The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

Additional: Louhu has always known that Sukuna's character is not mortal, but he is willing to die for the future of curse. But if he has the ability to carry the banner, it is a question whether Sukuna, who has a blurred boundary, can survive.

Under the operation of the mechanical pill, the curse masters and sorcerers in the two outermost layers of the [tent] all learned the news. Both sides are very motivated. One side plans to go all out because there is no Gojo Satoru, and the other side has to go all out to regain Gojo Satoru. At the same time, because Gojo Satoru's capture is of great importance, Kyoto joins the battlefield.

Todou Aoi: "It's time to go, my brother."

Itadori Yuji: "Yes, we must get Gojo back!"

Kamo Kenki: "Let's go too, Nishimiya, you'll be in charge of reconnaissance in the sky."

Nishimiya Momo: "No problem"

Zenin Mai suddenly pointed in a direction:

"Something is coming here, it seems to be... Mechamaru!"

After seeing Mechamaru, everyone was ready for battle, but no one took out their weapons to fight.

Mechamaru: "You must have heard the broadcast, I did it. The most important thing now is to eliminate the enemy and get Gojo Satoru back. There's not that much time, so please let me help you."

"Mechamaru! Are you a traitor? Answer me, it's right here."

Miwa Kasumi asked, and seeing her eyes far away in the basement and Xingji's heart trembled, she really cares about herself.

"I can tell you all clearly about this matter. It is definitely not true."


Aoi Toudou: "You are all so hesitant. If it is not true, then tell us what we should do."

Kenji Kamo: "Prove it with your actions, Mechamaru."

Mechamaru's puppet body bowed to everyone.

"Thank you for your trust! Please leave it to me!"


In the underground tunnel, Mechamaru appeared in the form of a puppet and told the three people the news that Gojo Satoru was sealed.

Mechamaru: "The most urgent task now is to get the curse tool that seals Gojo Satoru, so... the situation has changed, and two curse masters are approaching."

Mingming: "Ignore the curse masters for now, keep moving forward and make sure Gojo Satoru is safe."

Mechamaru denied this approach:

"No, there are a total of four layers of [tents] in Shibuya now. The first layer is the [tent] that traps ordinary people, the second layer is the [tent] that traps Gojo Satoru, the third layer is the [tent] that does not allow curse masters to enter, and the last and largest [tent] is the same as the first layer."

Youyou: "That means that if you walk along the railroad tracks, you will be intercepted by the third layer of [tent] in the end."

Mechamaru: "That's right, so please listen to my plan, please."

Mingming threw the question to Tendō Shinichi.

"Shinichi, what do you mean?"

Tendo Shinichi: "I choose to believe him. From the previous investigation, the cursed spirit also wants to kill Jijiamaru, so at least he is the enemy of the enemy."

Mingming: "I understand, tell me."

Jijiamaru: "Thank you, Tiandao Shinichi as a high-end combat force to go to the upper level to deal with the special cursed spirit, Mingming you are responsible for repelling the curse master and guarding the tunnel, depending on the situation to decide whether to stay or leave."

Youyou: "What about me?"

Jijiamaru: "Whatever you want."

Youyou: "Then I will follow my elder sister!"

Tendo Shinichi: "Senior, I will leave this to you."

Tendo Shinichi's heart: "Finally got rid of the wife and sister control, I have to stretch my muscles when I get outside."

After the task was distributed, Tiandao Shinichi was about to leave when two curse masters arrived at the scene. When Tiandao Shinichi saw the two of them for the first time, he froze in place. It was not Ebi Jinci, but two strange men.

Strange Curse Master ①: "Don't be so anxious to leave, both of you."

Strange Curse Master ②: "If you leave, what will we exchange for money?"

(Tendo Shinichi: "I've never seen them before, I don't recognize any of them. It's impossible, why did the plot change? What did Nozomi do?")

Tendo Shinichi came to the conclusion after thinking about it, that is, as long as the uncertain factors are eliminated and the results become the same as the original plot, there is nothing to worry about. Shinichi immediately took action and wanted to get rid of the two people in front of him. But the result was that his body's movements were much slower than expected, just like you thought you could run faster than Bolt in a sprint, but it took you a full 20 seconds to run a hundred meters.

But through visual information, Tendo Shinichi found that other people's movements were slower.

Tendo Shinichi's inner

Heart: "It's not that I'm slower, it's that my thinking is faster, this is his technique."

Tendo Shinichi originally thought that this didn't matter, on the contrary, he was equivalent to being given a buff, and his reaction speed was stronger. However, this idea was quickly overturned in his mind. How could it be so good? Would the other party be stupid enough to stack buffs on the enemy? So there must be a reason why he added it to himself, Mingming, and Youyou. It can be determined that this technique is collateral damage, but what is the cost? Why haven't I felt anything wrong with my body until now? What is the difference between me and others?

Tendo Shinichi sorted out the existing information while his mind was running wild:

Mingming/Youyou: human female/male. Himself: a human male who evolved once and has embarked on the road to transformation into a monster. (doubtful)

Mingming/Youyou: Possessing one technique, strong/average physical skills. Himself: Possessing two techniques, extremely strong physical skills (irrelevant)

Mingming/Youyou: No soul protection. Myself: Soul protection given by God (irrelevant)

Mingming/Youyou: The brain of an ordinary sorcerer. Myself: A high-load brain modified by God (doubtful)

Tendo Shinichi turned his head and looked at Mingming and Youyou in less than one second of actual physical time. In this extremely short time, I thought for nearly two minutes and took action. If Mingming was the same as me, it would be impossible for her not to move. Either she couldn't move, or the time she experienced in her mind was different from mine. Thinking of this, Tiandao Shinichi basically determined what the price was. That is the load. The load brought by the overclocked brain can be borne by myself, but it is fatal to ordinary sorcerers. I belong to the one who relies on God, and I turned the debuff into a buff.

(Tendo Shinichi: "Just deal with those two people.")

After two seconds of actual physical time, Tiandao Shinichi came in front of the two people, but before he could go any further, he noticed a strange circle covering himself, Mingming and Youyou. At that moment, he felt that his fighting spirit was declining, and every part of his body felt a burning sensation of being soaked in strong acid. As his fighting spirit recovered, the discomfort disappeared. He was fine, but the other two might be completely destroyed by this inexplicable combination. Tiandao Zhenyi had no choice but to return the same way, otherwise he would not even have the chance to collect resurrection materials.

Tiandao Zhenyi returned to Mingming in time and built a walnut to wrap the three people, but the enemy's spell effect was still there. Without thinking too much, Zhenyi made a quick decision and directly opened a field that could just block the tunnel, and the two people's spells were completely neutralized.

In the field, Youyou knelt on one knee on the ground due to the unstable center of gravity, while Mingming felt dizzy and had a nosebleed. Although the two negative effects were removed, the damage caused in those few seconds exceeded Tiandao Zhenyi's imagination.

(Tiandao Zhenyi: "So strong? This lethality is comparable to a small infinite space.")

However, the fact is that it is impossible to have such an ability to affect the balance of combat power. That person paid the price of his life in exchange for successfully attaching the spell effect to the three people.

In actual physical time, the two curse masters immediately activated the spell after seeing a figure approaching quickly, and the spell of the other person generated a circle with a radius of 10 meters to cover the three people. Then Tiandao Zhenyi went back to expand the domain, the inner border of the Walnut Realm.

Curse Master ②: "Huh~~~ Fortunately, I activated the spell in time. Next, I just have to wait for them to turn into ashes."

Curse Master ② looked back at his companion. He collapsed to the ground and twitched all over. He was breathing poorly and died soon.

"Doesn't the bondage last until my spell ends? What kind of conditions have been added? He died directly... It's a pity, but I will help you spend your money well."

Such a strong spell cannot be without a price, so in order to be able to perform it successfully, he bound it, but he never expected that the price he had to pay to control Tiandao Zhenyi was his life. Although I don't know what the bondage he bound is, it is certain that this person both overestimated himself and underestimated Tiandao Zhenyi. His death was completely self-inflicted.


The technique is disclosed:

Time difference: The more intense the brain activity, the faster the mind goes wild, and the corresponding load is greater. The more stable the activity, the more blurred the perception of the surroundings. The duration of the effect depends on the strength of the person being attached.

Uncomfortable circle: The fighting spirit of the intelligent life in the circle will decrease, and they will feel inferior and self-denial. The longer they stay in the circle, the more obvious the effect will be. If they are not adjusted in time, their bodies will dissolve into their own negative emotions.

Since they became curse masters, the two have teamed up to commit robbery and theft, and used combined techniques to kill many people. The basic principle is: 1. Being connected

The more anxious and panicked the humans controlled by the spell are, the greater the brain load, and the faster they die. 2. The calmer they are, the slower they perceive time, and the longer they stay in the circle, the more they will be dissolved by their own negative emotions.


The three of them also roughly deduced the effect of the spell in the field, but the deduced period of time will also be recorded in the discomfort circle. Once the field is unlocked, these accumulated effects will explode on the three people. Tiandao Shinichi can withstand the other two people. They will die.

Tiandao Shinichi: "How do you feel now?"

Youyou: "My body can still move, but my thoughts are getting more and more negative, but I can hold on for my sister."

In Youyou's world, even if negative emotions dye the sky black, there is still the lighthouse of Mingming. But Mingming, who is difficult to be restrained, is much worse in the face of the discomfort circle.

Tiandao Shinichi: "Can you open a simple domain?"

Youyou: "I..."

Mingming: "To be honest, Youyou, the most important thing between sorcerers is trust."

Youyou: "No, sorry, sister, I'm holding you back."

Youyou's teleportation ability is very strong, but it takes time to activate. And facing today's enemies, every second counts.

Tiandao Shinichi thought to himself: "I can't waste time here anymore. Although it's a bit cruel, the safest way at present is to wait for them to die and then revive them, but this will expose them again, regardless of human life."

Just when Tiandao Shinichi was about to take a section of their hair as resurrection material, Mingming proposed his own solution.

Mingming: "I have a way. Some positive emotions should allow me to survive the time required to escape ten meters away."

Tiandao Shinichi smiled and said:

"Hehe~ I don't have any money to give you."

Mingming waved his hand to show helplessness:

"To be honest, I value life more than money now, so this kind of stimulation is probably useless."

Mingming lifted her hair and signaled Shinichi with her eyes to lock up Youyou with walnuts. Shinichi wondered why he wanted to lock Youyou up alone, but he still did it. After all, the senior must have his own deep meaning for doing so...


After the field was lifted, two adult-sized walnuts quickly flew out of the discomfort circle. Tiandao Shinichi was not stopped by the pain from his skin, but burst out at his fastest speed at this stage to come in front of the man. Tiandao Shinichi kicked the head of the living curse master into the wall with a roundhouse kick, and then did not forget to throw out two whirlwind iron fists to finish the knife.

It seems that he is still not satisfied, Tiandao Shinichi picked up the bodies of the two and resurrected them. Normal people are in a sleeping state after resurrection, but there is no time for them to sleep now. Tiandao Shinichi slapped each of them and asked:

"When did your ability awaken?"

The two looked at each other as if everything just now was just a dream, and immediately started the spell again.


Shinichi punched the abdomen of the two again, maintaining the force close to the level of damaging internal organs.

"I'll ask one last time... When did your ability awaken?"

At this time, the two began to panic.

"I'm sorry, sir, I really can't remember the exact time. It should be at the end of last year, after I was discharged from the hospital, I found that I had acquired this ability called the ritual."

"Me, me too, sir, please be kind and let us go, we promise not to appear in front of you again, and we don't want the money."

Tiandao Shinichi: "Fuck, it turned out that I threw the boomerang myself."

The two didn't understand what Tiandao Shinichi meant, but they still plucked up the courage to ask:

"Sir, can we leave?"

"It's time to send you off."

Tiandao Shinichi put his fingers together and turned them into a hand knife to behead the two. He didn't want these two guys to use the ritual he gave them to do evil.

After finding out the truth, he left the bodies of the two and came to Walnut. After Walnut was removed, Youyou and Mingming were revealed with a little burn on their skin.

Tiandao Zhenyi: "I caught up. Senior Mingming, you are really good at gambling."

Mingming: "At least I bet right, and I got some unexpected gains."

Tiandao Zhenyi: "Youyou, take your sister away, the next battle is not suitable for you."

Mingming: "Byebye~"

After the two left, Tiandao Zhenyi clenched his fists. It was too humiliating and too infuriating. As a time traveler who was familiar with the plot, he was played around by a virtual character. It was really against Tiangang. Maybe he shouldn't try so hard to hide his strength.

"You must be beaten by me before you leave!"


At this time, Noso was sitting in front of the prison gate waiting for him to deal with Gojo Satoru.

Noso suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said with satisfaction


"Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru, you don't really think I didn't take Tendō Shinichi into consideration, do you? Every one of your students is in my calculations. He is just like you, and it's not difficult to defeat him as long as he has a burden around him. The two people I found from the hospital are not strong, but their skills are good. If I'm lucky, I won't see Tendō Shinichi again after tonight. It doesn't matter if I can't kill him. I have asked the four great disasters to focus on the Zenin family's Tian and Jufu, who has the strongest physical skills... Ridiculous, after all, he is just a human being."

Noso looked like he was the only one sober among the drunk, but he didn't know that he would soon be deserted by everyone.

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