Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch. Tendou Shinichi looked at Shibuya, calculating in his mind the time it would take for Wu Erluo to increase his value.

"You look worried."

After hearing Mingming's words, Tiandao Zhenyi turned around and replied:

"No matter how strong a sorcerer is, he is just a human being, and humans have weaknesses. The other party has planned for so long that he can't possibly take his life. Joking in front of the most recognized sorcerer."

Mingming: "Hmm..."

Youyou: "Gojo Satoru is such a lucky man to have his elder sister back him up."

Mingming: "Don't think of him as the same level as ordinary men."

Youyou retorted:

"Sister is also very different from ordinary women..."

Tiandao Zhenyi was looking forward to it without paying attention to Youyou's outrageous remarks. As the phone call came in. As expected, the two first-level sorcerers received the action order at the same time.

Mingming: "You also received it, the same [account] as Shibuya appeared at Meiji Jingu-mae Station, we have to go there too."

Tendo Shinichi: "Let's go quickly, try to follow... Forget it , I'll help you get there."

Tian Dao Zhenyi wrapped the two people with a walnut and created an internal space to eliminate vibration. After determining the direction, Tian Dao Zhenyi stepped back a few steps and punched the walnut to the target location.

"Sure enough, it's still The straight line is the shortest. "


After the two entered the station, the assistant supervisor who came to meet them provided the information they had at the current stage and sent them the map of the underground organization. Although Tiandao Shinichi really wanted to go down and play alone But Mingming is nominally a senior, so he can only follow. Just like the original work, Mingming used crows to scout the underground situation in advance, but the crows were quickly solved by the locust curse spirit.

Mingming: "Shinichi, in order to minimize the death of ordinary people, we have to act separately now. Exterminate a powerful cursed spirit or kill a group of weak cyborgs, which one do you choose."

Tiandao Shinichi: "A cursed spirit It's nothing to me, try to save your strength."

Youyou thought: "Is he looking down on my sister?"

Mingming: "It's a good suggestion, then we will enter from Exit 7 and rescue the ordinary people. And , but the cursed spirit that can change the soul is probably also down there, be careful. ”

Tian Dao Zhenyi: “You too, I will go there after I complete my mission.”

Then the two separated, and Mingming and Youyou entered from Exit 7 Afterwards, Mechanical Maru walked out of the building and met up with Tendō Shinichi.

Mechanical Maru: "Do we need to inform them of Geto Suguru's intentions?"

Tendō Shinichi: "No, even if Gojo Satoru is sealed in the Prison Gate, there is a way to release him. Now the focus is We need to wait until they think they have everything under control before revealing the whole plan."

As they spoke, the two entered the subway station from the entrance.

Locust: "These people are so disgusting."

The locust curse spirit who was eating dropped the half person in his hand after noticing someone coming down, and stared at the stairs vigilantly.

"Hey! Over there, who are you... ·”


Tendo Shinichi picked up a stone, attached a cursed power to it and threw it at the locust. The stone directly penetrated the right foot of the locust cursed spirit. The locust cursed spirit that was hit held its leg and turned around in place.

Tendo Shinichi: Where is your real body?"

Mechanimaru: "Outside the tent, to be exact, in the basement of a building next to Shibuya."

Tendo Shinichi: "Try to stay away from here. When the fight breaks out later, it may not just be Shibuya." will be destroyed."

Mechanical Pill: "Received."

The injured locust curse spirit became even more angry when he found that the person in front of him ignored him, and immediately lay on the ground ready to attack.

"I'm going to eat you to make up for my loss!"

The next moment, the locust curse spirit used its legs to rush towards Tiandao Zhenyi, who turned around and punched out. The fist directly touched the locust's head and then sank in. The locust curse spirit exploded from its head and finally turned into pieces.

(Mechanical Maru: "The curse spirit just now could speak, and its level should be around level 2. It was defeated with just one punch.")

And Tendō Shinichi at this moment The idea is: "This locust curse spirit is too weak. It is a world of difference compared to the ghost-level insect king. It can't bring any pressure at all." Tiandao Shinichi shook the liquid on his hand and walked towards the boarding [tent] of nails, picked them up and crushed them.

"How many mechanical pills did you place here?"

Mechanical pills: "Ten normal ones and one large one, as well as dozens of monitoring mechanical pills."

Tian Daozhen nodded slightly :


After Gojo Satoru is sealed, you go and inform the sorcerers and help them deal with the cyborgs. Then, as long as a large-scale battle breaks out on the battlefield, immediately take them away. "

Mechanimaru: "I understand, but... what kind of battle can be considered a large-scale battle?"

Tendou Shinichi smiled when he heard this:

"You will see, and when those two appear, you will understand why I asked you to do this."

At the same time, after dealing with the cyborgs stationed on the platform, Mingming also noticed it.

Youyou: "Sister."

"Yeah, I saw it, he is much faster than us. A cursed spirit is really nothing to him."

In the gap between the two people's conversation, Tendou Shinichi met the two through the No. 7 entrance.

Tendou Shinichi: "Keep going deeper, senior."

Mingming: "Yeah, Youyou, keep up."

Mingming's heart: "Fortunately, I exchanged recommended candidates with Toudou Aoi at the beginning, it seems that this operation will be easy. "

The three of them came to the next floor, but there was only one person on the platform that was originally covered by the [tent], and that person could not bear the transformation of the real person when the three of them arrived, and turned into a deformed monster.

Mingming: "Are you late?"

As early as the moment when Tiandao Shinichi destroyed the [tent], the real person controlled the train driver to drive the subway away, and took away a large number of cyborgs with him.

Tiandao Shinichi: "Senior, please leave first, I will go in alone."

Mingming: "Huh? Why?"

Tiandao Shinichi: "There may be an ambush if we go deeper... There are too many friendly people and I can't handle it."

Youyou couldn't hold it anymore:

"You are just a first-level sorcerer, but you dislike your sister for being a drag!"

Tiandao Shinichi: "Sorry, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Tiandao Shinichi had no choice but to enter the tunnel with two burdens. He didn't want to end the noose now, but it was difficult to let Mingming go with him. He was really annoyed now.

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