The first time I saw a man was a big shot, but I was very surprised.

"I did it!"

After a cry of surprise, half of the people in the high school heard it.

Yuji Itadori: ""

The subsequent telekinetic fluctuations caused a small earthquake in Japan. If it weren't for Shinichi Tendō's timely reaction to his new ability, Japan's infrastructure would have been ruined.

Shinichi Tendō's curse, a secret technique unique to him, which can shield the cursed power factor from the outside, was completed today.

Shinichi Tendō, who was extremely happy, planned to share this joy with Lu Ziyunyi.

Then Lu Ziyunyi was blown away by the aftermath while Shinichi Tendō was looking for him, and disappeared.

Lu Ziyun didn't find it, but ran into Maki. Maki saw this scene and understood where the noise just now came from.

Maki: "What happened that makes you so happy? Tell me."

Tendo Shinichi: "I created a simple domain by reversing the domain of the three generations of sixty-four."

Maki: "I don't know much about spells. Is it another way to fight against domains?"

Tendo Shinichi smiled and shook his head:

"Not only that, it is a way to fight against all sorcerers, and it can block all cursed factors except for the barrier.

In this kind of domain, even Gojo Sensei will be beaten."

Maki (laughing): "It can be seen that you have spent a lot of effort to break the limitless limit."

Tendo Shinichi: "Not really, it is mainly to allow people with heaven and curse binding type to gain an advantage in the confrontation with cursers.

If there are troublesome opponents like Sukuna in the future, at least you will not be injured by the indiscriminate domain."

Maki: "······Oh, thank you."

Tendo Shinichi looked back and forth at Maki after hearing this, and by the way, monitored the other party's heartbeat through the air.

Maki: "Is there something wrong with me?"

Tendo Shinichi: "I'm fine, but I feel like some of your emotional disorder symptoms are still lingering."

Maki: "No, you're overthinking it."

"Hello, senior."

While the two were talking, Fushiguro Megumi came over.

(Maki: "It's over, I forgot the business.")

Tendo Shinichi: "It's Hui, you look like you have something to tell me?"

Fushiguro Megumi: "Well, I want to invite you to the Zenin family tonight, Gojo Sensei and Kamo Senior are also coming back.

It's for the future development of the three families, and also to express our gratitude to my mother."

Tendo Shinichi: "Okay, I'll go."

Fushiguro Megumi: "Thank you, I'll go back and prepare first, and then we'll say goodbye for a short time."

Tendo Shinichi: "Goodbye."

After Fushiguro Megumi left, Maki said:

"This should be your first time, I'll lead the way for you."

Tendo Shinichi: "Okay, before that, I'll pay you the guide fee."

Maki: "Huh?"

Under Maki's puzzled eyes, Tendo Shinichi took her to the room where he was researching new fields.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the room was full of scribbled talismans and small objects with filthy cursed power.

Tendō Shinichi cleared the waste aside and made room for a seat.

Maki: "These are..."

Tendō Shinichi: "It doesn't matter to me that this move requires cursed power, but it is called Heaven and Curse Binding because of weak and no cursed power.

So I wanted to host it in an item to lower the threshold for use. Obviously, I failed.

The talisman paper and ordinary totem emblems that store cursed power cannot carry it. I concluded that the reason is the problem of barrier technique.

My level of mastery of barrier technique is average. If it is made by Tianyuan or Nose, it will be successful with a high probability, but I I don't plan to reveal this to her."

Maki: "How did you solve it in the end?"

Tendo Shinichi: "I set my sights on the curse tools, which are the most capable of carrying curses, barriers and rituals.

Of course, I can't waste a lot of time and energy making curse tools, which is troublesome and may be lost.

So I simplified the whole process and used the liquid used to make the curse tools as the carrier. "

Tendo Shinichi raised Maki's arm with one hand and drew talismans on Maki's arm with a brush in the other hand.

He said as he drew:

"Don't worry that the remaining curse power on it will affect the secrecy of the Tianyu Curse Binding Operation. The curse tools themselves carry curse power, and the curse power of the liquids soaked in the curse tools will dissipate quickly.

Give the right to activate to the person with the pattern, and then tie the [binding] of the source of the curse power to the other

On a person's body, the restriction of no cursed power will no longer exist.

Maki looked at the "tattoo". The content of the painting was very simple, just a regular octagon wrapped with characters.

Maki: "Although I didn't learn it well, I still understand the principle of giving and taking."

"After the establishment of the three generations of sixty-four domains, I can't use cursed power myself. If I use this move, then the person who is bound by the [binding] will also be unable to use cursed power."

Tendo Shinichi: "Yo, your associative ability is not bad.

You are right, so the [binding] must be tied to a person who does not use cursed power but is still very good at fighting, such as me."

Maki: "If someone uses this to deal with you, then wouldn't I be the same as Geto Suguru who caused Gojo Satoru to be imprisoned in the prison gate?

This gift is too heavy, I'm sorry I can't accept it. "

Obviously, Maki didn't want to put Shinichi in danger because of her.

Tendo Shinichi: "You are being too polite. Besides, you can't disbelieve Gojo Satoru without trusting me.

Just accept this kindness with peace of mind."


Night soon arrived. Under the leadership of Maki, Shinichi Tendo arrived at the Zenin family as promised.

As soon as he entered the door, Shinichi Tendo found many young faces.

Maki: "Illegitimate children, some of them awakened their talent for spells after leaving the family, and they all chose not to come back.

Until they learned that the Zenin family was rebuilt, they returned with a try mentality."

Tendo Shinichi: "Their parents really made the right decision not to return to the feudal traditional family."

The two walked through the intricate corridors and came to a house. As soon as they opened the door, they could hear someone's mean voice.

Gojo Satoru: "Shinichi, Maki, you are the last one. Really, even if there is a traffic jam, it shouldn't take so long. ”

The staff inside are: Fushiguro Megumi, Zenin Jiner, Megumi’s mother, Kurusu Hana, Zenin Shin’ei, Kamo Kenki, Gojo Satoru.

Tendo Shinichi: “Something happened, so I’m a little late.”

Gojo Satoru: “Oh~ What’s up with you two classmates? Share it with me. Don’t worry, I’m tight-lipped.”

Fushiguro Megumi: “Teacher, don’t joke around. You’ve only been here for a short time. Welcome, seniors.”


Megumi’s mother patted the back of their heads, and Megumi and Jiner immediately became energetic.

Fushiguro Megumi: “Thank you very much for your presence. I’ve been looking forward to your arrival for a long time. I also want to thank you for your care for me this year.”

Zenin Jiner: “Uh... Welcome, brother. (whispering) Can I sit down now?”

Megumi’s mother: “Welcome, welcome. Take a seat quickly. Don’t be shy. Just treat it as your own home.” ”

Tian Dao Zhenyi: “Thank you, thank you Auntie.”

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