The next moment, the two of them moved, and after two bangs, they disappeared from the spot.

They were Lu Ziyun and Fuguro Shier.

Kaneki: "Hey, that's my prey."

Fuguro Shier: "You're too slow."

The two flashed to the same position, Lu Ziyun bent over and charged a inch punch, and Fuguro Shier met it with a right swing without fear.

Because of the leftward momentum, this punch not only blocked Lu Ziyun's inch punch, but also knocked his arm to the side.

Fuguro Shier grinned and pulled back his fist, and the back of his fist hit Lu Ziyun fiercely. Lu Ziyun used his waist to force his head up to avoid it, but his nose was still scratched by the fist.

All this started and ended in less than a second.

Lu Ziyun didn't stop and took out the stick and swung it at Fuguro Shier. Fuguro Shier took out the cursed tool [Youyun] from his ugly treasure and called it up.

Exerting force, swinging, attacking the opponent.

Approaching, colliding, making a sound.

Fuguro Shier, calm and unhurried, Lu Ziyun, retreating repeatedly.

After a fight, the winner was immediately determined.

The short confrontation made both of them know that the other was very strong.

Although he easily took Lu Ziyun's attack, Fuguro Shier immediately found that Lu Ziyun's attack was electrified through the numbness on his arm.

Fuguro Shier: "Your technique makes people feel like electric shock."

Lu Ziyun: "Your body makes people feel curious."

Lu Ziyun looked at the man opposite with excitement and doubt.

He has no cursed power, no spells, but he is far superior to any spellcaster he has ever seen. Just that punch alone has exceeded the limit of ordinary spellcasters by several levels.


Before that, Tendō Shinichi had met with Fuguro Shier. He expected that Fuguro Shier might volunteer to go to the second barrier of Tokyo after meeting with Fuguro Megumi. Tendō Shinichi contributed the information, because Fuguro Shier is at his strongest when he has complete information.

Shinichi Tendō: "The one who plays with electricity the most can also use his weapon to accumulate electric charge to make sure he hits the target, and he can reverse the spell."

Fuguro Shiner: "What about the domain?"

Shinichi Tendō: "No, there is also a short burst state that costs the body, but it is unlikely to be used."

Fuguro Shiner: "Yeah, I see."

Shinichi Tendō: "How?"

Fuguro Shiner: "I feel like we can win."

Shinichi Tendō: "Then I wish you good luck."


Kiyoshi Kinji on the side also saw that the two were in a state that he, a blank slate, could not join, so he prepared to deploy the domain after Fuguro Shiner failed.

The battle started again, and Shikaku took the lead and stabbed Fuguro Shiner with a stick.

Fuguro Shiner changed his posture to let the stick pass through the gap between his arm and Youyun, intending to disarm him.

Shikaku saw his intention but chose to continue approaching, and then suddenly burst out with his curse power to accelerate behind Fuguro Shiner and hold Shiner's arm.

With a slight smile on his face, Shen'er used his right arm to swing Lu Ziyun, giving up the idea of ​​breaking his arm.

Shen'er used Youyun to clamp Lu Ziyun's stick and threw it into the sky, and then put Youyun together to pole vault into the air.

The two adjusted their balance and changed their postures in the air at the same time, and then hit each other with sticks, and this state continued until they reached the ground.

After Lu Ziyun burst out his magic power, his speed increased significantly and he kept up with Shen'er's rhythm, but there was still a difference in strength.

In the end, Shen'er had a slight advantage and knocked Lu Ziyun back. (Note here that the attack amplified by Youyun has a slight advantage. If Fushiguro Shier uses all his strength and is amplified by Youyun again, Lu Shiyun may be beaten to pieces along with the stick.)

Lu Shiyun: "You are the most pleasant opponent I have met since I came to this barrier."

Fushiguro Shier: "But you are not the strongest opponent I have met."

Lu Shiyun: "Then where can I rank?"

Fushiguro Shier: "Probably third."

Lu Shiyun realized that he had three more people to fight besides Sukuna.

"This era is really great!"

At this moment, his expression was ferocious, and he was overwhelmed by joy.

Lu Shiyun began to use the technique. He separated the electric charge of his own cursed power, which had the same properties as electricity, and then transferred the positive charge to the opponent through attack.

Finally, while blocking the accumulated negative charge from entering the ground, he induced it to the opponent's body, thus generating a sure-fire electric current attack.


A lightning bolt appeared and passed directly over Fushiguro Shier's body, but the lightning had no effect.

(Lu Shiyun: "My technique... is useless?")

Fushiguro Shier smiled.

"It worked."

Fushiguro Shier not only found the fragments of Tensaihoko, but also got the fibers from the black rope. By sewing the fibers onto his clothes, Fushiguro Shier was immune to the attack just now.

Although he would not explode like Panda or Hyokinji after being hit, the negative effects should be minimized as much as possible.

Fushiguro Shier: "I have already determined your strength just now, so from now on, I will not let you go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fushiguro Shier appeared in front of Lu Shiyun and hit him with a stick.

Although Lu Shiyun reacted and used the stick to block, he still shot out and knocked the container behind him away, and the stick also broke into two pieces.

Lu Ziyun stood up and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You, what's your name?"

Fuguro Shier: "Shier, the last name doesn't matter."

Lu Ziyun: "My name is Lu Ziyun, a sorcerer from 400 years ago, let's fight to our heart's content."

Fuguro Shier: "Heh~"

Shier exerted force again and came in front of Lu Ziyun, who changed his balance and kicked out with his left whip kick.

This attack was so powerful that after Shier blocked it with one section of the nunchaku, the ground under his feet was worn out. Shier hit the opponent in the face with the other section, and Lu Ziyun flew backwards into the woods.

Shier accelerated again before Lu Ziyun adjusted himself, then quickly caught up with him and used a knee strike to knock Lu Ziyun into the air, then grabbed his calf and smashed it on the ground, laughing evilly while smashing it.

The ground in the area where the two were was sunken.

Lu Ziyun kicked out in the air with the force, but Shier predicted it and let go of his hand in advance to wait for the attack.

He moved away to make room and hit Youyun. The red stick hit Lu Ziyun's forearm hard, embedding it into the ground.

Lu Ziyun quickly stood up and used a sweeping kick to destroy Shen'er's balance at the moment Youyun retracted, and then punched Shen'er in the abdomen.

Shen'er felt some pain, but soon recovered. He inserted the three-section stick into the ground to restore his balance, and then spun his foot to force Lu Ziyun to bend down to avoid the sharp edge.

Lu Ziyun wrapped his hands with mana, and then shot a lightning bolt to hit Shen'er's hands to make him let go of Youyun.

Shen'er realized Lu Ziyun's intention and took advantage of the situation to let go of Youyun and came in front of Lu Ziyun. He punched from top to bottom. Lu Ziyun blocked it with his arms horizontally, and bounced up quickly after a brief contact with the ground.

Shen'er chased him closely and continued to use the same moves. Lu Ziyun retreated and blocked, with ease.

Lu Ziyun: "That's it, every punch hits the flesh!"

Fuguro Shier: "Don't regret it."

Shier grabbed Lu Ziyun's bun, and the two of them headbutted each other.

A series of "bang bang bang" sounds were heard at the scene, and the two stared at each other, letting the blood splatter.

The two men let go of their hands at the same time, leaned back to accumulate strength and then hit each other, both of them moved back a little.

Lu Ziyun: "Are you coming?"

Fuguro Shier: "Can you keep up?"

Lu Ziyun: "Wait and see."

The two disappeared at the same time, and Kage Kinji was a little dumbfounded.

He jumped up and stood on the container to check and understood the current situation.

At this time, the two were fighting at high speed nearby, shuttling back and forth between the containers, and every collision could destroy nearby obstacles.

Lu Ziyun: "You can't be immune to my spells all over your body!"

Lu Ziyun threw a bolt of lightning and hit Fushiguro Shin'er's arm. Shin'er didn't change his expression and simply detached his paralyzed arm and threw it towards Lu Ziyun. His instantly tensed arm hit Lu Ziyun's chest.

It was like a whipping blow, with a huge sound and impact, and Lu Ziyun was trapped in the container.

Although Lu Ziyun used the force elimination in time, he was still hit hard by this blow. The contact time was too short and the force was too great.

As Lu Ziyun walked out of the container, Fushiguro Shin'er saw that Lu Ziyun's condition had improved.

Fushiguro Shin'er: "Reversal spell?"

Lu Ziyun: "Just a little bit."

Fushiguro Shin'er: "This is not enough to fight Sukuna."

Lu Ziyun: "I can still fight to the death."

Fushiguro Shin'er: "It's not enough to fight the first one."

Lu Ziyun realized that Fushiguro Shin'er was comparing himself with the first one he met.

Lu Ziyun: "From what you said, I can easily take the second place."

Fushiguro Shier: "Who knows."

The two smiled at each other and recognized each other.

Kyo Kinji: "Hey! Are you still going to fight? If not, I will join!"

"It's a bit noisy."

"I think so too."

The two threw at the same time

He took out a container from the side and quickly approached the collision site.


Lu Ziyun threw a punch that he had been accumulating for a long time.

Fuguro Shier: "Wow!"

Shier turned around and kicked back. The two of them hit the container with a series of ping-pongs.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Lu Ziyun rushed and elbowed. Shier was not afraid of leaving an opening and kicked forward.

(Fuguro Shier: "It's a pity that I learned to enjoy fighting only after surviving to the end last time. This time I will do whatever I want!")

Lu Ziyun took a step back and put his hands together. His posture was similar to the blood-piercing posture of the rising phase. A current flew out of Lu Ziyun's hands and rushed towards Fuguro Shier.

Shier stood still and took the blow with his chest, then turned around and took the lightning from the broken stick in the distance again.

Fuguro Shier: "I saw all your movements. You are too immature to compare details with me, even if you are a person from 400 years ago."

Fuguro Shier's stinky treasure suddenly spit out a large number of level 4 curse spirits and surrounded Lu Ziyun.

Lu Ziyun showed disdain on his face and quickly killed the small curse spirits like flies. Then he saw Fuguro Shier's arms with blue veins exposed holding Youyun and smashing it down.

Lu Ziyun: "Not good!"

With a loud bang, the ground shattered, and Lu Ziyun was hit into the sea by the aftermath.

Fuguro Shier stood quietly on the shore waiting for Lu Ziyun to come up. He would not go down. If Lu Ziyun's curse power was out of control and all released, causing a physical explosion, it would be a loss.

And Lu Ziyun stepped on the curse spirits and came out of the sea as he wished, and then jumped to the shore.

Fuguro Shier had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He put away [Youyun] and took out the Soul Release Knife from the ugly treasure's mouth.

He rushed up before Lu Ziyun landed. After a flash of knife light, Lu Ziyun returned to the ground, and his two hands also fell to the ground.

Fuguro Shier stepped forward and put the knife on Lu Ziyun's neck.

"You lost, hand over the score."

Lu Ziyun: "Okay, ah~ I really don't want to accept it."

Fuguro Shier: "If you don't want to accept it, just use the big move."

Lu Ziyun: "You can only use it once, and my body will collapse after it's over."

Hyo Jinci came up at this time.

"Don't be unwilling, let's make a deal, follow us back, and we will give you a chance to fight Sukuna."

Lu Ziyun: "Then it's a deal."

The group left to prepare to meet with the messenger to discuss what rules to add at the moment.

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