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Note: Various events caused Tuo Gen’s appearance to be delayed. According to the timeline of this book, it was revealed that Hu did not find Tuo Gen’s death first and then found the Polygonum cuspidatum, but found the Polygonum cuspidatum with Hua Yu first, and when the Polygonum cuspidatum ate his finger, Tuo Gen has not yet met the people directly adjacent to the monastery.

Second lead: Leak coral

Fuheishi'er: "Hey, accumulating too much pressure will affect your performance."

After hearing this, Tendou Shinichi turned around and responded:

"There's a better sandbag to use to relieve your anger."

Fuhei Shi'er: "Ha~ I'm just meddling in other people's business."

Now that [the account] has been settled, it's time to settle the account with Kensuo.

On the other side, although there was no participation from Hirohito Kizune, the combination of Fushiguro Megumi and Ino still succeeded in killing the curse master Awasaka Jiro, and released the third layer of [tent] by destroying two nails on his body. Unfortunately, both of them were injured. Fushiguro Megumi was still able to move and use techniques normally, while Ino's right leg was fractured. Although Ino can also use spells, he is just a loser right now.

Ino: "Damn..."

Fushiguro Megumi: "Ino-senpai, I'll ask Nue to take you to Glass-sensei. She can reverse the technique to treat fractures. It's not difficult for her."

Ino: "Thank you. I will return to the battlefield when my leg heals."

After arranging for Nue to leave with Ino, Fushiguro Megumi set off to find other partners.


The Kyoto side noticed the news that the [Account] was lifted and told it to Hisuhito Kizunae. However, the Kyoto side's duty is to eliminate the curse spirits and curse masters on the ground, so the only one who can move freely is Hisuhito Kyoto.

Todo Aoi: "I really want to fight alongside you, but it looks like you have to go alone first, Knotweed."

Knotweed Hisahito: "Well, bye."

Todo Aoi: "I'll look for you after I finish dealing with the cursed spirits here. Don't die."


Then Hishito Knotweed rushed to Shibuya Station without stopping.

Because Gomaki helped control the field on the ground, Hisato Hiroyuki was able to arrive quickly while acting alone, but when he rushed into the platform, it also meant that the long-awaited rising phase had found his target.

The rising phase: "Hiruto the Japanese knotweed!"

Without any hesitation, Zhang Qian used the red blood technique Bai Lian and then hit a blood-piercing strike.

(Hiruto Knotweed: "Move! Move!")

Hisuhito rolled forward to avoid the blood piercing. After seeing Hisuhito avoid the blood piercing, he wanted to decapitate Hisuhito by moving the blood line.

Seeing the bloody knotweed approaching him, Hishito kicked the wall next to him. After moving quickly through the reaction force, the knotweed stood up and rushed towards the rising phase. Relying on the extreme positioning of the tiger stick, he managed to get close to the rising phase without being injured, and counterattacked with the Jingting Fist.

Uprising used the force-reduction technique, jumped up slightly and caught Hisuhito's fist with his arms, and did not lose his balance even after falling back to the ground.

Knotweed Hisahito's heart: "It would be terrible if you get cut by that red thing."

Rising phase asked:

"Let me ask you, did my brother leave any last words?"

Polygonum cuspidatum doubts:

"younger brother?"

Rising phase: "They are the two people killed by you and Kugizaki Wild Rose."

Knotweed Hisahito: "I didn't say anything...but I shed tears."

Hearing this, Shanxiang entered a state of rage, and a large amount of curse power was transformed into blood and gushes out of his body.

"Bloody and bad-looking, your brother will avenge you!"

Under the control of the rising phase, a large amount of blood turned into a blood curtain and filled the interior of the corridor.

(Hiruto Kizuna: "Teacher said, if the goal is to win, then don't give the opponent a chance to use all his strength.")

The Japanese tiger stick Hishito, who is well versed in Shinichi's teachings, came to the rising phase despite the impact of the exaggerated visual effects of the blood curtain. This time, he did not choose to use the Jing Ting Fist. Instead, he attached the magic power to his fist and punched it with all his strength. The rising phase fell. The blood curtain and hardening it block the knotweed's fist.

The shield made of blood barely caught the knotweed's fist and sprouted spikes. The knotweed cannot dodge before being pricked, and the toxins in the blood quickly flow into the blood vessels. The attack hadn't stopped yet, so he put pressure on the shield to make it explode. In response, the tiger stick chose to use its magic power to protect its body and catch the flying spikes.

When Kizuna was defending, he jumped up and kicked Kizuna Hisuhito in the face. The powerful and heavy blow made Kizweed Hishito fly to the opposite wall.

Chang Xiang: "My brother was in more pain when he died than you are now!"

The rising phase sucked the scattered blood back into his hands and turned it into darts, throwing them at the knotweed. The knotweed stood up, dodged three darts, and caught one.

Yuji Itadori: "Give it back to you!"

Zhosho: "Hmph."

The dart thrown by Itadori only flew one meter in the air before turning into liquid blood and returning to Zhosho's hand. This time, it was really returned to him.

After calculating the distance in his mind, Zhosho launched the blood piercing again. This time, Itadori did not approach in a roundabout way but rushed straight to Zhosho. When the blood line was about to hit, Itadori shook his head, and the blood line flew out by brushing against Itadori's cheek, and the distance between the two was only two meters.

Yuji Itadori roared and hit Zhosho, who used the blood shield to catch it and counterattacked with spikes, but when Itadori was desperate, these minor injuries were not worth mentioning.

Itadori's hand passed through the blood shield and grabbed Zhosho's collar.

Zhang Xiang: "Nani!"

Ignoring the burning and stinging sensation on his skin, Yuji punched at Zhang Xiang's head one by one, making a series of noises. Soon, Zhang Xiang's head was covered with a layer of blood. If Zhang Xiang hadn't built a blood armor between his skull and scalp, his head would have been broken long ago.

Zhang Xiang was really surprised that there was such a fighting method, but he reacted quickly. He shaped the blood into the shape of a dagger and inserted it into Yuji Itadori's shoulder. Zhang Xiang knew that the latter didn't care about the pain, but he did this just to provide a position to exert force.

The blood blade that pierced into the body spread out and hooked the bone. Zhang Xiang threw Yuji aside with a sudden force and launched the blood piercing again. After landing, Yuji pulled out the blood blade on his shoulder in pain. He didn't have much time to think because the blood piercing had already arrived. Yuji rolled to the side to avoid the blood piercing and panted a little.

(Yuji Itadori: "If I hadn't been thrown aside, I would have definitely blown his head off.")

(Zhosho: "If it weren't for the fact that my blood poison didn't work, I would have killed you ten times.")

Finally, the clever Yuji Itadori entered the bathroom without the reminder of the mechanical pill, and the revengeful Zoso chose to follow Itadori into the bathroom. Then the activated fire sprinkler began to spray water.

Zoso: "So you want to dilute my blood with water."

Itadori: "Let's end the grudge here, or you don't dare."

Zoso: "Heh, if you think I will give up revenge because of this water, then you are wrong... I am their brother! Red scales leap!"

Zhosho's speed increased dramatically after entering the Red Phosphorus Leap, but... he was facing Yuji Itadori who had undergone special training from Shinichi Tendō. Previously, Yuji was at a disadvantage only because the technique was too versatile. If he only fought with physical skills, it would be like what Tendou Shinichi had said: Without Shinichi and Todou Aoi, Yuji could defeat the real person alone.

Zhang Xiang took the lead in attacking, but to Yuji, he was just a moving sandbag. Yuji came to Zhang Xiang at the same speed. He raised his hand to block Zhang Xiang's arm and punched Zhang Xiang's jaw, forcing him to raise his head and exposing his upper body weakness. Yuji seized the opportunity to hit Zhang Xiang's abdomen, where there was no sternum to block and there were more organs.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Xiang did not care about the blood clots and forcibly built blood armor on the front to resist the damage. And his hands were not idle either, his own blood turned into a blade and rushed out of the skin to stab Yuji. Through the touch generated by the strike, Yuji also found the blood armor on Zhang Xiang's chest, and then kicked out his left whip kick to repel Zhang Xiang.

Zhang Xiang held his abdomen and stood up slowly:

"I must avenge...my brothers..."

After seeing the other party's determination, Yuji Itadori did not intend to show mercy and was about to give him the final blow. At this time, Zhang Xiang suddenly roared and hugged Yuji Itadori. The blood on his fingertips coagulated and deeply embedded in Yuji's flesh. Zhang Xiang used Yuji's method. Zhang Xiang hugged Yuji and hit the walls, doors and sinks in the toilet.

Yuji naturally had a way to break the situation. He hit Zhang Xiang's head with his elbow. At the moment of the hit, Zhang Xiang felt that he could not hear in one ear, but the will to avenge his brother supported Zhang Xiang. He spit his blood on Yuji Itadori's face and then let go of his hand and threw the long-accumulated blood star at Yuji Itadori's head.

"Die! Yuji Itadori!"

With a bang, Yuji, who was hit on the side of his head by a blood clot, fell to the ground. Just as Shogo was rejoicing, Yuji suddenly stood up and punched Shogo in the side of his face. Now it was Shogo who fell to the ground. Looking back at Yuji, the blood clot on the left side of his head began to dissolve, and the previous blow did not penetrate the brain.

Yuji: "Since you have killed someone, you must be prepared to be exterminated."

Shogo thought: "So I can't even protect my brother... No! As a brother, I can't give up!"

Shogo stood up again:

"This is... the last red scale leap!"

Shogo rushed towards Yuji Itadori and the latter was ready to punch. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, until


Yuji Itadori: "Not good!"

Black lightning illuminated the dim toilet, and a punch from Shogo hit Yuji on the chin, causing him to fall to the ground with a concussion.

Shogo looked at his hand, feeling unbelievable, and at the same time thanking his brothers for their strength from the bottom of his heart. Just when he wanted to execute Yuji Itadori, the non-existent memory appeared.

After an unknown amount of time, Shogo escaped from the toilet like a child who had done something wrong, leaving Yuji alone.


As Shogo left, Nanako and Mimiko found Yuji Itadori who was alone and began to feed him Sukuna fingers.


Roku and Hanami (weak) arrived at Yuji's location.

Roku: "How many fingers did you feed him!"

Nanako: "I won't tell you."

Roku: "Then die."

Just as Roku was about to emit flames, Mimiko and Nanako suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Rohu: "Damn, they ran away."

Hana: "I didn't see the trajectory of their departure, it shouldn't be a speed trick."

"Although it's unexpected, we can still use it."

Rohu walked closer and took out Sukuna's finger.

Hana: "Do you really want to do this?"

Rohu: "I should do this."

Does he really want to do this after having the second choice? He doesn't want to, but his duty as a cursed spirit and the morality that shouldn't exist constrain Rohu, making him choose this path, as if the burden of reviving the cursed spirits is his alone.

Because there are two special cursed spirits, Mimiko and Nanako can only leave Shibuya unwillingly and plan to retake Geto's body. After they left, Rohu fed all 15 fingers to Yuji Itadori. The lines on Yuji Itadori's skin became deeper and deeper, and his consciousness became deeper and deeper. Rohu slowly left Yuji Itadori. He didn't want to be killed by Sukuna's waking up bad temper.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed abruptly, and Sukuna appeared. Evil, disgusting evil, powerful, trembling power.

Sukuna moved his body a few times and said:

"You raised your head too high."


The next moment, a slash passed in front of Sukuna. The small part of Hanamiya's body from the chest upwards collapsed on the ground, but he was not dead. Louhu knelt on one knee in time but still had his head cut off. Louhu was stopped just as he was about to help Hanamiya up.

"You are not allowed to pick it up if you are not told to. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Louhu: "······Nothing, we just want you to be completely resurrected, that's all."

Sukuna: "Boring, but your efforts are worthy of praise. Come on."

Louhu: "Hmm?"

Sukuna: "Just consider it as a return gift of the finger, as long as you can hit me once, I will let you do whatever you want. Take this sapling with you."

Hanayu: "I trust your judgment."

Louhu: "······"



The ground from the tunnel up was completely destroyed, and a large amount of bricks and concrete were thrown into the air. And in the smoke and dust, there were tree roots comparable to buildings and three "people" hovering on the tree roots. Sukuna suddenly braked, twisted his body and swung out a slash, Louhu lowered his body and half-knelt to avoid, and Hanayu jumped on the spot to avoid. Sukuna snorted disdainfully, and ran towards Rohu when the two cursed spirits dodged the slash.

Rohu: “Hmm!”

Sukuna reached into Rohu’s mouth with his right hand and grabbed his upper jaw, then threw Rohu at Hanami like a bowling ball. The impact of the two accelerations pushed the two cursed spirits off the giant tree.

In mid-air, Hanami sent a message to Rohu:

“I have a plan…”

“Is that all, cursed spirit!”

Before the cursed spirits landed, the frantic Sukuna had already swooped down, and the slashing waves generated by dozens of solutions fell like a guillotine.

After pushing Rohu to the side of the building, Hanami controlled the tree roots to drill out of the ground and wrap himself up. Hanami's tree roots are harder than rocks, but Sukuna's cursed power output is too great, and the output form is a slash with a very small contact surface. As expected, Hanami's tree root armor was cut off. Hanami changed her mind and gave up the technique to use the field extension and slash to keep her body intact.

"Your compatibility with my technique is really bad, hahaha~~~"

Sukuna grabbed the tree roots on Hanami's head and used her as a shock absorber, and then one person and one cursed spirit smashed straight into the residential building below. A 20-story building was smashed from top to bottom, and the internal circuits were all destroyed.

Sukuna: "Today's moonlight is really good, it allows me to see your ugly appearance."

(Hana: "The cursed power is running out, and the nearby plants can't support me. Expand

Domain, can only give up the retreat and bet the cursed power on the next attack! ")

Hanagi, who released the extension of the domain, thought of a way to weaken Sukuna through curse seeds, and took action immediately. After Hanami launched the spell, several flowers the size of an adult burst out of the ground and bloomed, spraying curse seeds at Sukuna's location, even if only one hit was useful.

(Sukuna: "The things in the exchange meeting should be living by absorbing cursed power.")

Sukuna didn't even look at those disgusting red seeds and directly chose to launch multiple unblockings to block the surrounding space. Curse seeds can indeed absorb cursed power from the slash, but

That's just a drop in the bucket, and the final result is still chopped.

Sukuna: "That's it? Try harder, otherwise this opportunity will be wasted. "

Hearing this, Hanami roared and activated the spell.

From the outside, Hanami was not idle when she launched the curse seeds just now, but used tree roots to completely wrap the building, and the foundations of the two buildings were also full of tree roots. Now she launched the spell again to create a closed space for Louhu to deal damage.

Sukuna: "So the curse power fluctuation just now was caused by this, then what?"

The roots of the trees underground and above the ground all exerted their strength to press the reinforced concrete building into an ellipsoid, and Louhu, who was waiting for the opportunity, had already accumulated power and completed the extreme range. The fireball fell and hit the ellipsoid that blocked Sukuna. At the moment of collision, all the nearby buildings collapsed due to the impact. The flames that shot up into the sky and the vibrations of the earth told everyone the power of this move.

Lohu didn't think it could hurt Sukuna, so when the flames had not yet dissipated, Louhu kept firing flame bombs into the ruins, and each firing lasted for a minute.

"Hey, what are you doing hitting the air there? "

Sukuna appeared behind Louhu holding Hanami's head.

Lohu: "Impossible! Didn't that move hit you?"

Sukuna: "Nothing is impossible. I think it's impossible just because you're too weak. If you want to hit, use your domain. No, you shouldn't dare to use your domain after Gojo Satoru defeated your confidence, hahaha~"


Sukuna: "Hmm?"

Lohu: "I overestimated my ability."

Sukuna was silent for a while and then said:

"Here, take it."

Sukuna threw Hanami's head. Louhu was about to get up to catch Hanami's head when Sukuna's slash cut it into pieces. Some of the blood fell on Sukuna's clothes and some splashed on Louhu's face.

Lohu widened his eyes and asked:


Sukuna: "Since you are not worth playing with me, there is no need for you to exist. Really... the sorcerers a thousand years ago were boring, and the cursed spirits a thousand years later are also so boring. Sure enough, we should kill both the sorcerers and the cursed spirits and keep humans as toys. "

After hearing this, Louhu was stunned.

"The era where Sukuna lived was not an era of curses at all. This is the era when Sukuna cursed the world!"

This sentence echoed in Louhu's mind.

After Hanami's death, his anger towards himself and the world reached its peak, and at the same time, the numb feeling appeared again and filled Louhu's whole body.

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