After a long voyage, the protagonist and Fushiguro Megumi successfully landed on the target island.

The two got off the boat and came to the shore. Fushiguro Megumi was attracted by the scenery not far away.

Fushiguro Megumi: "Is that... a building?"

Tendo Shinichi: "You read it right. During World War II, this place was developed as a supply station. After the war, there was no need to continue to maintain it. Now these buildings are left behind during the evacuation. Although there are some, they are much less than those in Neon."

After explaining, Shinichi turned around and looked at his junior.

"What's with the smile on your face?"

Megumi Fushiguro: "Nothing, I just think your gentleness is special."

Shinichi Tendou: "Warm... Never mind. By the way, are you ready? I won't be able to see clearly when the sun sets."

Megumi Fushiguro: "Yes, I'm ready, and I can start anytime."

Hearing this, the protagonist walked up to Megumi Fushiguro and put his hand on her.

"I'll give you insurance."

Shinichi Tendou activated the technique to wrap Megumi Fushiguro's body with a [walnut]. The spherical object gradually shrank until it could fit the surface of Megumi Fushiguro's body. Then the amber [walnut] shell gradually turned transparent so that Megumi Fushiguro could see the changes in the outside world.

Megumi Fushiguro: "It turns out that [walnuts] can also be transparent."

Tendo Shinichi: "A qualified sorcerer should also be clear about his spell. Think about it, you who were previously covered by the walnut can still breathe, which means that air can enter. Similarly, I changed the activation conditions of the spell to allow light to enter, so I can create a transparent [walnut]."

Tendo Shinichi studied the underlying principles of his own spell in his spare time. After studying, he had to admire the handwriting of the gods.

His own spell is like a multi-layered program. Each generated [walnut] has its own physical parameters, and each parameter corresponds to a piece of code. When the program is executed with the power of the spell, a [walnut] will be generated, which means that the spell is successfully activated.

After understanding this, as long as the biological program of the spell is modified, the parameters of the generated object can be changed.

Tendo Shinichi: "Not only that, you can also move."

Foshiguro Megumi moved his body doubtfully and found that he could indeed move freely.

He was shocked again. After all, he had seen the hardness of the [walnut]. It would not deform even if an atomic bomb hit it.

And now, the perfect shield wrapped himself like silk.

"What is the principle?"

Tendo Shinichi: "The original characteristic is "non-deformable", so injecting the negative energy obtained by multiplying the cursed power into the [walnut] can achieve the opposite effect. But you have to be careful not to get too close, otherwise the recoil may kill you."

It's easy to say, but it's not easy to make such a thing. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the deformation force can only come from the inside rather than the outside, otherwise the enemy can be killed without bloodshed.

Then, the two walked onto the former runway.

Tendo Shinichi took off his coat and threw it aside. The black tights wrapped around his muscular body with clear lines.

"Let's start."

Hearing this, Fushiguro Megumi squatted down and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Furube, Yura Yura, Eight-grip Sword, Unicorn God General..."

As Fushiguro Megumi chanted the taming spell, the environment around the two suddenly darkened.

As the Toad Shikigami and the Jade Dog Shikigami lined up to welcome him, the white cocoon of Mokorara appeared from the void.

The white cocoon broke, and Mokorara twisted his body to get out of it, and his white body gradually approached the shape of a human as it twisted. Finally, it changed to the state of his first appearance.

After summoning Mokorara, Fushiguro Megumi hurriedly left the place to make room for Shinichi.

When his eyes came to the protagonist, Shinichi Tendō ignored the Mokorara, who had a strong sense of presence, and moved his body on his own.

His hair turned from white to deep red, his eyes were bloodshot and revealed a beast-like look, and his breathing was no longer regular.

With the blessing of [Breathing Method], his body functions were significantly improved, and his muscles appeared fuller.

After entering the state, Tiandao Zhenyi lowered his body and took a fighting posture. At this time, his gesture was neither fingers aligned nor claw-like. Obviously, he did not intend to let Moxu Luo see these two attack modes so early.

The fully manifested Moxu Luo noticed the two people. After judging, it listed the protagonist who posed the greatest threat as the primary target of attack.

Moxu Luo walked towards the protagonist.

When he came in front of Tiandao Zhenyi, Moxu Luo raised his left hand and smashed at him. The next moment, Moxu Luo's left forearm flew to the side and fell to the ground.

Although its facial features were incomplete, it was still possible to see some confusion.

At that moment just now, Tiandao Zhenyi threw a punch, and Moxu Luo, who had not yet grown up, could not withstand that blow, so visually, its arm was torn off in an instant.

Moxu Luo did not choose to use his arm at the first time but continued to attack with his right hand. This time Zhenyi directly cut off Moxu Luo's right arm with a hand knife and then put his hand on Moxu Luo's abdomen.

Tiandao Zhenyi exerted force with one hand, and the palm he pushed out tore Moxu Luo's abdominal muscles and spine into pieces. After a bang, Moxu Luo's abdomen had a hole half the size of an adult.

The protagonist jumped on the spot and kicked Moxu Luo in the face with a right whip kick. The powerful impact kicked Moxu Luo to the end of the runway.

Tendō Shinichi shouted to Mokorō in the distance:

"Hearing, feeling, anything is fine. Grow up quickly. I didn't call you out just to waste time."

Fushiguro Megumi, who was watching Mokorō's battle for the first time in a sober state, was already surprised. It was not because of Mokorō (after all, he had not seen Mokorō's destructive power), but because of the speed and strength shown by Tendō Shinichi.

Fushiguro Megumi: "If Daddy fights against Senior Shinichi, it will probably be a quick decision."

Mokorō, who fell to the ground, clenched his teeth, and the muscles at the wound moved, filling the original gap and making it complete again.

Mokorō, who had completed his self-healing, rushed towards the protagonist. In response, Tendō Shinichi grinned and cut off Mokorō's legs at the knees.

Mokorō, who lost both calves, rolled towards the protagonist due to inertia, but soon he adjusted his balance and supported himself with his hands on the ground to continue attacking the protagonist.

"These are not enough, give me a stronger and faster attack!"

Tian Dao Zhenyi grabbed the palm that was slapping towards him, and used the force to throw back, smashing the ground with Moxu Luo's body.

It's not over yet, Tian Dao Zhenyi stepped on Moxu Luo's face with one foot and used both hands to pull off Moxu Luo's entire right hand, and grabbed the only remaining limb and smashed Moxu Luo to the ground like a meteor hammer.

Finally, Moxu Luo, who was beaten into a puddle, was thrown to the ground again.

During this period, Moxu Luo was analyzing the experience gained from the battle just now, but the Dharma wheel in the back of his head did not turn.

Even with its strong learning ability, it did not find that it had learned any attack mode, but only came to a conclusion: there was a big gap in hard power between them.

Based on this conclusion, Moxu Luo set his adaptation direction as "stronger physical fitness" and put it into action.

Moxu Luo, who was limp on the ground, was shaking all over, like a balloon being blown up.

Then his body was compressed and shaped, turning into a white giant with a height of nearly five meters.

Moxu Luo grinned, looking like he was smiling, as if he was very satisfied with his change.

Tiandao Zhenyi sneered at this, a bigger body means that Moxu Luo's own technical operation area has been compressed.

It would be more difficult if it could have a stronger physical fitness in a smaller body, but it chose to become bigger. If it continues like this, he will be no different from a sandbag in the end.

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