked at Hanami with a serious face.

At the border of the tent.

Le Yanji Jiashen showed off his rock suit and confronted the curse master in front of him, Hibaya Tanzo, while the singer was silently observing beside him.

Suddenly she felt an inexplicable uneasiness behind her and looked back suddenly.

I saw a blond man holding a long sword with a smile, "Hehe... You found me, beautiful lady!"

As he said, Shigemen Haruta's long sword stabbed at the singer.

The smile on Shigemen Haruta's face became brighter and brighter, as if he was celebrating his success.


A thallium knife hit Shigemen Haruta's long sword, and he felt a numbness in his hand, and turned his head to look at the person in surprise.

Nanami Kento walked slowly with a gloomy face, and he said lightly, "Senior Zenin has already told me that there will be a very disgusting guy who will launch a sneak attack this time...

Although I have been prepared in my heart, why do I still feel inexplicably uncomfortable when I see your face?"

Nanami Kento pulled off his tie and wrapped it around his fist. With his developed muscles and cold eyes, Shigemen Haruta was so scared that he dared not move.

Nanami came to Shigemen Haruta smoothly, looking down at this bully who was afraid of the strong, and punched him in the stomach with her fist, then lifted the guy's disgusting ponytail with one hand and pinched his neck with her hand.

"If you fight Utahime-senpai openly, I might not be angry and I might even spare your life.

But your despicable behavior has irritated me, kid, you are going to suffer."

Nanaha punched at Shigemen Haruta, and did not stop even after he rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright..." Utahime hurried forward. Although she was a little touched that Nanami actually lost his temper for her, she should not kill this guy yet, right?

But UtahimeWhat Ji didn't know was that Nanami would get so angry for anyone, except the white-haired man with the eye patch.

Nanami Kento looked coldly at Chongmian Chuntian, who had been beaten black and blue, and didn't continue to attack, "Then wait for Zenin senior to come back."

At the same time, Gojo Satoru received a call in the tent.

"Moshimoshi?" Gojo Satoru picked up the phone and smiled, "Is it Jie? How are you?"

Sugasawa Jie's face was a little ugly in the Jiku, "I was one step behind, and that guy took the opportunity to escape.

But according to Zenyuan's intention, it has taken away six of Sukuna's fingers, and the Nine Phases of the Curse Embryo is still with me."

"Okay, the goal has been achieved..." Gojo Satoru grinned, "Ze marked Sukuna's fingers, I will use the 茈 to accurately attack, and then track them down to their hometown according to the mark..."

Gojo Satoru hung up the phone, and then flew to the top of the tent, forming seals with both hands, and a huge curse erupted from him, and this tent specifically targeting Gojo Satoru was shattered.

Gojo Satoru stood high in the sky, overlooking the situation in various parts of the forest.

The situation on Yuhito's side is not bad, is he cooperating well with Aoi and Junpei?

He looked at Hanami again, his eyes cold. Hanami was wrapped in wooden strips, which was her means of escape.

"It seems that you have made plans to escape?" Gojo Satoru put his hands together, and came to Hanami in an instant. He smiled coldly and touched Hanami with his hand directly, "You can't get away today!"

"Gojo Satoru!" Hanami's tone was very terrified at this time.

In just a moment, Gojo Satoru took Hanami out of the place where Fushiguro Megumi and others were.

"Blue Attraction!" Gojo Satoru showed a strong attraction with one hand, revealing a crazy smile.

Hanami was strongly sucked into Gojo Satoru's hand. At this time, Hanami faced Gojo Satoru like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The vines growing on Hanami's body that resisted were also torn off by Gojo Satoru in an instant. He gave the same purification method as the leak pot, and violently pulled Hanami's head off directly.

"Leave it to Jie to absorb."

After dealing with Hanamiya, he teleported again to the battlefield between the group house Tanzo and Leyan Temple.

Just like the original, the group house Tanzo rushed towards Gojo Satoru and his limbs were shattered by his powerful gravity.

"Next, it's your turn."

Gojo Satoru smiled slightly, adjusted his six eyes to maximum power, and found the familiar cursed power.

"Forward technique - Cang."

"Reverse technique - He."

As before, Gojo Satoru's hands appeared with extremely huge purple cursed power. Unlike the previous one-handed release, this time it was released with both hands.

"Hypostyle - Chi."

Two purple sky-high powers shot out from his hands, and the ground was cracked wherever they passed, leaving two deep marks.

The real person looked embarrassed at this time, and was just thankful for surviving the disaster. Just now, he had a battle with Geto Suguru, and he was almost touched by him and turned into a cursed spirit ball...

He suddenly felt a chill on his back, and looked back, only to see the purple Chi rushing in front of him.

Six Sukuna fingers fell to the ground, and the real person only had two legs left at this time.

"What a mess... real person."

The mysterious figure with long black hair appeared in front of the real person, and raised his hand casually, and the huge Chi disappeared in front of him.

He picked up the Sukuna finger that fell on the ground, felt someone's small movement, and smiled slightly.

"Really, Hanami has been left there by Gojo?"

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