The power of spells comes from negative emotions

"Come to think of it, it seems that every time Fushiguro uses his cursed power, he gets angry."

So Gojo Satoru's goal is to prevent Yuji from consuming too much cursed power when he is emotional, and to control it.

Feng Wuxia now only needs to learn how to control the cursed power.

"There are many ways to train, and I've picked a very hard method for you."

Tiger Tsubasa swallowed his saliva, wondering what the hard method that Gojo-sensei was talking about was.

"Of course, it's watching movies!"

Gojo Satoru took out all kinds of movies from Sakura Country, including romances, horrors, and thrillers.

He handed a brown stuffed bear to Yuji, who seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"Don't underestimate him, as long as your magic power fluctuates, he will wake up and beat you up."

Tijubae looked at the stuffed bear in his hand in disbelief.

"As for you, you just need to learn how to condense the magic power."

"Because cursed power is generated by negative emotions."

Gojo Satoru took out a lot of extreme TV series and movies and brought Feng Wuxia to another room.���To avoid disturbing the other party, the basement room has good sound insulation.

You can't even sense the other party's presence at all.

""Teacher Gojo, I have a question!"

He stopped and looked at Yuji in surprise. It was rare for him to ask him a question.

"Mr. Yuji, please speak."

"Just now you said: The spellcaster's spell is basically innate, and it is linked to the subsequent strength."

"I want to know, is Feng Wuxia's flame and other skills innate?"

Gojo Satoru touched his chin. He himself was not very clear about Feng Wuxia's situation.

It is true that the spell is innate, but there are also sorcerers who grow up later.

Just like Gojo Satoru, he was just an ordinary special grade before he met Fushiguro Shier.

After his death, he realized the reversal sorcerer and became the only one in the world.

So in the case of Feng Wuxia, it is possible that the spell or skill was learned later.

""I see!" said Yuji, not quite understanding.

"I have an important meeting, so I won't disturb your practice."

"I'll be back in a bit."

Gojo Satoru waved goodbye to the two of them.

【Ding, trigger the side quest】

【Gojo Satoru vs. Leaky Pot】

【Successfully completed points +100]

According to the plot, when Gojo Satoru is fighting vigorously, he will come back and take Yuji Itadori to watch the battle together

"Practice well!" Then he walked out of the basement.

"System, I am a reincarnated body. Does possessing cursed power mean"

"I have infinite magical power?"

【Ding, that's the theory.】

【The body of the Impure World Reincarnation has inexhaustible energy.

As expected, as long as you master the power of the curse and accumulate enough points later, you can directly purchase the"copying ability" that you like.

Any spell can be copied. When the time comes, Feng Wuxia will also say, I am the only one in the world.

"There is still some time before the meeting with the principal, do you want to go somewhere else?"

Ichichi said while driving.

Gojo Satoru didn't mind, it's nice to arrive early once in a while.

"No, come earlier."

"Stop the car!"Gojo Satoru looked out the window, and his six eyes sensed the breath of the clepsydra, even though it was still some distance away.

Gojo Satoru stood alone on the empty road, with no one around him, and even a few street lights.

"It's time to come out." Gojo Satoru's face turned cold.

Seeing that he was discovered, Leaky Pot didn't hide anymore and jumped into the air.

"Who are you?"

A big hole sank into the place where Gojo Satoru was standing, luckily he reacted in time.

Loko did not answer Gojo Satoru's question. The purpose of his coming this time was to challenge Gojo Satoru.

A huge pistil appeared on the wall.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a huge flame.

Everything was scorched wherever the flames went, and the fire lasted for about ten seconds.

Loko smiled fortunately and said,"That's all."

"Say it again, who is just like this?"The Wuxiaxian beside Gojo Satoru blocked the flames.

When the flames disappeared, Gojo Satoru walked out intact without any damage on his body.

Louhu pinched his ears unconvinced, and looked at Louhu's actions, feeling very confused.

"As a cursed spirit, he can actually communicate with normal people"

"Plus this cursed power, is it an unregistered special grade?"

Special grade is very special, that's why it's called special grade, but the leak pot actually came to my door with such bravado.

"Stupid human, did I hurt your face?"

Gojo Satoru clenched his palms and said,"No, it just makes me feel good!"

Five fire bugs flew towards Gojo Satoru, and he blocked the flying fire bugs with one hand.

""I've fallen into a trap!" Lou Hu showed a strange smile.

The fire bug uses sound as a medium to produce explosions.

Gojo Satoru moved to another place in an instant, and at the same time did not forget to tease Lou Hu:

"It's amazing, a double attack of fire and sound!"

The insects and fire like a leaky pot are not worth mentioning in Gojo Satoru's eyes.

"It's not over yet!"The flaming palm hit Gojo Satoru's body, and his whole body was on fire.

To outsiders, it was indeed on fire, but it only hit Infinity.

The area within a radius of several hundred meters was destroyed by the leaking pot.

"Is that all you can do?"

"In actual combat, I discovered that his strength was just the result of the weak looking up to him."

"It turns out that today's human beings are fake and their lives are not real at all."

"Let me teach them what true death is!"

The clepsydra put away the flame, posed in a handsome pose and turned back.

"This scene seems to have happened once before!"

""Ahem!" The dust in front of him was so thick that Gojo Satoru fanned the air.

After a long time, the dust gradually disappeared.

Leaky Pot looked back in disbelief, and Gojo Satoru explained:"To put it simply, I didn't hit it."

"How is it possible? This attack is nothing compared to the previous one!"Louhu was shocked. Besides, he had already seen Gojo Satoru on fire. How could he not have hit him?

"What you hit is only the [infinity] between you and me."

Gojo Satoru used his fingers to force a distance, although he was very small.

"Let me tell you, stretch out your hand."

Without waiting for the leak pot to react, Gojo Satoru moved his palm closer to the leak pot.

Seeing that there was no murderous aura on Gojo Satoru, he thought that it would be better to learn more. It would not be a bad thing anyway.

The moment he was about to touch Gojo Satoru's palm, it seemed as if something was blocking him, preventing him from moving forward half a step.

"I can't touch it, it's blocked in mid-air!"

Louhu looked at Gojo Satoru in surprise. The scene in front of him was beyond his cognition.

"It can't be said that it was blocked, but the closer it got to me, the slower it went."

"I don't mind shaking hands with you!"

Louhu knew he was being teased, and shouted angrily:"You kid, I refuse!"

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