"So powerful!"

Yuji and Toudou's fists hit Hanamiya's arm, and they were surprised to find that her arm was slightly numb.

This meant that the two of them had very strong attack power.

Although it was not as strong as Yuji's Black Flash, it was enough to cause substantial damage to Hanamiya.

"Dongtang, find an opportunity to cooperate with me"


Just as he was about to rush up, he found that the branches under his feet suddenly disappeared.

The height was at least three or four floors underground.


"With such a large mass, I thought it was a physical object controlled by the cursed power!"

Toudou looked thoughtfully at the branch disappearing under his feet. It was obvious that he made a mistake in judgment.

He did not expect that it was created out of thin air by the cursed power of Hanami.

"Attack us while we are in the air"

"It's really tricky, but there is a way!"

Looking at Hanamiya in the sky with a smile, Yuji and Toudou were in sync and slashed at each other at the same time.

"Best friend!"

The four legs collided with each other, using the opposing forces in the air to dodge Hua Yu's attack.

"Dongtang, are you okay?"

"It's okay!"

Yuji fell into the grass, while Toudou hung on the tree, suffering less damage than Yuji.

While Hanamiya had consumed a lot of cursed energy, Yuji went up again and started a second fight with Hanamiya.

The round-robin battle can effectively consume Hanamiya's physical strength and cursed energy.

Toudou appeared behind Hanamiya and kicked her in the head.

"At this moment, I am enjoying the battle!"

Release the warlock again. Since the two of them can consume their physical strength together, it is better to use the warlock to separate the two of them.

Hua Yu still thinks things are too simple, because Dongtang will release his warlock next.

"Brother, I'm going to remove the warlock next."

"Don't ask anything"

"You just need to do one thing"

"That is to trust me unconditionally!"

No matter how powerful the sorcerer is, just make him not activate it. In other words, don't give Hua Yu the opportunity to release the sorcerer.

This requires a very high speed for both of them, but Dong Tang can do it.

"Let's deal with one first!"

Seeing the two people acting at the same time, Hanamiya was definitely unable to deal with it alone.

A branch stretched out from the ground to grab Toudou's feet, and then used the tree next to him to form a spike.

Toudou was controlled and flew towards the spike. Everything was in Hanamiya's plan.

The next second, Hanamiya appeared in the trap she made with a puzzled expression on her face.

The fist that Yuji had just hit on Hanamiya's face was now hitting Toudou's face. Compared with death, a punch was obviously nothing.

"I see. A very simple sorcerer."

"That's why it's so tricky"

"That's right, my warlock just swaps positions!"

""Yuji, kill him in one fell swoop before your opponent gets used to it!"

Toudou's sorcerer clapping was the trigger condition, and the two of them kept using the sorcerer to switch positions during the attack.

This caused Hanamiya to be unable to judge the situation in front of him, because the position change could switch with his own.

If he rashly launched an attack based solely on the scene in front of him, he would probably fall into a trap.

Yuji and Toudou had already rushed in front of him, so he had to defend with both hands, but he obviously underestimated Toudou's ability.

The two exchanged positions, and Yuji, who was supposed to be in the front, moved to the back, and Hanamiya's defense became invalid.

No matter how Hanamiya defended, Toudou could break his defense by exchanging positions.

Hanamiya's situation is not optimistic now.

Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia acted separately, and it just so happened that Feng Wuxia's route was exactly where Toudou and Yuji were.

"That’s it, bro!"

"Black Flash!"

Black Flash hit Hua Yu. He didn't expect that such a move could be launched continuously.

""Pah!" Dongtang clapped his hands.

Huayu thought that the positions of the two had changed, so he looked behind, but there was no exchange.

Dongtang's warlock was completely up to him, and it was his choice to exchange or not.

This time Huayu guessed wrong.

"Black flash, black flash!"Black flashes continuously hit Hanamiya.

Due to misjudgment, Hanamiya was hit by several black flashes and kept spitting blood.

Toudou came to Yuji, but Yuji couldn't deal with Hanamiya with his current strength. The best way was for Toudou to get the cursed tool.

""Pah." Another crisp high-five sound.

Yuji found himself in a strange place, and at the same time, the special-grade spell tool Youyun appeared in Toudou's hand.

Before this, he had already discovered that Hua Yu was adapting to his sorcerer.

So getting the special-grade spell tool was the best choice at the moment.

"Curse seeds!"

A large number of curse seeds flew towards Toudou Aoi. The curse tool in his hand obviously couldn't block Hanami's stuff.

The sorcerers were too dense. Even if he blocked some of them, the other small parts would hit him.

Judging from the previous injury of Fushiguro Megumi, as long as he was injured, he would lose his combat ability temporarily.

Yuji had been exchanged by him. At present, he lost his combat ability on the field, so the end was waiting for death.


"I miscalculated!"

"You're not that good either."

"You made a wrong decision!"

Hua Yu mocked Dong Tang Kui. Hua Yu was indeed afraid of two people, but at the moment, there was only Dong Tang Kui alone, and he didn't take it seriously at all.


When the curse seed was about to hit Dong Tang, Feng Wuxia appeared with the Uchiha fan and helped Dong Tang block Hua Yu's attack.

"Bounce back!"Hana's attack hit the fan and bounced back.

"The weapon in your hand is very special!"

"This is the first time I've seen a spell tool that can rebound."

"This is probably the third time I've seen you."

Feng Wuxia put away the fan, and calculated the time. Gojo Satoru was about to break the account.

On the way here, he had already eliminated the curse master. The only threat now was Hua Yu in front of him, but Hua Yu was not a threat to Feng Wuxia.

"Mr. Feng, his spell power has been exhausted"

"We will take him down in one fell swoop!"

Hua Yu didn't take Toudou Aoi's words to heart. What a coincidence that the battle took place in the woods.

Hua Yu put his hand on the ground and absorbed the energy of the nearby trees. He looked again and saw that all the trees and grass around him had withered.

The soil on the ground had deteriorated, and it must have provided all of it as energy to Hua Yu.

"Dongtang, here I come!"

"Are you okay?"

Yu Zhang had just arrived. When they changed positions just now, he thought it was another trick.

He didn't expect to change to a place where there was no one. Yu Zhang ran for a long time before he found Toudou's position.

"Feng Wuxia?"

Tiger Stick had no time to be surprised by Feng Wuxia's appearance. The enemy in front of him had not been eliminated yet.

Moreover, most of his companions were already seriously injured.

"Leave this to me, you go support the others"

"Let's go, Yuji, the next battle is between special-grade sorcerers!"

(Fourth update, it's fun to watch this time, right?)

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