Tiger stick was replaced by Xiao Jin, and the situation of the college is getting better and better

"Senior Hyokinji scored 100 points"

"Senior Otsutsuki scored 190 points"

"Feng Wuxia scored 260 points"

"And Kurusu's score, that is to say, our total score has reached 600 points."

The big stone in Fushiguro Megumi's heart finally fell, and Fushiguro Miki was saved.

Now several people are considering how to add rules first, and they need to end the death and extinction tour as soon as possible.

Despite this, Fushiguro Megumi still has doubts in his heart. The angel should be a person from thousands of years ago.

After contacting the angel, he found that Kurusu was not a physical body, but just an ordinary hero.

"I'm not sure if you are an angel"

"Can you prove it to us?

Suddenly, a small mouth appeared on Kurusu's right cheek, and the way it appeared was exactly the same as Sukuna's.

"It's me, the angel!"

"The reason I came to you is because of this guy Lai Qihua……"

Kurusu slapped the angel's mouth, stopping the words that were about to come out.

The angel and Kurusu had a symbiotic relationship, similar to Yuji's situation.

The angel's technique was to invalidate the technique, no matter whether it was a barrier or a seal, it would be directly invalidated after encountering her technique.

Fushiguro Megumi said straight to the point:"The purpose of our search for you is very simple."

"I need your help to remove the seal of the Prison Gate."

The Prison Gate is a cursed object, so it is easy for the angels to remove the seal of the Prison Gate.

However, everything has a price, and the angels will not help them to remove the seal of the Prison Gate for no reason.

"Before that I have a request"

"I need you to help me find a swimmer named Fallen Angel."

Yuji Itadori stood there in a daze. He suddenly felt a strong attraction.

The scene changed to Yuji Itadori and Ryomen Sukuna looking at each other. Itadori was very confused as to why he appeared in the realm of life.

"Let me think about it. It would be better to tell you in advance before that idiot lets it slip."

"The Fallen Angel you are talking about is me."

Yuji Itadori suddenly stood up, gesturing in the air with his hands, trying to attract the attention of several people.

But except Feng Wuxia, everyone else was talking to the angel.

Feng Wuxia turned her head slightly and saw Yuji Itadori jumping and hopping on the sofa like a gorilla, even knocking over his popcorn.

"Are you stupid?"

"I know that the fallen angel is Sukuna, so don't act like a gorilla."

Yuji Itadori looked around and saw that only Feng Wuxia was left in the entire hotel.

"What about the others?"

Feng Wuxia signaled Yuji Itadori not to panic. Sukuna had a way to communicate with him one-on-one, and he, Feng Wuxia, also had a way

"This is my illusion. There are only two of us here. The Sukuna in your body can't hear our conversation."

While Yuji Itadori was still sighing, Feng Wuxia pointed his finger directly at Yuji Itadori's brow.

That's right, he injected a trace of his own power into Yuji Itadori's body.

Fushiguro Megumi also has Feng Wuxia's power in his body.

After the illusion was lifted, Yuji Itadori suddenly opened his eyes on the sofa. Fushiguro Megumi and others were still surrounding the angel.

"Xiao Jin, I want to add rules!"

"All swimmers can use clones without restriction."

【Congratulations to swimmer"Feng Wuxia" for successfully adding rules】

【Points consumed: 100, current points: 160]

Done, now the Death and Destruction Tour is Feng Wuxia's home court. Now something interesting is coming, Feng Wuxia thought of something more interesting.

Feng Wuxia walked to the side of the angel and said to herself

"All right, leave the matter of the Fall to us."

"As long as you can unlock the prison gate, it will be fine."

The moment their eyes met, Lai Qihua had no idea that he had fallen into an illusion.

"It's done!"

Feng Wuxia's power was injected into the angel's body.

The principle is very simple, injecting power into the opponent's body through illusion.

And he can control the opponent at any time. This is the insurance set by Feng Wuxia.

Who knows if Lai Qihua, who is in love, will have a problem. If necessary, he will control Lai Qihua.

"Deal, it's settled."

"After all, the purpose of my rebirth is to kill the Fallen Angel."

The next step is to take back the Prison Gate, and Gojo Satoru's business will be over.

Calculating the time, the noose is almost going to find Tengen. Fortunately, several clones were released in advance.

"Fushiguro Megumi, come with me."

"I will develop your potential in advance."

Before Fushiguro Megumi could respond, he dragged Fushiguro Megumi into another dimension.

"Hey, can you give me some mental preparation next time?"

"I feel uncomfortable doing this."

Time is running out, and Feng Wuxia has no time to talk to Fushiguro Megumi. After Nozomi invades the Immortal Palace, Sukuna will find an opportunity to take over Fushiguro Megumi's body.

Feng Wuxia did not set up a safety precaution, but that is a trick that will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Controlling the body will cause too much damage to the controlled person.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"All you have to do is speed up the chant to summon Moxu Luo."

"The sooner the better. I will keep putting pressure on you during this period."

"Until you meet my requirements."

Fushiguro Megumi needs hand gestures and chanting to summon Makkura. The pre-swing is indeed not big, but it will give Sukuna a chance.

He wants Fushiguro Megumi to make hand seals and chant in an instant, not giving anyone a chance to control him.

Sukuna simply crushes Fushiguro Megumi. He will never let Fushiguro Megumi go until Feng Wuxia's requirements are met.

"No chanting, I need you to do no chanting"

"There is no need for hand gestures either."

Fushiguro Megumi was in a dilemma. No matter which shikigami he summoned, he couldn't skip the hand gestures. No chanting was necessary, but hand gestures were not necessary.


"No one in the Chanyuan family can do it."

Feng Wuxia frowned. How could Fushiguro Hui be so stupid?

"Just because others can't do it doesn't mean you can't do it"

"Excuses don't work with me."

"With your talent, why can't you break the restrictions of the spell?"

Makoro is already Fushiguro Megumi's Shikigami. Theoretically, chanting and hand gestures are just the medium for summoning.

Fushiguro Megumi and Makoro have always been connected. He wants Fushiguro Megumi to break the medium and summon Makoro with his own power.

"It's so troublesome. It seems that you really can't show off unless you are on the verge of death."

"Listen up, Megumi Fushiguro, I'm here to be your opponent!"

"You can only summon Mokuro, and there is no chanting or hand gestures."

Fushiguro Megumi subconsciously used hand gestures, and the Jade Dog that had just been summoned was completely destroyed.

"I think I said that you are not allowed to use hand gestures or summon other shikigami, right?"

Feng Wuxia didn't give Fushiguro Megumi any face at all, and kicked the jade dog to death.

He grabbed Fushiguro Megumi's neck and pressed him to the ground.

A huge crack appeared on the ground in the different space. Feng Wuxia restrained his strength a lot, fearing that he would kill Fushiguro Megumi all at once.

"I don't understand, with you by our side, what threat can Sukuna pose to us?"

Feng Wuxia looked at Fushiguro Megumi angrily and said:

"So you want to rely on me for everything? Just like when Gojo Satoru was here?"

These words hit Fushiguro Megumi's heart. Feng Wuxia was right. No one could help Fushiguro Megumi all the time. It would all depend on him in the future.

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