The flying objects continued to fight for five minutes. Although Shi Liulong was overwhelmed by joy, he still felt something was wrong. Shi Liulong: "Even though his total amount of mana is much less than Yuujitsu, he can fight me for so long at this speed of consumption and output. I am really looking forward to this meal." Tiandao Shinichi stopped the offensive first, stopped circling and stopped in front of Shi Liulong. His footprints on the ground had a line of words in addition to a circle. [That's it? ? ? ] Shi Liulong stared at Tiandao Shinichi with wide eyes. "Since you didn't enjoy the fight, why did you stop?"

Tendao Shinichi: "Because you will die if you don't defend yourself."

Tendao Shinichi pointed to the sky, where hundreds of spell energy bombs were stationed, and now they began to fall freely.

Seeing the bombs falling one by one, Shi Liulong gathered spell energy in his head again and fired shock waves to intercept them.

A loud bang was heard, and a thick beam of light shot straight into the sky, then split into a large number of branches.

Although Shi Liulong's shock wave can split and track, it seems a bit powerless under the attack of so many energy bombs.

Shi Liulong: "Not good!"


The remaining energy bombs exploded the moment they touched the object, blowing up the building where Shi Liulong was, and the circle with a radius of 200m became an open space.

Shi Liulong: "It turns out that being knocked down hurts so much."

Tendo Shinichi bounced off the rubble that flew to his face and said to the smoke:

"Don't die so soon, big head."

A friction sound was heard, and Shi Liulong pushed away the stone slab on his body and walked out of the ruins.

Shi Liulong: "Of course not, I haven't eaten yet."

In the past, Shi Liulong had achieved a good position with his own strength, fought against stubborn enemies, and met a good partner. There is no big regret in his life, and the people around him think so.

However, from beginning to end, he has never encountered the spice of life, a satisfying dessert that can be used to end.

He needs an opponent with good compatibility and strong strength, and it is best not a sorcerer with special abilities like Wu Lu Hengzi. (Analogous to Boros not expecting to fight with a superpower like Tornado)

In the original work, it was Otsutsuko Yuta who had the shikigami Rika who satisfied him, relying on a single curse output of huge moves and strong physical strength.

Shi Liulong: "You, Tendao Shinichi, I will rely on you to take care of the remaining regrets of my previous life."

Tendao Shinichi: "Really? Then let's fight."

Shi Liulong: "Fight!"


The next moment after Shi Liulong finished speaking, Tendao Shinichi came in front of him, and the wind generated by his movement made him unable to open his eyes.

(Shi Liulong: "So fast! When!")

Although he was very surprised, a real man would not back down.

Shi Liulong threw a punch with a stable mentality, and the attack was instinctively bounced off before approaching Tendao Shinichi's abdomen, and his fist hit the air on the side.

In the original work, Garou used this move to bounce off a water column full of corrosive liquid.

Although he did not use a single move, the memory that had been engraved in his body allowed him to rely on instinct to unload and counterattack.

Shi Liulong is now different from the calmness in the original work. Instead, he is in an excited state and shows his physical skills to Tendao Shinichi with all his strength.

His moves hit the vital points, and he probably had good killing skills in his previous life. Unfortunately, in this world view, no physical skills can threaten the protagonist. [Liu Shui Yan Shattering Fist] is enough to dominate the low-level martial arts world.

The protagonist can block all of Shi Liulong's moves with just two moves. Even if he is faster than a bullet, he can't hit the protagonist.

Tian Dao Shinichi: "Your instantaneous burst of cursed power is good."

Shi Liulong laughed when he heard it.

"My punch full of cursed power will knock the car away, but you are fine. It's too unfair."

Ten Dao Shinichi: "Strong, so it's reasonable."

Shi Liulong increased the output of cursed power and tried to knock Tian Dao Shinichi and the ground he was on together.

Tian Dao Shinichi turned from defense to offense and moved forward against the gushing cursed power. With one punch, he knocked Shi Liulong away. The attack was not over yet, Tian Dao Shinichi grabbed Shi Liulong's ankle in the air and smashed it to the ground.

Bang! After a tremor, the ground broke apart. Shiliulong vomited blood from his mouth and his eyes rolled back.

Tendo Shinichi attached the cursed power to the surface of Shiliulong and threw it towards a building. Shiliulong flew out like a cannonball.

With a loud bang, the building

The building collapsed, and a large amount of concrete debris flew up, making it difficult to see what was going on inside. Seeing this, Tiandao Zhenyi clapped his hands with his arms full of energy, and a large amount of air moved to blow away the smoke.

Before the protagonist could take the next step, Shiliulong, who had adjusted his posture in the ruins, sent out a Granida shock wave to counterattack.

Too lazy to use the spell power again, Tiandao Zhenyi put his fingers together, and rotated his hands in front of his chest with a strange movement, and soon the shock wave arrived.

The two collided, and the shock wave that was enough to smash the building was rebounded by the water secret, and it was dispersed into several waves and flew to the side when it approached the protagonist.

The scattered shock waves penetrated the buildings on both sides of the street behind the protagonist, and then flew away.

Shiliulong: "Nani!"

Tiandao Zhenyi, who bounced off the shock wave, came to Shiliulong with great momentum, grabbed the latter's face and pressed it into the ground.

Tiandao Zhenyi: "Are you full?"

Shi Liulong, whose face was pinched, stammered:


Shi Liulong exploded again, and the randomly erupted energy cannons collapsed the position occupied by the two people, exposing the appearance of the lower sewer. The protagonist was sent into the air by the recoil, but he was still fine.

Tiandao Zhenyi adjusted his posture and fell from the air, standing not far in front of Shi Liulong.

"I'm bored now, I'll give you a chance to go all out, although the result will definitely still make me bored."

Shi Liulong stood firm, lifted his hair with both hands, and took a deep breath and exhaled.

Shi Liulong: "You are so powerful, you also lack dessert. In this case, I will at least give you some frosting!"

Shi Liulong intertwined his hands, turning his palms outward.

Out of respect, Tiandao Zhenyi bent his left index finger and thumb and changed his gesture.

"Domain expansion!", "Domain expansion."

Hand seals were made, the spell was chanted, and two closed spheres appeared out of thin air. The battle of domains began, and the barrier spells were mutually depleted.

Soon, Tendō Shinichi's domain became more mature, and he successfully took control. After smashing Shiliulong's domain, he completed the construction and locked the two inside.

Shiliulong inside the domain was slightly surprised for a while, but immediately returned to his previous smile.

Shiliulong: "Thank you for not carrying a sure-kill spell in the domain, so please appreciate my sincerity!"

When Shiliulong finished this sentence, Tendō Shinichi clearly felt a surge of mana inside the domain.

Full power, maximum output Granida shock wave, participate.

The protagonist unlocked the domain and entered the spell fuse period, and could only operate the mana. However, he may basically not need mana in the future. Shiliulong also entered the fuse period, but his spell was to release mana, so whether it was fuse or not had no effect.

Tendō Shinichi: "Your strength is good among all the sorcerers, and your efforts are worthy of praise."

Although Shiliulong is not a pure martial arts fanatic, he has the kind of unadulterated desire and pursuit for fighting, which is admirable.

Fighting is a spice in boring life for Shiliulong and Sukuna, and their performances are completely different.

If you have to say the difference, Shiliulong is a customer who goes to a dessert shop with great expectations, and Sukuna is a customer who goes to a dessert shop and thinks he is a taster.

The former hopes that his taste buds can be conquered by desserts, while the latter forces his taste buds to conquer desserts.

The ten-meter-wide cursed cannon rushed towards Tendō Shinichi like a waterfall.

Facing this blow that was enough to kill the special class, Tendō Shinichi remained calm and used the water formation to create an invisible barrier in front of him.

The shock wave hit the "barrier" and spread around like water spraying on the baffle, until Shiliulong's curse power reached the bottom, and the shock wave could not enter any further.

After the attack, Shi Liulong collapsed to the ground with his curse power exhausted but satisfied.

On the other hand, Tendō Shinichi's fist was steaming, obviously because of the heat from the shock wave just now.

After the battle, Tendō Shinichi walked to Shi Liulong and sat down.

Shi Liulong: "Thank you, I'm full, how about you?"

Tendō Shinichi: "I'm better than nothing, there is no one in this world who can fill my stomach."

Shi Liulong: "Sure enough... then your life is too regrettable."

Tendō Shinichi suddenly recalled the battle on the uninhabited island.

"My desire to fight was satisfied once."

Shi Liulong: "Is that so... you won't kill me?"

Tendō Shinichi: "There is no need for that. The sorcerers nowadays don't kill as indiscriminately as in ancient times."

Shi Liulong sat up suddenly after hearing this.

"But the essence of strength will not change. Those who can surpass their limits and become stronger are those who care about themselves without caring about others."

Tian Dao Zhenyi: "The so-called becoming stronger is to overcome the original shackles and the test of life and death. I am in front of you.

That's how I grew up."

"Strength is achieved through deeds, not words. The sorcerers of all generations thought so because they were human beings, that's all. Besides, strong people don't have wild thoughts. It's the weak who worry about trivial things."

"Alas, although I hate preaching, I still keep talking every time. "

Kurogi Hiroko had the same idea, because she witnessed Sukuna's heyday a thousand years ago. But if the protagonist was also a person from a thousand years ago, the legend of Sukuna would not have happened at all. People would only pass on the real power by word of mouth until it was regarded as imagination by later generations.

The fear represented by (one's) monster Garou is deep and absolute, with heavy oppression in momentum, despair with no boundaries in strength, vitality that cannot be completely eliminated, and learning ability that is difficult to match.

Justice is beyond common sense, evil is unreasonable, and Garou is the representative of this kind of power.

Sukuna is really a trick.

First of all, he was born strong, with an extra pair of hands and a mouth, a total amount of cursed power and learning talent that ordinary people can hardly reach, and a natural technique that is not too bad for any type of magician. These are the capital to do whatever he wants.

The inhuman weird appearance and the act of killing innocent people deepened people's impression of him. A large part of Sukuna's fear is based on the fear of death.

When a powerful monster that may take your life at any time for no reason stands in front of you, it is mostly false to say that you are not afraid.

Therefore, the original "extremely self-centered because of strength" has changed into "extremely powerful because of self-centeredness" with the transmission of words, which cannot withstand the slightest scrutiny. However, under the halo effect of the cursed king, no one will pay attention to this. People will only blindly follow the truth of the strong.

If the two were in the same era, the former would be passed down as a demon and the latter would become an unknown disaster. The loser would not be remembered and beautified.

Shi Liulong: "It turns out that the thoughts of modern people have evolved into this. It seems that I have to learn from you. I have decided that I will do a great career in the rest of my life."

Tendo Shinichi: "Are you regretful again?"

Shi Liulong: "Haha, how can humans be satisfied. In ancient times, making achievements was nothing more than fighting on the battlefield, but I don't see any honor or value in working for those incompetent officials. "

Tendao Shinichi had a flash of inspiration and offered an olive branch.

"Follow me, I can use talents like you."

Shi Liulong: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

The loud noises from a distance interrupted the conversation between the two. They looked in one direction and saw that the battle between Otsutsuki Yuta and Urusi Hengzi was not over yet.

Shi Liulong: "By the way, why did you choose me as your opponent, although I am very satisfied."

Tendao Shinichi: "To be honest... I am not good at beating women."

Shi Liulong: "Ah? ”


When Tendō Shinichi was playing with Sekiryu Ryu, Otsutsuki Yuta was beaten by Karusu Hiroko's technique and felt very frustrated.

During the game, Otsutsuki Yuta was puzzled by Karusu Hiroko's efforts and inadvertently said something that touched the other party's reverse scale, such as "Why do you have to live for yourself?"

Kuruusu Hiroko was the captain of the former assassination unit Sun Moon Star Jin Team. He had no name or surname until one day he got the name Karusu Hiroko at the instruction of Fujiwara clan. On that day, he betrayed the original owner of the name and was sentenced to death for "killing his own clan." "

She thought that Yuta Otsutsuki was a descendant of the Fujiwara family, and coupled with her own disgust for hypocritical nobles, her output rose to a higher level, and Yuta Otsutsuki's sword was broken, which led to the aftermath of the battle that attracted the attention of the protagonist and the direct current dragon.

Looking at Yuta Otsutsuki's ease, Wu Lu Hengzi also noticed Yuta Otsutsuki's tenacity. But she wanted to torture Yuta Otsutsuki in the first place, and now this is in line with her wishes.

Yuta Otsutsuki: "The battle on Shinichi's side is over, so I can't drag it on any longer, otherwise I will be laughed at."

Wu Lu Hengzi: "Huh? You mean you didn't use your full strength before."

Yuta Otsutsuki took out the boxing glove-shaped curse tool and put it on his hand. His whole momentum changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to reveal the internal patterns.

"No, accurate, move."

Wu Lu Hengzi: "What?"

When she was confused, she realized that her body could no longer move.

Wu Lu Hengzi: "Snake eyes and teeth, curse word technique! ”

Unlike the original work, which requires a 5-minute connection with Rika to use the spell, Yuta Otsutsukota can use his spell freely at any time.

Because the curse was lifted, Rika's soul was free, and there is no cursed spirit Rika anymore.

Because of Tendou Shinichi's intervention, Rika Kimoto's soul did not enter reincarnation but returned to the human world, so the shikigami Rika was not placed on Yuta Otsutsukota.

The holder of the Shikigami Rika, who stored the curse and curse of her first life, was Rika Kimoto herself, who had completed her training abroad and cleared a large number of cursed spirits outside the barrier in China.

The two people who were forced to break the connection had the capital to ascend to the special grade.

The pure love god of war launched a charge, and after a run-up, he jumped in front of Wu Lu Hengzi.

His fist hit Wu Lu Hengzi's body mercilessly. With the explosive power of his own cursed power and the increase of the cursed tools, Wu Lu Hengzi couldn't bear this beating at all.

She was beaten to vomit blood, and her white body was immediately bruised. Those who play pure love will not be gentle with you.

Before falling, Yuta Otsutsuko kicked Wu Lu Hengzi to the roof next to him, and he quickly rushed to the roof after landing.

Wu Lu Hengzi: "1000 years ago, it was the Fujiwara family, and 1000 years later, it is still the Fujiwara family. Are you so afraid of me!"

Otsukotsuki Yuta: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Without paying much attention to Wu Lu Hengzi's words, Otsukotsuki Yuta plucked a few hairs and turned into a shikigami and flew towards Hengzi.

Hengzi showed disdain and used a spell to deflect and destroy the shikigami's trajectory. But when her spell ended, the three-dimensional space returned to its original position, and the original shikigami's trajectory turned into a field and scratched Wu Lu Hengzi's skin.

At this moment, Wu Lu Hengzi also understood that Yuta Otsukotsuki's spell was [Imitation].

The two collided again, and Yuta Otsukotsuki's attack became more and more fierce. Seeing this, Wu Lu Hengzi had to switch from offense to defense to avoid injury.

Yuta Otsutsuki: "I don't know what my ancestors did to you, but if there is nothing to protect, no one to love, and you live only for yourself, you will become confused and boring, and then you will commit atrocities."

Kurosuke: "Shut up! You are just a stinky boy, what do you know!"

Kurosuke broke out and successfully used the Umora bullet to distance the two people, and then she crossed her arms across her chest.

Yuta Otsutsuki saw what she wanted to do, and immediately changed her gestures and began to make seals.

"The field is unfolded!", "The field is unfolded, true and false love."

Just when the two were about to fight the field, Heimushi appeared on the battlefield with a rotten sword and flapping wings.

To be precise, it was the child born by Heimushi through parthenogenesis before the battle. After Heimushi died, it inherited the curse power gathered by the Japanese because of their fear of cockroaches, and was born again in the world as a curse spirit.

Hei Mu Si: "Your blood is all mine!"

Tendo Shinichi: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hei Mu Si's calculations were very good, but the protagonist knew all the contents of the comics before Otsutsuki fought Sukuna.

The protagonist fell from the air and punched Hei Mu Si's head, mashing it to the ground and turning it into cockroach sauce.

This time, Shi Liulong finally saw the true strength of Tendō Shinichi after he didn't let him play.

On the other side, two spherical structures appeared out of thin air and overlapped each other. The field battle began, and the winner was immediately determined.

Battle result: evenly matched

This also explains why Otsutsuki Yuta had to kill Sukuna before the end of the fuse of his technique in the decisive battle, because he had no advantage in the field battle, even Gojo Satoru and Sukuna's field battle were only evenly matched.

Wu Lu Hengzi: "It seems that neither of us has an absolute advantage."

Otsutsuki Yuta: "No, I can exert my full strength here, and this is the biggest advantage."

Otsutsuki Yuta took off the cursed tool, pulled out the katana transformed by the ritual and rushed towards Wu Lu Hengzi.

Wu Lu Hengzi couldn't beat Otsutsuki Yuta in the outside world, let alone in the domain.

Outside world,

Shi Liulong: "Neither of these two people's domains seems to be dominant."

Tendo Shinichi: "But it's almost over."

The battle inside the domain ended quickly, and soon the sphere representing the domain barrier broke apart.

Wu Lu Hengzi flew out of the barrier and fell to the ground unconscious, with bloody teeth marks on his forearm. Otsutsuki wiped his mouth and walked out as if nothing had happened.

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