The old man was in trouble.

At the scene of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, Ichi Chi Jie Gao was reporting his investigation results to Gojo Satoru:

"This is the information I got after the investigation."

After combining the current situation at the scene, Gojo Satoru realized:

"······I understand! Dog roll, panda."

Gojo Satoru dragged Panda and Dog roll while walking.

Panda: "What's wrong?"

Gojo Satoru: "That's right, absolutely right, Geto Suguru is in the technical high school now. The worst case scenario is that both Maki and Yuta die. I will go there immediately after I deal with that foreigner. Before that, I will defend them both."

Panda: "Hai!"

Inujuan: "Salmon!"

The ritual was activated, and Cang, one man and one panda almost teleported to the sky above the technical high school, replacing Shinichi and Maki to enter the battlefield.


"His target is Yuta Otsutsukota, we have to go back quickly."

This was the first sentence Maki said panting after the ritual was lifted.

Tendo Shinichi forcedly pressed Zenin Maki's shoulder: "Calm down, if you move around, the bone shatter may poke your internal organs."

Zenin Maki: "Then leave me alone and go there by yourself."

Tendo Shinichi: "I won't go anywhere until you are safe and sound."

After spending these few months together, Tendou Shinichi slowly understood why Yuta Otsutsukota reacted so strongly in the anime. For a group of precocious minors, it was too easy to build a deep friendship in a few months.

As he spoke, Tendō Shinichi lifted the clothes on Maki's abdomen and launched a small-scale reversal technique. Although he was not very proficient after learning it for a few days, Shinichi thoroughly understood the principle of the reversal technique and applied it with his extraordinary talent

Zenin Maki: "This is a reversal technique? When did you..."

Tendō Shinichi: "Isn't this because you asked me to learn it?"

Zenin Maki didn't expect that the other party would really learn the reversal technique after just a joke and make such great progress in a short period of time.

Back to the battlefield, Panda switched to gorilla mode to fight against Geto Suguru. Panda's attack with full strength was powerful but could not attack Geto Suguru. The latter used his speed advantage to turn Panda around.

Geto Suguru: "The speed is not good."

Panda: "But enough."

Dogjuan came out from the blind spot of Geto Suguru, that is, behind Panda, and launched the curse.

Gojumaki: "Fall!"

Geto Suguru was pressed down, and the ground collapsed, and Gojumaki spit out a mouthful of blood. The severe pain in his throat made it difficult for Gojumaki to stand up. But the battle was not over yet. Geto Suguru summoned a first-level curse spirit and returned to the battlefield. After a few rounds, the core-damaged panda and Gojumaki who coughed up blood were unable to fight again.

The end of a battle is often the beginning of another. After Gojumaki and Panda were defeated, Yuta Otsutsuki appeared.

Geto Suguru: "The sorcerer risked his life to save the sorcerer. The world I pursue is right in front of me!"

Ignoring Geto Suguru's muttering, Yuta Otsutsuki stared at the two seniors who were unable to move on the ground.

Geto Suguru said to Yuta Otsutsu:

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to die either. But this is for the future of the curse world."

Yuta Otsutsu: "Where are Shinichi and Maki?"

Geto Suguru: "What if I say I killed them?"

Yuta Otsutsu's veins popped out:

"Come out, Rika!"

Geto Suguru: "Wow~ finally showed up."

Yuta Otsutsu: "I'm going to chop you into pieces!"

Geto Suguru summoned a large number of low-level cursed spirits to Yuta Otsutsu, who asked Rika to rescue Panda and Dog Roll, and rushed into the group of cursed spirits with a long sword. Soon after, the low-level cursed spirits were all eliminated by his slashing. Obviously, Yuta Otsutsu's plan was correct and successful. Dog Roll and Panda were successfully rescued. After leaving the battlefield for a short time and using the reversal technique on them, the situation of Panda and Dog Roll improved. .

Yuta Otsutsu: "Rika, let's kill him together."

Rika Kimoto: "Let's kill you together with Yuta!"

Geto Suguru used the same trick again, and let the swarm of cursed spirits rush to Yuta Otsutsu. At this time, Yuta Otsutsu began to show his amazing ability. After unconditionally copying the art of Goumaki, with just one sentence, the piled up cursed spirits began to break into pieces and fall apart.

Geto Suguru: "You can actually use the art passed down from generation to generation in the Goumaki family. It's commendable!"

Geto Suguru summoned the cursed spirit from Fushiguro Shiru, took out the special grade curse tool [Yuyun] from it, and kept throwing it at

Yuta Otsutsuki expressed his thoughts about humans. Did Yuta Otsutsuki ignore these useless information and adjust his breathing and body functions while distributing his own cursed power? If Shinichi Tendō was here, he would definitely be able to see that Yuta Otsutsuki's state was similar to that after using [Breathing Method] (a martial arts technique that improves basic physical fitness and enables strength to be exerted).

Yuta Otsutsuki completed the violent shooting and cooperated with Rika to control Geto Suguru in the encirclement of the two. However, Geto Suguruki relied on his rich combat experience to maneuver in the middle and occasionally made successful counterattacks. This was when Geto Suguruki only focused on Yuta Otsutsuki. Because the cursed spirits basically cannot hide their breath, Geto Suguruki can dodge Rika's claws by just sensing. Realizing this, Yuta Otsutsuki called Rika back to his side and attacked from the front.

Geto: "In the end, humans only want to ignore the existence that is better than themselves."

Yuta Otsutsuki: "What childish words."

Geto: "Ha."

Geto took the opportunity to hit Yuta Otsutsuki with a stick, and the latter figured out Geto's attack mode during the attack. Yuta Otsutsuki, whose body gradually adapted to the rhythm, rushed forward again. The blade collided with Youyun and shattered, but then Yuta Otsutsuki made the first black flash in his life! The sudden attack hit Geto in the face.

Yuta Otsutsuki: "I don't understand, and I don't know who is right and who is reasonable. But, for my companions... I must kill you!"

Geto: "I think so too, so no more games, it's time to show my real skills, the next move will be the last. If you want to kill me, try it!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't leave me out."

A voice came into the battlefield.

Yuta Otsutsukotsu: "Maki and Shinichi! You are still alive!"

Ketsu Suguru looked back and saw Shinichi Tendō and Maki Zenin who were intact.

Ketsu Suguru: "You brought that monkey back to die again."

Shinichi Tendō stopped talking and curled up the index finger and thumb of his left hand.

(I can do it now!)

"Domain expansion! Inner border of Walnut Realm!"

From the outside, a black sphere wrapped the three people.

Closed domain, activated with one hand, this is one of Shinichi's two domains.

Ketsu Suguru: "It turned out to be, domain expansion! What kind of monsters are these first-year students this year!"

Shinichi Tendō: "Tell me, if you live again, will you make a different choice?"

Ketsu Suguru: "I don't know. If you can really do this kind of thing, it's okay to listen to you."

Ketsu Suguru didn't know that he would be responsible for this boast in the future.

Zenin Maki: "Let's settle the grudge now."

The three of them fought, and Geto Suguru summoned a cursed spirit to attack the two. Maki took his own cursed tool and led the charge. What was different from the past was that this time the blade did not bounce off after colliding with the hard shell of the cursed spirit, but cut into it. This was because Shinichi used a walnut as the object to wrap the knife, and then molded the shape of the walnut into the shape of the blade, and a knife with unlimited hardness was born.

While Maki was holding the cursed spirit, Shinichi Tendō came in front of Geto Suguru.

Shinichi Tendō: "Don't be distracted next!"

The light blue stream of light wrapped around his hands, the water turned into a waterfall, and countless fists hit Geto Suguru, and this was under the premise of holding back. Geto Suguru fought back in pain, but Shinichi Tendō was not afraid at all and used his fists to face [Youyun] head-on.

(Tendo Shinichi: "That's it, that's the feeling. My body is getting stronger every second to respond to the battle itself. My scalp is tingling and my hair is standing up. Only fighting against special-class players can make me go further.")

If the pressure is enough, Tendo Shinichi is fully capable of reaching the next stage of Garou's evolution or even the first evolution.

Suguru Geto thought: "This distance is suitable for using that cursed tool!"

Suguru Geto then summoned Ugly Treasure to take out the cursed tool, but Maki, who had dealt with the previous small cursed spirits, suddenly arrived at the scene. Both of them were empty-handed and only relied on their fists to launch attacks. Unexpectedly, Shinichi and Maki resonated with each other. Although it seems that the two have no intention of cooperating at all, the moves they used constitute a combined skill. The difference in strength between the two is large, but the nature of strength is similar. Maki is like being pulled by Shinichi's fist and the impact force is amplified.

The two of them were in sync. Maki pushed Shinichi out, and Shinichi took advantage of the momentum and went behind Geto Suguru and grabbed the Ugly Treasure with his cursed hand. Although he couldn't command the Ugly Treasure now, as long as Geto Suguru died, the control of the Ugly Treasure would belong to him.

Tendo Shinichi: "The last blow."

Unlike before, this time, Tian

In addition to the light blue light, Shinichi Michi's hand also had black and red lightning. Unlike others, if others were betting on black flash, Shinichi Michi was trying to catch black flash. When martial artists practice to the end, their grasp of the timing of their perception of power will reach an outrageous level. Joining Shinichi Tendo to complete the transformation of a monster, it is entirely possible that a flat attack is a black flash.

Geto Satsuyu: "Nani!"

Geto Satsuyu flew backwards again and lost several teeth. At this time, Shinichi Tendo released his own domain. The embarrassed Geto Satsuyu appeared in front of Yuta Otsutsukota. At this time, he was facing the runaway Yuta Otsutsukota, Maki in full state, and Shinichi who played black flash. It was impossible for him to win. Seeing this, Shinichi showed mercy and chose to hand over Geto Satsuyu to Yuta Otsutsukota to solve.

The next moment, Shinichi Tendo seemed to think of something:

"Maki, get out of the way!"

Maki Zenin: "Got it."

At the same time, Geto Satsuyu also saw the scene.

Yuta Otsutsuki: "Lend me your power once more, I will give you everything after this is over."

Yuta Otsutsuki said as he went up.

Geto Suguru: "I've had enough, you're a guy who plays with girls, extreme, vortex."

Yuta Otsutsuki: "How rude... We are pure love."

Geto Suguru: "In that case, I am the righteous one!"

At the beginning of the confrontation, although Geto Suguru's extreme was powerful, the cursed spirit contained in it only advanced a short distance before being destroyed by Yuta Otsutsuki's cursed torrent.

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