"Accept your fate, you can't escape."

Nanami remained silent. What Zhenren said made sense. It was almost a dead end when he encountered a domain.

He didn't have the strength of Gojo Satoru, let alone a domain. He slowly took off his glasses and thought about how he became a sorcerer.

Nanami used to think that sorcerers were shit, but after being relieved of the job, he found that the job was also shit.

Since it was all shit, why not choose a job that he liked and was more suitable for him?

"Sure enough, sorcerers are shit."

Nanaha had expected this day to come. He knew it from the moment he became a sorcerer.

The mission of a sorcerer is linked to life.

Recalling his good friend in the technical high school: Kuma.

Because the mission assessment level was slightly low, Kuma was defeated and couldn't escape in the end.

He died alive.

Nanami was sad for a while, and Geto Suguru also wanted to create an ideal world.

Defecting from the technical high school

"So be it"

"My life is over.……"

Put away the glasses and wait quietly for death to come.

In the original story, the real person enters Sukuna's domain again.

Yuji finds the right time, the outside of the domain is very fragile, and shatters the domain with one punch.

Rescue Nanami. Nanami is really a good person. Even if the system does not have this task, he will not let Nanami die.

"In that case, please die here."

"Real person!"

【Ding, I found out that the host changed the plot of the magic battle】

【But it does not affect the main plot.】

【Special reminder to the host]

Very good, everything is as Feng Wuxia expected. Nanami and Masato are not the key figures in Jujutsu Kaisen, and they don't even appear in many scenes.

"Akutami Gege, you'd better die in your mother's womb."

Favorite characters died one after another, but now it's different.

Feng Wuxia has come to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, and history is rewritten by him!

"Are you sure?" Yu Zhang asked Feng Wu Xia anxiously.

After these days, Yu Zhang has regarded Qi Hai as his second teacher.

"He is really gentle.……"

"Don't worry, who do you think I am?"

"Just stay by the side and watch carefully. I will take care of Nanami!"

After the death of Xia Youjie, there were only three of the original four special-class players left.

Feng Wuxia filled the vacant special-class position, so the four special-class players are still there.

"It's really filthy, the real one."

Looking at the filthy curse power in front of me, it's hard to imagine how evil the real one is.

"Well, let’s start the cleanup from you!"

"Wood escape, fire and silver flowers!"

Wood escape. Fire and silver flowers

Uchiha Madara's moves include wood escape, fire and silver flowers, fire escape, silver flowers, fire escape, dodge, avoidance and other moves.

Among them, wood escape is the most important move, which uses the Wood Dragon Technique to forcibly grab the opponent and bind him.

Fire and silver flowers are the second important move, which can be forcibly grabbed and bound by the enhancement of Haohuo Annihilation.

Silver flowers are the third important move, which can easily grab the opponent and cause burns to the opponent through the combination of fire escape and silver flowers.

Finally, dodge and avoidance are Uchiha Madara's last moves.

Through the skills of avoidance and evasion, you can quickly escape from the opponent's pursuit.

Uchiha Madara has a variety of moves, and each move has its own unique advantages and effects.

You can choose the appropriate moves to deal with it according to the opponent's state and the situation of the battle.

(Evil World Madara has Hashirama's cells, so he can use Wood Release) A huge flame enveloped the domain, and the branches were constantly burning.

It looked very strange from the outside.

The burning branches did not break, and there was no trace of burning on the surface.

Cracks appeared on the domain, and Feng Wuxia increased his strength.

The next moment, Zhenren's domain was shattered.

Zhenren looked at Feng Wuxia next to Yuji in disbelief.

"real or fake?"

"My field"


It seems that he has not yet accepted that his domain has been broken.

"No doubt, your domain is too weak"

"Even the volcano head is stronger than you."

The mocked real person bared his teeth in anger and pounced on Feng Wuxia like a hungry wolf.

"In that case, please go to hell!"

At this time, the real person was so angry that he didn't care how strong the person in front of him was.

When Feng Wuxia beat Louhu and Hua Yu, the real person was not there.

And he had never seen Feng Wuxia.


"Ants rebel, it's really interesting"

"But other than interesting, I can't think of any other words to describe you."

Feng Wuxia pinched the real person's head with one hand.

"With a"bang", the real person flew backwards, punching a big hole in the school wall.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, although he was unwilling, he knew that Feng Wuxia was too strong.

He was totally incomparable to her.

"I've never heard of someone like you in the Jujutsu High School."

Feng Wuxia replied without caring,"How could this rubbish know about the existence of the king?"

"In my eyes, you're just a bigger mouse"

"More jumping than other mice"

"You are actually proud of this, and even use it as a capital for arrogance."

The real person was speechless.

"Susanoo skeleton form"

"I think the first form is enough to deal with you."

"Because you are really weak!"

Feng Wuxia's words echoed in Zhenren's mind.

From childhood to adulthood, this was the first time someone said he was weak. This was something he absolutely could not tolerate.

"That's it, let me see your true ability!"

Feng Wuxia couldn't suppress his excitement and was fully engaged in the battle.

"You, don't underestimate me!" The palm of Zhenren's hand turned into a spike.

It stabbed Feng Wuxia fiercely.

Feng Wuxia pinched Zhenren's spike with one hand, but it was not enough! He didn't even bother to use the skeleton form of Susanoo.

Zhenren's attack was too childish, without any killing power. At most, he could become a first-level sorcerer, and if he went above that, he would be killed instantly.

Later, Yuji and Toudou, the close friends, beat Zhenren violently.

Zhenren's upper limit was only this high. If he cooperated with a better first-level sorcerer, Zhenren would not even be able to deal with him.

"Then I'll just praise you."

"You are now worse than a stray dog on the roadside."

Feng Wuxia was not trying to trick people, she was mocking the real person.

The real person's face was twisted together, as if he was going to tear Feng Wuxia apart the next moment.

"That's it, be a little angrier!"

Tiger Stick took a few steps back tactfully. Even if the real person was weak, it was in Feng Wuxia's eyes.

For Tiger Stick and Nanami, the real person was very strong.

"You can't even please me, so you'll die here!"

Opening Susanoo, a huge blue skeleton grabbed the real person's body.

The real person tried to resist, but it was useless.

It's better to say that now it's a double destruction of the mind and body.

Often waiting for death is the most terrifying.

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