The fire was extinguished, and the fire was extinguished.

Zero: You see, my technique. "

Fushiguro Megumi: "It's almost the same, but it feels different from the real scene."

Zero made the technique public to improve the effect of the technique.

"My technique [Re-contract] is to redeem the contract again, like this..."

Zero threw out a receipt, and the receipt burned and attached the effect to Zero, who was now full of energy.

Effect content: Three days and two nights package at a five-star hotel, including essential oil care and other contents.

Zero: "I can maintain the best fighting condition by doing this, and you are already injured. As the battle progresses, the injuries will increase until you are exhausted and lose to me. ”

Megumi Fushiguro suddenly spoke:

“You are wrong. The best combat state is never just the best physical state.”

Reiji: “Ah?”

Megumi Fushiguro: “Senior said that only when the mind completely controls the body and the body completely adapts to the battle can it be the best combat state. Too much preparation will affect the original strength.”

Reiji: “Hehe~ You are a stubborn kid. So what? You have used multiple shikigami in succession. Your cursed power and energy are almost unable to keep up. How do you plan to deal with me?”

If it is the original work, Megumi Fushiguro will run away first, but now there is no need.

Listening to Reiji’s analysis, Megumi Fushiguro was disdainful.

“Are you done? I will expand the domain after that.”

Reiji: “Tsk, just...what?”

Hand seals were made and the spell was chanted.

“The domain is expanded, and the dark courtyard is integrated! ”

The barrier was constructed, and a sphere with a radius of ten meters appeared out of thin air and wrapped the two people.

The barrier was filled with shadows, and an object symbolizing the ritual appeared behind Fushiguro Megumi, and its roots extended outward.

After the baptism of the black flash, Fushiguro Megumi completely mastered the way to unfold the field, and obtained a high amount of field blessing after the field was unfolded.

Rei Shi: "You actually!"

Foshiguro Megumi: "What? I didn't say I didn't have a trump card."

Rei Shi immediately intertwined his hands and used the secret technique of Mixu Gelang, which is the prototype of the new Yinliu simple field. It can offset the effect of the must-hit by neutralizing the field.

However, the only must-hit that Fushiguro Megumi really needed to use was the collision of Guanniu, so he did not add a must-hit to the field at all, and a simple shikigami attack was enough to hit Rei Shi.

When Rei Shi was entangled by the toad's tongue, he also realized this.

Foshiguro Megumi: "Do you think you are very smart?"

Rei Shi: "Stinky boy! "

Without saying much, Fushiguro Megumi conjured up two clones to attack Reiji.

In single-round physical skills, Reiji was a little stronger than Fushiguro Megumi, but facing the punches and kicks of three shadow Fushiguro Megumi who could change positions at will, Reiji could not resist at all.

Fushiguro Megumi's attacks were aimed at the vital points. If one move missed, he would use three moves. There was always one of the three Fushiguro Megumi that could hurt Reiji.

Once Reiji wanted to counterattack Fushiguro Megumi, he would retreat immediately and never fight. When a soul player stopped being greedy, the boss was not far from death.

Within ten seconds of getting close, Reiji had been beaten to spit blood and lose teeth, and his body was covered with bruises.

After being kicked away, Reiji conjured up a knife to cut off the tongue of the toad and successfully escaped.

Reiji conjured up a katana to stabilize his body. When he was about to chop at the shadow clone, the opponent also conjured up a knife, and it was a cursed tool. .

After the ping-pong, Fushiguro Megumi was only stabbed in the abdomen, and Reiji had been hit by Fushiguro Megumi's fists for who knows how many times.

If it weren't for Reiji's strengthening and physical skills that far surpassed those of ordinary sorcerers, he would have died long ago.

In fact, the faster solution is to use the jaw spit, but Fushiguro Megumi was worried about uncertain factors and gave up using it.

(Reiji: "Think about the way to break the deadlock... That's right! After the domain is unfolded, Fushiguro Megumi's movements are slower than in the outside world, which means that the weight in the domain should have an impact on Fushiguro Megumi!")

With this idea in mind, Reiji burned the receipt to turn a car into a car falling from the air. According to the original work, Fushiguro Megumi would be unable to move because of the sudden weight.

But the fact is that Fushiguro Megumi directly cancelled the shadow of the place where the car fell and continued the group fight.

Reiji: "What the hell!"

Bad news: Reiji guessed right. Good news: It's useless.

Fushiguro Megumi: "Do you think you are smart? "

Because the barrier technique was stuck, Fushiguro Megumi's semi-finished domain simply expanded his own technique in a space, using the technique to fill the space.

The full space replaces the spell addition and the appearance of the born spell.

However, when the domain is completed, the space of the domain is absolutely owned by the caster, and the distribution of the spell effect is also freely controlled by the caster. This can be called [domain].

The next moment, the two Fushiguro Megumi made a fake move to lure Reiji deeper, and Reiji was deceived and swung his sword.

Fushiguro Megumi seized the opportunity and appeared from behind Reiji to lock him, and at the same time ordered Guanniu to rush towards him, so Guanniu could accelerate 15m and then hit the target.

Reiji: "You are crazy, you want to die with me for those broken points."

Fushiguro Megumi: "Who knows, but one thing is certain, you are going to die."

Before Guanniu came, Fushiguro Megumi let go of his hand and hid in the shadow. Reiji wanted to dodge to the side, but the jade dog [Hun] appeared at some point and scratched Reiji's leg with a claw, making the latter unable to move.

The charge was coming, and Guanniu's head hit Reiji's chest hard, and the latter's sternum was broken and his internal organs were damaged. There was no possibility of recovery.

Fushiguro Megumi, who had exhausted his cursed power, had to cancel the domain, and his original idea of ​​using Maruko to heal his body was also ruined.

Reiji: "I didn't expect that an old monster like me would be tricked by a stinky kid like you."

Fushiguro Megumi walked up to Reiji and asked:

"What is your relationship with Tengen?"

Reiji was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Tengen? That shut-in is still alive? I'm not familiar with her, and I'm not good with Noso."

Before he died, Reiji gave his score to Fushiguro Megumi, because he thought it would be fun and he didn't want Noso to achieve his goal.

On the other hand, Huangluo stopped fighting with Gao Yu and left after learning of Reiji's death. Gao Yu asked for the score but failed, so he had to go to Fushiguro Megumi to ask for a little, because he had zero points so far.

After getting the points, Fushiguro Megumi found a corner to rest.

"As long as the curse power is restored, I can use Maru to heal my body. I don't know how my sister is doing. Let's rest for a while."

Unconsciously, Fushiguro Megumi's head drooped and he fell asleep. While he was resting, (Angel) Kurusu Hana spread his wings and came down from the sky to Fushiguro Megumi.

Kurusu Hana knelt down and hugged Fushiguro Megumi.

(Kurusu Hana: "So excited! I finally met him.")

(Angel: "Is this the boy you like?")

Kurusu Hana ignored the angel's words and entered a state of infatuation.

The angel came out and said:

"He is injured."

Kurusu Hana heard it and lifted Fushiguro Megumi's clothes and saw a knife wound, so she quickly helped Fushiguro Megumi stop the bleeding and accidentally touched the other's abdominal muscles a few more times.

Kurusu: "So strong..."

("Do we have to do it here? He shouldn't wake up so soon, right?")

Kurusu: "Angel, go back for a moment."

Hearing this, the extra mouth on her face shrank back.

Their faces got closer and closer until they touched each other. Kurusu's cheeks were red but she was not satisfied.

Before Kurusu could make the next move, Gao Yu appeared.

"It's wrong to forcefully kiss someone while they're sleeping! Of course... it doesn't matter if you're his girlfriend."

(Kurusu: "What's wrong with this uncle!")

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