The truth is that the car was stolen, and the truth is that the car was stolen.

On November 10, a bizarre car theft in California appeared in the news, causing widespread discussion among netizens.

Some people think that this is a rumor and a simple hype, while others think it is some kind of terrorist act. While they were arguing with each other, the protagonist of this incident had just got off the plane.

The real person stretched his waist and walked off the plane.

"Ha~~~ This plane is small and bumpy. The experience is too bad. I'll choose a big one next time I take it."

The man pushed the person in front of him away and walked out.

Passerby A: "Why did you push me?"

Passerby B: "Are you blind? Who pushed you?"

Passerby A: "It's you! You were the only one behind me just now."

Passerby B: "Asshole! You've got the wrong person to bother you!"

The two of them started fighting for no reason, attracting the airport security.

Zhenren ignored the fight between the two behind him and walked towards the elevator while studying the map seriously.

"If I'm at this airport, where should I drive after I go out and rob a car?"

When he was worried, Zhenren found that he was almost out of the airport, and there were several people waving flags standing at the airport gate. They were tour guides for the tour group.

He picked up the name marked on the map and compared it with the English words on the flag, and found that they were exactly the same.

Zhenren: "I'm so lucky. There's a tour group to pick me up when I go out."

So, Zhenren got on the bus of the Washington DC tour group.

Zhenren sat in the back seat with his feet up on the front seat, listening to the explanation of the tour guide.

"It's better to be with Tiandao Zhenyi. The mission is much easier. You can reach the destination without doing anything. Except that I can't understand the bird language of this tour guide."

The driver didn't realize that he was about to transport a killer to the presidential residence, repeating the work day after day.


Finally, the bus stopped near the white building, and the noise of tourists getting off the bus woke up Zhenren in the back.

The bus drove for a long time, and Zhenren felt that he had slept for at least two hours. He stood up lazily, lifted the curtain on the window and looked out.

"This building is quite white."

Zhenren followed the passengers to get off the bus and followed the tour guide to the main entrance of the White House. He walked out of the team and slowly climbed over the fence and iron gate and walked inside.

The defense line here is divided into two lines:

The first line is the ground, which is divided into the outer circle, inner circle, and core circle. The Presidential Secret Service, the Army Command, and the police stations of various states in the Special District take turns to perform security tasks. The second line is the air, which is divided into five parts.

These two lines of defense add up to at least 10,000 people, and there are also various technological monitoring and defense such as satellites and missile systems.

But what's the use of that? If you can't see it, it means that the defense is invalid, and even if you see it, you can't hurt the real person.

Real person: "The main building and the east and west wings have a total of 6 floors. The president seems to live on the second floor of the main building. But it's daytime now, so he should stay in the office, right? The office is on the west side, let's go and take a look first."

Passing through the tightly guarded doors and passing by people who are waiting for battle, the real person finally arrived at the president's office, and the office was not closed yet.

The real person entered through the crack in the door. At this time, the president was communicating with the commander of the Joint Special Operations Command, Lieutenant General of the Army, Gale Johnson, on the phone.

Commander: "Mr. President, it's almost mid-November now, why don't you send troops?"

President: "That person hasn't contacted us yet, and it's risky to send troops rashly."

Commander: "From the attitude of the Japanese guy, we can see that the plan of the charlatan has succeeded. Now is the time for us to send troops. What if he dies for some reason, do we have to stay here and give up the initiative?"

The president was still a little hesitant after hearing this.

"Can it be done more cleanly? I still have an election behind me."

Commander: "Don't worry, my soldiers have always performed their tasks cleanly and neatly."

President: "Then I'll leave it to you, Commander Johnson."

Commander: "Got it, my soldiers will set off from the **** military base today."

After the call, the president sat in a chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

Real person: "Huh? I'm late? Hiss~~~ Go back and make up an excuse."

At this time, a maid walked into the room.

Maid: "Excuse me, Mr. President, do you need a cup of coffee?"

President: "Give me a cup."

When the maid finished pouring the coffee, the president once again

Received a call. Zhenren took the opportunity to step forward and slammed the documents on the president's desk to the ground.

President: "Who hired you? You are so clumsy."

After that, the president turned around and continued to answer the phone.

Maid: "Sorry, I'm causing you trouble. I'll clean it up now."

While the maid leaned over to clean up, Zhenren picked up the coffee and tasted it.

(Zhenren: "Ugh~ It's not tasty.")

With a puff, Zhenren spit all the coffee on the president.

President: "Oh, my god! Get out!"

The maid was scolded and left, leaving only the president and Zhenren in the office.

After answering the phone, the president sat back in his chair and played with the eyes that could see the curse spirits given by the noose.

President: "Why did you go to so much trouble to let me send troops..."

He put on his glasses, and then he saw Zhenren sitting cross-legged on the table.

The president was frightened and stood up.

"You, you, you, how did you get in, security! Security... Um"


The real person put his finger on his lips to signal the president not to speak, and then he picked up the family portrait of the president's family on the table and looked at it.

President: "Don't, don't kill me! I still have children, I can give you anything!"

The real person: "Take another look, this is the last time~"

President: "No, don't, please."

The president knelt down and kowtowed on the spot, and the real person laughed when he saw it.

"Don't worry, I will do it very cleanly. Although I have never been a soldier, I also do things cleanly, Mr. President."

"Inaction transformation..."

The real person activated the spell to turn the president into a cyborg and swallowed it into his stomach. The president of America in 2018 has disappeared since then. However, some people are happy and some are worried. Now that there is one less competitor, the presidential candidate of another party can find a way to come to power.

Real person: "Alas~ There are less than 10 cyborgs in stock now, which is really distressing."

Suddenly, he remembered the words of the protagonist a few days ago: "Do it yourself, I don't care what specific method you take."

Real person: "Then turn all the people here into cyborgs. After all, I am doing justice for the heavens, hehe~"

In the next few hours, the real person will turn all the public officials in the White House into small cyborgs to replenish the inventory. If there is no more, he will enlarge them and throw them into the room to give a blind box surprise to the people who investigate later.

During this period, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Affairs of the United States, the person who helped Nose to make connections, and the black-skinned woman who instigated the president to agree to send troops, also "became" human again with the help of the real person.

After doing all this, the real person quickly left the White House and ran away.

After arriving on the road, the real person saw a child riding a bicycle.

"The car is nice."

The real person stepped forward and kicked the boy off the car, got on the car and left.

"You give me Luda, ba~ga~"

The real person ignored the people chasing behind him and rode his bike towards the Pentagon next door. Adhering to the principle that the straight line between two points is the shortest, the real person rode less than four kilometers to reach the Pentagon.

After arriving at the second destination, the real person used the same trick to sneak into the facility. On the top floor of the facility, the real person stretched his muscles and turned his feet into hooves.

The real person: "Ready... Run!"

The real person first transformed the people in the monitoring room into cyborgs, and then ran around inside the facility, turning all the humans he saw passing by into cyborgs.

Because the building has a total of five floors and the total length of the corridor is nearly 28 kilometers, the real person moved for a while, and the previous cyborgs were discovered, but this did not affect the real person to continue his tricks.

When he saw a large number of armed personnel entering the facility and shooting the cyborgs, the real person planned to leave.

Coincidentally, when the survivors retreated, the real person found another mission target. Commander, Gal Johnson.

Zhenren followed his bodyguards and boarded a helicopter to the military base.


Escorted by the armed helicopter, the group arrived at the military base. Zhenren remained invisible and followed the commander.

Commander: "How is the president?"

Secretary: "Not sure yet. There is no news from the White House."


Commander: "It must be that charlatan from Japan. He should have been killed on the spot with long-range weapons."

Secretary: "Then about sending troops..."

Commander: "Send! Keep sending! Although I don't know if the president is alive now, he has approved this matter before. This time, bring back all those damn sorcerers.

Come and be the guinea pig! "

The commander said very excitedly, and the real person was also very excited to listen to him.

(The real person: "So it came from here, now there is a way to go back, I am also very lucky today.")

That night, the fully armed soldiers boarded the transport plane to Neon.

When the commander was alone, the real person took the opportunity to turn him into a cyborg. After throwing him into the toilet and flushing him into the sewer, the real person also successfully caught up with the plane.

This time, the Americans dispatched about 800 soldiers and used several transport planes.

The real person who was in it planned to transform everyone in the transport plane into cyborgs after landing, and then take these cyborgs to surround and kill other soldiers.

Maybe he can run into Hua Yu at that time. The two cursed spirits will join forces to deal with these so-called well-trained soldiers, which is as easy as killing chickens and dogs.

Although the real person did not stop the dispatch of troops, he could still prevent them from entering the barrier and becoming living sacrifices, and his visit had already dealt a heavy blow to the interior of M country.

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