Gojo Satoru mercilessly pulled off the head of the leaky pot.

The head of the leaky pot kept rolling on the ground until Gojo Satoru stepped on it and it stopped.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

羂索 and 花御 stood on the cliff and watched all this quietly.

"Do you want to save him?"

Nozomi stood up. He couldn't be seen by the people in the academy, especially Gojo Satoru below.

Otherwise, the subsequent plan would probably collapse.

"If you want to go, go ahead. I don't know if your relationship is worth saving.

"I can't show up."

After saying this, he disappeared over the cliff.

"I don't think you are being ordered around by someone."

"What good will you get from killing me?"

Gojo Satoru's feet kept torturing the leaky pot on the ground.

"I won't tell you, you little bastard!" Louhu is still stubborn, even though his face is crushed.

Suddenly, a huge tree trunk appeared, blocking Gojo Satoru and Louhu, and flowers grew all around.

Gojo Satoru and Yuji were immersed in the spell, and Feng Wuxia was no exception.���

Shanshan sensed it and slapped herself on the face, quickly waking up.

"It's bad, this is a curse."

Yuji Itadori was hung up by a thick vine, and the whole person appeared in the sky in an instant.

Hanami found the right opportunity to rescue Leaky Pot

"Do you think I don't exist?"

"Or is it that my presence is too low?"

Feng Wuxia stood in front of the two of them, his scarlet eyes began to move, and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan appeared.

"It's this pattern again!" Leaky Pot stared at Feng Wuxia's eyes. As one of the four great natural disasters, he had seen all kinds of eyes. Even if he hadn't seen them, he had heard of them.

But the eyes in front of him seemed to have suddenly appeared in the world without the slightest trace.

Hua Yu quickly alerted, while Yuji Itadori was in the sky and Gojo Satoru couldn't get away.

Now is the best time to rescue Leaky Pot.


"The ants actually tried to resist"

"Or the strength I showed a few days ago"

"Isn't that enough to scare you?"

The Mangekyō Sharingan spun rapidly, and as its power increased, Susanoo turned into a giant half-body skeleton.

"The"Second Form" can wrap up most of the caster's body, further improving the defense.

It can resist most damage, but the attack method is relatively simple.

It is a form that is good at self-protection but not enough for attack.

"I think the second form is enough to deal with you."

The two looked at the large skeleton rising in front of them. The body was more complete than the last time.

"He's serious."

"Leave me alone, Hanamiya!"


In fact, in memory, Hua Yu and Lou Hu had a very good relationship.

After Hua Yu died, Lou Hu was sad for a long time.

"Cursed spirits can also have true love."

Tiger stick tied in the sky, thinking of Gojo Satoru on the ground, said:"Teacher, don't worry about me, go chase them."

When Gojo Satoru was about to turn back, Tiger stick started to yell again:

"I was wrong just now, help me!"

Although the spikes on the ground can't kill Tiger Stick, it will hurt.

Cut off the spikes on the ground, and find that Feng Wuxia in the distance has stopped Hua Yu and Lou Hu.

The huge blue skeleton punched the ground, and the imperfect Susanoo. After all, there are some flaws.

It's like most of the second form's body, the movement is very slow, and there is no weapon in the hand.

It looks very stunned.

"Please, Hanamiya, you are no match for him!"

Looking at Hanamiya, it seems that he doesn't know how terrible Susanoo is and wants to touch it.

"Very good, I admire your courage, but that's all!"

Crazy, too crazy, if you didn't say it, I would have thought that Uchiha Madara was really fighting in the curse.

On the cliff, Nozomi did not leave, but looked at the people below.

"Looks like he's already caught up with Yuta Okkotsu"

"But the target is not you after all, Gojo Satoru is our biggest obstacle."Nozomi left without looking back.

It was exactly what Feng Wuxia meant. The strength he showed now was about the level of Otsutsuki.

There were still Wood Release, Susanoo's third form, and the complete Susanoo that he hadn't shown.

Nozomi regretted it.

Hua Yu grabbed Leaky Pot's head tightly, not realizing that he had been surrounded.

"You can't get away, Hua Yu, they are all perverts."

Lou Hu persuaded Hua Yu kindly, not wanting him to lose his life here.

Obviously, his mentality had collapsed. Originally, Feng Wuxia had given them a hard time.

Now there was the strongest sorcerer in modern times, and it was almost impossible for him to escape.

【Ding, trigger the side quest】

【Battle with Hanami】

【The host only needs to leave enough psychological trauma on Hua Yu.】

【Even if the task is completed】

【Mission completion points +100】

【Current points: 200】

"System, don't you say this mission is good."

It won't disrupt the main storyline, just show a little bit of strength, it will leave enough psychological trauma on Hua Yu.

Hua Yu stuck his hand into the soil underneath.

The grass and trees around him all withered. This is Hua Yu's special technique.

He can attack the enemy through tree roots, use curse seeds to absorb the enemy's curse power, use tree roots to attack, and convert the vitality of plants into curse power through life absorption.

However, Hua Yu also has his own weaknesses. The branches growing from his eyes are one of his weaknesses.

Once these branches are attacked, his abilities will be restricted, making him more vulnerable.

This weakness requires him to be extra careful in battle so as not to be exploited by the enemy.

"Very good, show me your real skills!"

""Curse Seed!"

Shoots a curse seed that feeds on curse power at the enemy. The more the enemy uses curse power to defend, the stronger the curse seed will be. The correct way to deal with it is to remove the curse power defense and simply use the body to withstand the attack. Once hit, the curse seed will absorb the host's curse power and grow. The more the host uses curses, the deeper the roots will be.

It can be said that after being hit by this move, the ability to move is basically lost. It is a very tricky move.

"That's a good move, but you miscalculated."

"Your spell is for sorcerers, but I don't have the power."

"Regret, hate it."

Feng Wuxia blocked Hua Yu's curse with one hand and crushed it mercilessly.

Obviously Hua Yu didn't expect it, and thought Feng Wuxia was bound by the curse.

During this time, Leakage Pot was not idle either, and quickly used the curse power to condense the body.

Fortunately, Hua Yu delayed Feng Wuxia for a while, and her body recovered.

"I can't even break through the defense."

Now I can vaguely realize that the blue skeleton in front of me is not so easy to deal with.

Unlike Wuxia, they can't break Susanoo's defense at all.

"Hey, don't let him kill you." Gojo Satoru said.

Now Gojo Satoru was really scared. Feng Wuxia got excited and accidentally killed Louhu and Hua Yu.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing!"

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