After doing all this, the Phoenix Man did not relax, but stared at an empty space.

There stood five curse spirits.

Wu Erluo: "You finally came up.

I just met this monster, it's ridiculously strong, but you can't see the curse spirit."

Hua Yu: "Like Lou Hu, we are both fire-type players."

Lou Hu: "If you can't see it, it's a creature, Zhenren, go, kill him."

However, Zhenren did not move, but just stood there blankly.

The sight came to the Phoenix Man's spiritual space - [Phoenix Space], where the spirit can be connected, and the time flow is extremely fast.

Zhenren's spirit is in this place.

Out of caution against unknown existence, Phoenix Man activated the [Phoenix Space] towards the location of the five cursed spirits, and the real person with the strongest mental fluctuations was pulled in.

Real person: "Eh? Where is this?"

Phoenix Man: "A mental space. I didn't expect there was really something there just now."

Phoenix Man approached the real person while talking. After he came in front of the real person, he put his finger on the real person's head.

The real person immediately reached out and grabbed the Phoenix Man to start the spell, but it had no effect at all, not even the curse power fluctuations.

Phoenix Man: "Give up struggling. There is no physical interference here. The skill you just planned to use on me should require physical contact."

Hearing this, the real person put his hand down:

"I've been seen through. What on earth are you?"

Phoenix Man: "I should be the one asking you this question, but I can get the answer now."

A burst of light burst out from the place where the Phoenix Man's finger touched the real person's forehead, and everything in the real person's mind was displayed in front of the Phoenix Man.

The Phoenix Man was browsing and laughing:

"It turns out that this is another completely different world. There are no weirdos here, but only a group of ordinary people and people with special abilities who can only play tricks on others.

I think I should thank the one who sent me here. Now I have a whole world to rule!


But he stopped laughing immediately because he saw something unusual in the mind of the real person.

"Gojo Satoru, and... Garou!

No, that's not right. There are still some differences. Could it be from that world too?"

Outside world.

After waiting for a long time without seeing any movement from the real person, Louhu guessed that the Phoenix Man had done something and was about to attack him.

At this moment, the [Phoenix Space] was closed, and the consciousness of the real person returned to the real world. Of course, the Phoenix Man also came back with him.

The five cursed spirits felt something was wrong at the same time. Some changes had occurred in the birdman in front of them.

Louhu: "Master, what happened just now?"

Master: "Just now... Hurry, hurry up, he is an unimaginable and terrible monster!"

The recovered master hurriedly urged his teammates to flee from here, but it seems too late now.

The Phoenix Man looked at the five cursed spirits, his face full of satisfaction.

Wu Erluo: "He, he can see us!"

Phoenix Man: "I felt something was wrong when I came to this world. Thank you for the gift from your companions. Now I can really feel this power."

In Louhu's surprised eyes, the Phoenix Man's body appeared to fluctuate with curse power, and his raised hands were attached with positive energy obtained by multiplying negative energy and curse power.

He now not only has the ability to see cursed spirits, but also the ability to kill them.

Phoenix Man: "Don't be so serious~ We can be enemies or friends."

Louhu took a step forward and stopped the other cursed spirits behind him.

"Tell me your conditions."

Phoenix Man: "Your abilities are very convenient. You won't find many similar cursed spirits anywhere in the world.

Join me in my great cause of unifying the world, or die."

Louhu turned his head and gave a reply to Phoenix Man on behalf of all:

"You wish we would join you!"

Phoenix Man shook his head:

"Alas~ What a pity..."

The battle broke out instantly. Hanami used her cursed power to form tree roots and rushed towards Phoenix Man. Takugen also launched the spell at the first time.

However, before the attack arrived, Phoenix Man, who switched to Phoenix Red Flame Flying Eagle mode, burned it.

Takugen, the cursed spirit immune to physical damage, passed through the flames and came to Phoenix Man, and directly unfolded his own domain [Swinging Horizon].

When Phoenix Man was pulled into the leader

After the domain, Togen immediately launched [Death Surge] and concentrated all his firepower on the Phoenix Man.

Soon, Togen found that something was wrong. The continuous shikigami fish school hitting the Phoenix Man had no effect at all. Instead, they would be destroyed because they touched the flames with the cursed power.

Through the understanding of the real person's barrier technique and cursed power, the Phoenix Man was able to comprehend and immediately master the technique of [Domain Extension], and forcibly neutralized Togen's technique.

And because he did not have the technique himself, the side effects of domain extension could be completely ignored.

Phoenix Man: "Your attack doesn't work!"

Facing the Phoenix Man rushing in front of him, Togen immediately released his domain.

After the domain was released, the scene outside came into view.

It turned out that Togen had moved the domain position to the sky when he opened the domain.

The Phoenix Man, who had no leverage point, spread his wings and floated in the air. Behind him, Hua Yu had already thrown the real person up with the roots of the tree.

Zhenren: "I can use the spell on you outside!"

Zhenren activated [Wuwei Transformation] the moment he put his hands on the back of Phoenix Man.

(Zhenren: "Why can't I feel the soul! No, it's more like I can't feel the outline rather than the soul!")

Phoenix Man: "Have you touched enough? Your cursed power makes me a little itchy."

From the perspective of "the soul is the body and the body is the soul" and "our spells are from two different worlds", the "soul" in Jujutsu Kaisen is not the "soul" understood in the real world, so I won't go into details here.

For ordinary people, even if they know about the soul, they can't touch or feel it.

Facing a monster from another world, Zhenren is no different from ordinary people in this regard.

Phoenix Man released positive energy to his back, and Zhenren quickly abandoned his hands and fled like a lizard with a broken tail.

The coral in the air came to the rescue, and a flame bomb hit Phoenix Man, but it had little effect.

Phoenix Man was even too lazy to absorb the energy contained in it.

Phoenix Man: "You can't beat me if you can only play with fire~"

Louhu: "I can play with more than just fire, the domain is unfolded, the Ultimate Afterglow!"

The battlefield was bathed in the light of four large fireballs: the sun, the symbol of the domain ritual, the Ultimate Afterglow, and the Phoenix Man in his flame bird form.

While unfolding his domain, Louhu rubbed the fireballs with his hands, trying to absorb the heat from the Phoenix Man, but the Phoenix Man also had the ability to absorb energy and was stronger.

Hua Yu pulled Louhu into his spiritual communication channel.

Louhu: "Take them away and go back to find Tiandao Zhenyi. We can't solve him alone."

Hua Yu: "I will, please hold on until the reinforcements arrive."

Louhu: "Yes."

The above is the whole process, and the view returns to the present.

Tiandao Zhenyi was still puzzled about the reason why the Phoenix Man appeared here. After comforting Wu Erluo for a few words, he locked himself in the room to sort out information and ideas.

No matter who came or what happened, he could not see him.

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