The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

At this time, Lehu had successfully intercepted Gojo Satoru and fought with him several times.

Lehu: "The strongest sorcerer is just like this."

The smoke dissipated, and a black figure appeared.

Gojo Satoru: "As a cursed spirit, you actually came to me in such a swagger. It's really unexpected."

Lehu looked at Gojo Satoru who was safe and sound in shock. It seemed that he saw the other party's doubts and Gojo Satoru introduced his own technique to him. Lehu was also stupid and really walked up to Gojo Satoru to shake hands, but he was caught by Gojo Satoru and beaten until he vomited blood. Maybe Gojo Satoru was tired of playing and Lehu seized the opportunity to break free.

The two special-class players resumed their battle. In order to test Gojo Satoru, Lokko gradually increased the strength of his attacks and showed more flaming moves. However, all these moves were blocked by Gojo Satoru with invulnerability. When Gojo Satoru finished stretching his muscles and began to counterattack, Lokko was completely at a disadvantage. If it weren't for the plot, Lokko's extreme performance might have been forced out now.

Reversal of the technique: He

Gojo Satoru condensed a red light at his fingertips. After the red light flashed, Lokko was blown away by the impact of He and flew a hundred meters away. While suspended in the air, Lokko adjusted his posture to prepare for a counterattack, but under the blessing of unlimited power, Lokko could not keep up with Gojo Satoru's speed at all. Even if he had accumulated enough power in his hands, he could not make an effective counterattack. Gojo Satoru saw the gap and kicked Lokko into the lake like a football.

Gojo Satoru: "Just right, bring Yujin with you."

Gojo Satoru did it right away and went back to the basement to find the two.


Gojo Satoru observed Yuji Itadori's progress for a while and then appeared:

"Good evening, everyone."

Tendo Shinichi and Yuji Itadori turned around and saw the person coming.

"Good evening, teacher."

"Hello, teacher Gojo, what's up?"

Gojo Satoru: "Get ready to go out. I'm going to give an extracurricular lesson. Today I'll teach you the highest level of spell combat - field expansion. Shinichi, you go too."

Tendo Shinichi guessed that this was a leaky pot and didn't refuse:

"No problem."

The two were taken back to the previous battlefield by Gojo Satoru in an instant. At this time, the leaky pot had just risen from the lake.

"Since we can't hit him, let's pull him into the field... Hey? Where's the person?"

Gojo Satoru instantly appeared behind Lekko with two people:

"Sorry, I kept you waiting."

(Lekko: "Sukuna's container is still alive, but who is the other one, an auxiliary magician?")

Yuji Itadori was very serious about arriving in a strange place instantly:

"Hey! Where is this?"

Tendo Shinichi noticed Lekko on the opposite side and made eye contact with him.

(Tendo Shinichi: "That's the Leaky Pot, and the location is right. If I use the power of the awakened talent to evolve the Leaky Pot in the end, will Sukuna be beaten to a pulp?")

Looking at the two newcomers, Leaky Pot asked:

"Are the little devil and the white-haired one shields?"

Gojo Satoru: "Shields? No, no, I'm teaching this guy combat knowledge, just let go and fight."

Leaky Pot: "You actually took the initiative to bring a burden, how stupid."

Gojo Satoru: "It's okay..."

(Tendo Shinichi: "It's coming, classic scene.")

"Anyway, you're weak." (laughs)

A deafening sound erupted at the scene, and the three holes on the head of the Leaky Pot began to spit fire out, and the whole body burst out with unusual momentum and cursed power.

"Stop looking down on people (cursed spirits), you bastard!"

Yuji Itadori: "Is he... weak?"

Tendo Shinichi: "It depends on who you compare him with."

Gojo Satoru: "It's okay, Yuji, watch carefully."

Lekhu: "The field is unfolding! Cover the coffin with an iron mountain!"

As Lekhu chanted, a spherical barrier began to be constructed, enveloping the people inside, and magma flowed everywhere inside the barrier, surrounding the three people.

Yuji Itadori: "What is this!"

Gojo Satoru explained:

"This is the expansion of the domain. By consuming a huge amount of magical power, a natural domain with a spell cast on it is constructed around it. However, the advantage is also obvious. The spell cast on the domain will definitely hit."

Yuji Itadori: "Absolutely?"

Gojo Satoru: "Absolutely, but don't worry, there are countermeasures. The first is to fight against the spell. The second is to escape from the domain, but I don't recommend it because it is basically impossible. The third is the most effective way to fight against the domain, which is to suppress it with your own domain."

"Shinichi, do you want to try?"

Tendo Shinichi

I instantly understood what Gojo Satoru meant.

"You like to break the rules, as expected of you."

Loupu: "Go to hell! Gojo Satoru!"

"The domain is expanded, the infinite space", "The domain is expanded, the inner border of the walnut world."

Tendo Shinichi's domain is not lethal, so he builds the domain very quickly, and Gojo Satoru is not slower than Tendao Shinichi because his barrier is more mature.

Gojo Satoru and Tendao Shinichi expanded their domains at the same time, and the two forces began to fill Loupu's domain. In the three-way domain confrontation, the extremely high-performance infinite space and the top-level divine technique overwhelmed the coffin-covering iron enclosure mountain. After Loupu's domain was broken, the two domains were evenly matched and formed a balance, which would definitely cancel each other out.

Loupu was dumbfounded when he saw that his domain was completely suppressed.

Gojo Satoru: "Of course, if multiple parties deploy their domains at the same time, the weakest will be dealt with first, and the others... it all depends on the timing of the domain deployment and environmental factors."

Yuji Itadori: "What's the situation now?"

Shinichi Tendō: "The domains of Gojo Satoru and I are evenly matched. After suppressing the domain of the cursed spirit, we added our two must-hit abilities to it."

Yuji Itadori: "Hey! Both Shinichi-senpai and Gojo-sensei's domains are so powerful!"

Shinichi Tendō: "Let's get down to business first."

Gojo Satoru: "That's right."

Gojo Satoru brought Yuji to the side of the leaky pot, and then twisted off the leaky pot's head. Then Gojo Satoru and Shinichi Tendō lifted the domain to expose the scene inside. At the same time, Nozomi and Hanami stood on the cliff and saw everything below.

Nozomi: "If you want to save someone, go and save him yourself. My face cannot be seen by the people in the technical college."

Hanagi said in a language that Shinichi could not understand but understood:

"We are not human beings. We will never abandon our companions at any time."

After that, Hanagi went to rescue Louhu.

Nozomi: "Haha, a mere cursed spirit, you say nice things."


Gojo Satoru stepped on Louhu's face:

"Who is behind you?"

Lohu: "I won't tell you, you little bastard."

Gojo Satoru: "Tell me now. Otherwise I will kill you~ Even if you tell me, I will kill you."

A cursed spirit that almost failed to attract Shinichi's attention activated a spell, and a plant fell from the sky and stood between Gojo Satoru and Louhu.

The plant opened, and in an instant, the ground was covered with flowers. The fighting spirit of the three people standing in the range suddenly dropped.

Suddenly, a bunch of tree roots emerged from the ground, entangled Yuji and threw him into the sky. Shinichi Tendō predicted Hanami's operation in advance and moved his body to avoid the next tree root attack. While Gojo Satoru was distracted, Hanami appeared and took the leaking pot away. Shinichi Tendō used the Whirlwind Iron Fist to cut off the tree roots that entangled Yuji Itadori from the ground, and then caught him in a princess hug.

Yuji Itadori: "Thank you, Senior Shinichi."

Shinichi Tendō: "It's a small matter."

Gojo Satoru looked back:

"He ran away, forget it, let's get rid of him and his accomplices next time. By the way, Yuji, I hope each of you can defeat that cursed spirit."

Yuji Itadori thought for a while:

"Defeating that guy... It doesn't feel easy, no, it's definitely not easy."

Gojo Satoru: "It's not very difficult, the one next to you can do it."

Shinichi Tendō: "That's right That's true."

Yuji Itadori: "Even if you say that, I..."

Gojo Satoru comforted:

"Once you have a goal, just move towards it. Next, Yuji, you will not only watch the movie, but also fight with Shinichi Tendō. Finally, I will give you a few practical tasks."

After hearing the training arrangement, Yuji Itadori came to the middle of the two and bowed:

"Senior Shinichi and Teacher Gojo, please!"

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