Two years later......

"My best friend, I never thought that the wonderful school days would pass so quickly, and we will graduate in the blink of an eye."

"Okay, Toudou, the graduation ceremony is about to begin, and hurry up and wipe your snot, it looks so disgusting."

Yuji Itadori looked at Toudou Aoi's disgusting look and got goose bumps all over his body.

Today, Yuji Itadori welcomed the day of graduation. Don't ask how Toudou Aoi got in, just ask that the technical college arranged for her to get in.

"What a group of energetic kids!"Gojo Satoru stood in the corner, and couldn't help but recall his student days.

Gojo Satoru's thoughts were still on the time when Itadori Yuji had just joined the technical high school. In the blink of an eye, Itadori Yuji had graduated.

Time is the most unpredictable thing. Feng Wuxia didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he had been in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen for several years.

"Yeah, time flies...."

Ding ding ding---

The phone in Gojo Satoru's pocket vibrated, and he took it out and found that it was Principal Yega calling.

"Hello, Principal, I'm attending Hisahito's graduation ceremony. What can I do for you?"

"Ah Wu, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but don't you know what period it is now? The society really needs the help of sorcerers, but you are so lazy all day long, doing nothing but fishing."

The headmaster Ye Moth said helplessly on the other end of the phone.

After the death migration, the existence of sorcerers was made public by the media, so the curse spirit and sorcerer are no longer obscure words. The sorcerer is more like a representative of justice. As long as human negative emotions continue to exist, the curse spirit will never disappear, and the sorcerer will always exist.

"I know, I know. I've heard it so many times that my ears are calloused."Gojo Satoru said indifferently, not taking Yega Masamichi's words into account at all.

"All right, hurry up and go, I'll send you the mission location."

After hanging up the phone, Gojo Satoru looked hopeless. At the same time, Feng Wuxia's phone also received a message from Ye Mo Zheng Dao.

【Mission level: difficult】

【Mission location: City Center】

"Let's go, the graduation ceremony won't end so soon, finish the task first and come back quickly."

Without waiting for Gojo Satoru to react, Feng Wuxia grabbed Gojo Satoru's body and jumped out of the second-floor window.

At noon, a black and a red figure shuttled through the streets and alleys.

"Look, it’s Mr. Gojo!"

"Mr. Gojo is even more handsome than in the photo."

A group of girls gathered together and surrounded Gojo Satoru,"Hahaha, do you want to see me pose?"

"Stop showing off, the mission is more important." In order to prevent the crowd from affecting their mission, the two chose to fly to the mission site.

"It's right below."

An unregistered quasi-special grade curse spirit appeared, and could vaguely see three people fleeing in panic.

"Let's get rid of him quickly. I still have to attend Yuujin's graduation ceremony."Gojo Satoru jumped down, followed by Feng Wuxia. The three new sorcerers on the ground noticed Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia falling from the sky, stopped and pointed at their positions with shining eyes.

"They are the two strongest sorcerers in the world. We are saved!" One of the boys shouted excitedly.

"This kind of small stuff, just deal with it directly"

""Warlock Reversal: Huh!" A red light emanated from Gojo Satoru's fingertips, and in the horrified eyes of several people, it pierced through most of the forest. After landing safely, Feng Wuxia took out his mobile phone and clicked the red button, successfully completing the task.

"How could three newcomers to the art of spellcasting have the courage to challenge a quasi-special grade spellcasting spirit?"Feng Wuxia was speechless. They were really lucky. It just so happened that Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia were free, so this task fell on them.

"Oh, are you...Mr. Feng Wuxia, the news about your Shibuya Incident and the Death Migration has spread everywhere. I like you so much, can you sign an autograph for me?"

Feng Wuxia stood there in a daze, just like a fanatical fan chasing an idol.

After signing, Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia returned to school, just as Yuji Itadori's graduation ceremony began.

"We are old, and the next era will eventually belong to these young people, except you of course!"

"Really? I think there will be a day when I feel weak, but I don’t mean my strength.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing all tasks.】

【Complete all main quests, side quests, and hidden missions】

【The system is about to be disconnected, please make the final choice】

【Option 1: Return to the original world】

【Option 2: Continue living in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen】

"I am all alone on earth, living alone in the world without anyone to rely on. My parents passed away early. I would rather work overtime and die suddenly than stay in this world."

"After all, this place is much more interesting than the original world."

"I choose two!"

【The host successfully makes a choice, and the system will automatically disengage】

【Three, Two, One...Successfully escaped, thanks to the host for accompanying me all the way]

An inexplicable palpitation appeared, which meant that the system in the body had disappeared. From this moment on, Feng Wuxia truly belonged to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen.

While he was stunned, Yuji Itadori's words broke the quiet atmosphere.

"Gojo-sensei, Feng Wuxia, the graduation photo is about to start, let's take a photo together!"

Kacha-- their story is not over, the story of Jujutsu Kaisen will continue.

Although my book is over, Feng Wuxia's story is not over yet, and Jujutsu Kaisen will continue to run. This world will not disappear because of my ending. It took more than four months to write. Thank you for your company. Please leave a message if you want to read the next book.


The writing ends here.

It started in autumn and ended in winter.

【The whole book is finished.

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