The article is about to be published, but the author has already made a decision.

Good news: the article has been revised. Bad news: the first chapter was swallowed, but it is less than 2,000 words and should not have any impact.

After the review, you should be able to see the article of the previous chapter 109.


At a certain moment in the night, all the enchantments automatically fired a flare into the sky, and the dazzling red light was noticed by Hua Yu, Tuo Gen, Lou Hu and Tian Dao Zhen Yi outside the enchantment.

These words were heard one after another in the plane heading to the barrier:

"Hi, I'm Xiao Jin. A real-person PVP game called Death and Rebirth is going on in the barrier. Entering the barrier is considered as agreeing to participate. Do you want to enter?"

However, no one paid attention to Xiao Jin.

This is the unspoken rule of Death and Rebirth, or a loophole.

As long as you don't respond when entering the barrier, you won't be randomly teleported.

Hua Yu, who was stationed at the entrance of the barrier, walked down from the towering tree.

"Finally, it's here, the troublemaker."

Tagon, who was heading to Hua Yu's location, accelerated his flight speed after receiving the signal.

"It's about to start. I can't be the one who drags down the four disasters."

"It's just a few odds and ends."

Lu Hu took the last puff of his pipe and turned into a fire man and flew away.

All those flares were set by Mechanical Maru, and the trigger condition was that the flying equipment invaded the barrier.

The phone in the protagonist's pocket rang.

Yoshinji: "They are coming."

Tendo Shinichi: "Yeah, I noticed it. I will deal with those outside the barrier."

There is basically nothing left in other barriers. Whoever wants to go can go. Tendou Shinichi really only wants to defend Tokyo.

Yoshigaki: "What about the soldiers who invaded from the air?"

Tendo Shinichi: "Fushiguro Megumi and his men will deal with it properly. There are also a group of people whose strength cannot be underestimated in the barrier."

Yoshigaki: "In that case, I wish you good luck."

Another heavyweight player also noticed these red lights...

The sea was surging, the waves were splashing, and with the sound of earth-shaking trampling, Godzilla, who had sneaked from Korea to Japan, landed.

As soon as it walked out of the water, it saw the signal flare in the air.


After a roar, Godzilla attached the magic power to the surface of his body to enter the invisible mode, and moved in a straight line towards the destination.

At the same time, a large number of US troops stationed in Japan swarmed out of the base and entered the barrier as ground forces to provide support to friendly forces.

More than a dozen helicopters roared through the air, and dozens of armed vehicles rushed to the Tokyo barrier.

In the car, the commander of the operation told the next plan through the walkie-talkie:

"According to the intelligence, there are a lot of trees blocking the Tokyo barrier. If there are obstacles later, the blasting team will be responsible for blowing up the entrance. The leader received a reply."

The leaders of the first, second, and third blasting teams: "Received! Sir!"

"Remember the first principle is not to destroy the brain, and the second is to capture live people. If you encounter stubborn resistance, you are allowed to use conventional firearms. Everyone received a reply!"

"Received! Sir!" * n

Soon, the ground troops arrived at the entrance of the barrier.

Just as the group was getting ready, they saw Tiandao Shinichi standing at the entrance of the barrier through night vision goggles.

Soldier: "Captain, there's a man over there."

Captain: "There are no ordinary people here at this time, just catch him."

They couldn't see the cursed spirit, but in fact, Takugen and Hua Yu were standing next to Tiandao Zhenyi. He waved his hand, and the two cursed spirits immediately began to move.

The soldiers who got permission raised their guns and moved forward, but when the green laser light swept forward, Tiandao Zhenyi disappeared.

The soldiers who turned on the night vision goggles again only saw their headless bodies in the green screen. The protagonist harvested the lives of the pioneers at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The death of the soldiers in front caused panic. When the people in the middle noticed it, the back was also in chaos. A large number of soldiers were grabbed from the ground and torn apart for no reason. What's more, they were still running in the last second and became a pool of meat on the ground in the next second.

In the eyes of the extremely terrified dying people, their teammates were pierced by Hua Yu's tree roots one by one and lifted into the air. When the tree roots separated, the soldiers on them were also separated together.

The other octopus-headed monster with a red body could smash the soldiers wearing clothing that greatly reduced the impact with one blow.

When the ground troops were being slaughtered, the commander of the helicopter troops immediately ordered to enter the barrier without support.

He knew that modern soldiers had no advantage over these supernatural individuals in fighting against modern soldiers.

Hua Yu: "I'll intercept them."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "No need, Lou Hu is coming."

A flaming meteor streaked across the night sky. In the commander's horrified eyes, the fireball came from a distance and hit the helicopter directly, causing an explosion.

Then other helicopters were hit in the same way. The explosions continued, and the originally mighty helicopter formation turned into brilliant fireworks in the night sky.

Lou Hu landed on the ground, and the charred helicopter debris fell with it.

Lou Hu snapped his fingers, and the remaining cars and soldiers on the scene were all set on fire.

"Let's set off fireworks to liven up the atmosphere tonight."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "You are becoming more and more proficient in the new technique."

Before they could talk for a few words, a military transport plane fell from the sky as if it had lost control.

Hua Yu: "Is the iron shell broken?"

Tendao Shinichi: "Maybe, but this kind of plane shouldn't appear here."

Tuogen: "It's about to land."


The transport plane hit the ground heavily like a meteorite, and the flames that shot up into the sky lit up the night sky outside the barrier, causing more noise than before.

A figure walked out of the blazing fire, and he walked towards the three natural disasters. The burning wreckage behind him seemed to be his background.

He took off his hat and threw it aside. It was the real person wearing sunglasses.

Real person: "Is this appearance explosive enough?"

Louhu grinned and showed a mouthful of black teeth.

"Heh~ You kid, you really know how to do things."

Real person: "Stop talking nonsense, hug one first."

Real person lengthened his hand and pulled the three natural disasters into his arms, turning around like a child for a long time.

Tendao Shinichi: "How about it, a trip to a foreign country."

Hearing this, the real person put down the three cursed spirits and touched his chin to think.

"Emmmm, how should I put it? It's just so-so. I feel like it's not good at all. Apart from providing me with some cyborgs, there seems to be nothing to be happy about. But I did kill a lot of dirty things in some palaces and buildings there."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "It sounds like you created a lot of chaos, that's enough."

Zhenren: "Eh, is that true? I was wondering if not stopping them from sending troops would be considered a mission failure."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "That's the best case scenario, but it doesn't matter."

Zhenren: "Where are the guys? Didn't they come back?"

Tian Dao Zhenyi moved his ears a few times and pointed in a direction and said:

"On the way."

Soon after, Wu Erluo returned to the Curse Spirit Army.

Wu Erluo: "I have dealt with all the enemies on the other side of the sea."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "Well done."

Wu Erluo: "Is there such a good thing? I didn't fight enough."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "I remember there seem to be several garrison bases here. If you want, go and destroy them all."

Wu Erluo: "Great!"

Godzilla's huge body shook the ground under Wu Erluo's control.

Zhenren: "Hey, calm down, there are people down there."

After that, Godzilla approached the garrison bases along the route, intending to give them some atomic energy to taste.

In the next few hours, mushroom clouds rose over the Neon mainland with blue light.

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