The old man was shocked, and the old man was shocked.

Tendo Shinichi was trying his best to pretend to be shocked, and from the look on Xiayou Jie's face, he was doing a good job.

Seeing that the atmosphere was right, Xiayou Jie said in time:

"Don't worry, I have no ill will towards you, you can listen to my story while drinking tea."

Tendo Shinichi: "Well, please."

Xiayou Jie told his story slowly:

"I used to be a sorcerer, and I firmly believed that the strong should protect the weak, and the sorcerer should protect the non-speller. I always thought so until Gojo Satoru became the strongest sorcerer... But one day I suddenly found that non-spellers were not grateful to us, and sorcerers had to fight with the sorcerers. Even though a powerful magician like Gojo Satoru appeared, he still...”

Tendo Shinichi: “You can’t kill all the cursed spirits.”

Suguru Geto: “It seems that you also understand this. Yes, you can’t kill them all. As long as there are humans who can’t control the power of curses, the cursed spirits will not disappear. The tragedy of cursers dying for non-cursors will only repeat itself. This is the world’s curse on cursers and the trouble that low-level species create for higher-level species.”

Although these words sounded angry, Suguru Geto’s face was as smiling as always.

Tendō Shinichi: "So, what solution do you have in mind based on this situation?"

Suguru Geto: "Spellcasters cannot produce cursed spirits, so the way to make the world without cursed spirits is very clear. First, let all humans master the method of controlling cursed power, but this is impossible. Second, create a world with only spellcasters. This method is not simple, but as long as we persist, non-spellcasters will disappear in time."

After successfully introducing his plan, Geto stared at Tendō Shinichi, as if expecting his reply.

Tendō Shinichi: "I... don't know how to evaluate this solution."

Suguru Geto: "When this option is placed in front of you, what will you do?"

After a period of silence, Tendō Shinichi gave his answer:

"Maybe... I will choose to become a more powerful existence, forcing spellcasters, non-spellcasters and even cursed spirits to unite. That may be an absolute threat or an absolute malice."

The contradictions between ordinary people, weirdos, and heroes are similar to the contradictions between spellcasters, non-spellcasters, and cursed spirits. The difference is that hypocritical heroes live in the public eye instead of walking in the dark and selflessly devoting themselves. If curses are common all over the world instead of being concentrated in Japan, the day will come when the cursers will appear in the public eye. By then, there will be an organization similar to the Hero Association, and there will be new contradictions to replace the current ones.

Kagome Takeshi: "Become... like Sukuna?"

After listening to Shinichi's words, Kagome Takeshi came to a conclusion after thinking about Sukuna as a reference.

Shinichi Tendō: "To put it bluntly, I think he is just a strong man who does whatever he wants, and he cannot represent absolute evil. He just lives in an era without enemies. If someone can bring him enough pressure, can he still accept death calmly?"

Geto Suguru: "Hahaha~ I didn't expect that the curse king from a thousand years ago is so worthless in your eyes. From what you said, do you want to become the strongest human, surpass Sukuna or even Gojo Satoru?"

Shinichi Tendō: "What if you succeed? I don't believe they are born the strongest."

Geto Suguru laughed with relief:

"Interesting, really Very interesting, then do you want to join my group? Tenmichi Shinichi."

Tenmichi Shinichi: "I want to think about it for a while. I believe that no matter how long it takes, there will be a place for me in your plan."

Suguru Geto: "You are a smart person. I hope to get the answer from you when we meet next time. Also, our conversation today must be kept confidential~"

Tenmichi Shinichi: "Yes, definitely."

Before leaving, Tenmichi Shinichi suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked:

"By the way... do you know where the tomb of Rika Kimoto is?"

After Tenmichi Shinichi left, Geto Geto began to think about the path he chose.

"Become the strongest... Stepping into the strongest realm will change the way a person looks at things, and at that time, the current situation may also change... The strongest, I really want to see the scenery that can be seen at that height."


After leaving there, Tenmichi Shinichi was in a hurry

Run back to Jujutsu High School.

Tendo Shinichi: "With my speed, I will definitely make it in time and I will definitely get it!"

A gust of wind blew through the corridor inside the building, and Tendo Shinichi arrived at the destination, scaring the cafeteria aunt next to him.

Shinichi Tendo stood in front of the window and asked anxiously:

"Auntie, do you still have pork chop rice today?"

The cafeteria auntie: "That was sold out a long time ago, there is no more."

Shinichi Tendo was not discouraged after hearing the bad news, and continued to ask:

"Do you still have curry rice?"

The cafeteria auntie: "I'm sorry, the curry blocks in the cafeteria are expired, so we didn't make curry today. You can look at other dishes."

Shinichi Tendo: "This... okay."

Shinichi Tendo thought: "What's the use of looking at it, I can't get used to it. Garou can show off his monster forearm when he's hungry, but I can't. Now that things have come to this, I can only use that trump card. I believe KFC will not let me down."

At this time, Ieiri Shoko, who had finished her meal, saw Shinichi Tendo who was about to leave.

Ieiri Shoko: "Shinichi classmate, are you going out?"

Shinichi Tendo looked back when he heard someone calling him.

Shinichi Tendō: "Teacher Ieiri? Yes, I'm going out. What's up?"

Gano Ieiri: "Bring me a bottle of wine. I'll reimburse you when I come back."

Shinichi Tendō: "Oh, OK."

After confirming that he had left the cafeteria and would not damage the floor tiles on campus, Shinichi Tendō ran out of the campus. After walking around the mall with a lot of traffic, he found the store with the red and white logo. Sure enough, you can always trust the global chain store. Shinichi Tendō walked into the store without any extra nonsense, went straight to the counter, pointed to the largest family bucket set on the electronic display and said:

"Hello, two family buckets, eat here, all the drinks in the set must be Coke."

In Japan, where people eat less and more meals, it is quite explosive for one person to order two family buckets, but the clerk's professionalism is still good. After suppressing the extra expression, he started to pack fried chicken burgers and other things for the customer.

Half an hour later, after eating and drinking, Shinichi Tendao was walking on the street and suddenly thought:

"What kind of wine did Ieiri Naoko ask me to buy?"

After a while, Shinichi Tendao came to the school clinic with a bag of wine to report to Ieiri Naoko.


Ieiri Naoko: "Come in."

Shinichi Tendao: "I bought it back, take a look at it."

Shinichi Tendao put the bag on the table.

Ieiri Naoko: "Oh, so many, let me see... Sake, this can be used as a beverage, shochu, drink with meals, wow, Erguotou! Great, you can buy it here, I have to keep it for careful tasting. I'll give you the price."

(Tendo Shinichi: "It seems that the bet was right.")

Tendo Shinichi: "Teacher, you don't have to pay, but can you teach me the reversal technique."

Ieiri Naoko: "Reversal technique... I can teach it, but it's a bit difficult. That white-haired scumbag didn't learn it easily."

Tendo Shinichi: "I will definitely be able to do it."

(Tendo Shinichi: "It should be no problem to understand the reversal technique with martial arts talent.")

Ieiri Naoko: "Let me tell you in advance, it doesn't guarantee that you can learn it. Many people have come to me to learn over the years, but I haven't taught any of them."

Tendo Shinichi: "Don't worry, I will break this curse."

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