
"It seems that I will be the only one to celebrate Christmas this year!"

The clepsydra was sitting beside the campfire in a daze, with a simple small Christmas tree next to it, and the small branch in his hand kept scratching the ground.

"Humph, those three guys are really something, they actually left me alone"

"I'm not alone, I'm not lonely……"Louhu was sitting on the ground talking to himself, not noticing Feng Wuxia suddenly appearing beside him.

A hand was placed on Louhu's shoulder, and the sudden touch startled Louhu.

He turned around in horror and found that it was Feng Wuxia's big face, almost hitting his face.

"Damn, ghost!"

He punched him, and the flames on his head erupted. Feng Wuxia waved his hands in disdain,"Stop yelling, you've melted the snow around."

He grabbed the clepsydra and extinguished the flames on his head. The clepsydra dared not speak, because he knew how powerful the man in front of him was.

Sukuna, who had twenty fingers, could not last a round in Feng Wuxia's hands.

"What are you doing here, little brat?"

"Are you here to laugh at me? If you are here to laugh at me, forget it. I won't end up like this."

Feng Wuxia just likes the look of the volcano head. He smiled and threw the clepsydra aside.

"Christmas is here, aren't you lonely? It's painful to spend Christmas alone."

"Humph, stop teasing me. Tuogen, Hua Yu and Zhenren are all dead. Who will spend Christmas with me?"

Lehu sat up and stared at the bonfire boredly. In previous years, four people spent Christmas together, but now there was only Lehu.

The night was long and cold, and a strong wind blew in the forest, blowing out the bonfire in front of him.

"Is even the heaven torturing me? Never mind, I'll just go find some more wood."

Lehu was about to stand up when he bumped into something.

His first reaction was Feng Wuxia, but when he looked up, he saw Feng Wuxia standing there. If it wasn't Feng Wuxia, who was behind him?

He turned his head blankly and found Hua Yu standing behind him without saying a word, and Tuo Gen was standing next to Hua Yu.

"You, you guys...how is it possible?"

"I saw with my own eyes that you were already dead, why are you here?"

"I understand. I must be hallucinating. I didn't expect that I would be so lonely. It's ridiculous."

Feng Wuxia punched the back of the clepsydra head, signaling the clepsydra to look carefully.

"Look carefully, Volcano Head. These are the real Hanamikaze and Tagore. I just spent some effort to revive them."

As for the real person, Feng Wuxia also wanted to revive him at first, but the real person's body had long been absorbed by the rope. Without the body, the real person could not be resurrected.

Hanamikaze was beaten into a pulp by Gojo Satoru, and Tagore was beaten into skin fragments by Shinji. As long as they exist in this world, Feng Wuxia can revive them through ninjutsu.

Only the real person has never left any traces in the world.

"Is this true? Is resurrection really possible?"

"Volcano Head, don't be ungrateful. I resurrected you and still ask you questions. Just enjoy your hard-earned Christmas. I won't disturb your reunion. Finally, I wish you a happy Christmas."

【I always believe that there is no grudge between humans and cursed spirits, and they can be good friends.]

Lehu shed hot tears and waved in the direction where Feng Wuxia left:"Thank you, Feng Wuxia."

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