"Is this true? It's only been less than thirty minutes!"

""Run away!"

He ran towards the exit of the high school without hiding his weapon.

The singer who had finally escaped from the battle could not catch up with him.

Gojo Satoru, who was flying in the sky, noticed Yuji Itadori underground.

"Yuujin's cursed power level has increased a lot"

"Is it because of Dongtang?"

"Their personalities really do match each other."

Hua Yu was running away, and now the other curse masters were either leaving or fleeing.

The curse master's aura disappeared from the singer's side, and it seemed that she had prepared a way to escape.

"Is that guy the only one left? He's pretty good at running away."

The sky-blue six eyes looked at the direction where Hua Yu ran away.

It was estimated that Hua Yu's speed was not that fast, so he was still within the range of the high school.

"There is still some distance to Hisahito."

"There's no other way, let's indulge ourselves a little!"

The sorcerer reverses the"Cang" technique and reverses the"He" technique

, which is a move that is rarely known within the Gojo family.

Overlap the"Cang" technique and the"He" technique to generate an imaginary mass that can be ejected. It is directly manifested as an energy wave that can cut through space.

The damage caused is unified into a circular notch with smooth edges, which is currently one of the most lethal skills in Jujutsu Kaisen.

The distance is long and the diameter is large, leaving no armor behind wherever it passes. The gesture is a finger snap.

A huge purple energy body was emitted from Gojo Satoru's finger.

A large area in front of him was completely destroyed, and the damage range was extremely large.

The aftermath blew to Itadori and others, Todou Aoi blocked the strong wind, and Itadori was terrified.

The power of this move is too strong.

"It's still so unreasonably strong!"


Tiger Stick stood still, as if stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

"Yeah, it's done!"

Gojo Satoru pulled down his eye mask and gave a thumbs up.


"Success!"Noso held Sukuna's finger in his hand and brought Hanamiya and Togen to the secret base.

Originally, it was the real person who got the finger.

As a result, Feng Wuxia changed the plot in advance, so now Noso got the finger.

Hanamiya fell to the ground. Although he had foreseen Gojo Satoru in advance, he was still injured on the way to escape.

Gojo Satoru's technique was too powerful and blew away half of Hanamiya's body.

Sorting out the current information, the high school has"6 Sukuna fingers."

Plus the Nine Phases Diagram.

Sukuna itself is a bomb, whether it is us or the high school

"Why can the cursed spirit pass through the barrier of Tianyuan-sama?"

Gojo Satoru said:"Hana is more like a spirit, a plant"

"Tianyuan's barrier is ineffective against plants"

"That’s why we were able to invade the high school."

Gojo Satoru gathered all the people from the high school in a house to discuss the next countermeasures.

"So, will the exchange meeting continue?"

"Of course we have to continue!"

Dong Tang? Everyone looked at Dong Tang sitting in the corner in disbelief.

What's the reason?

"Since someone is hurt, we should become stronger. Only by experiencing defeat can we grow."

"The old love from the student days is still unforgettable"

"Best friend, isn't that right?"

Fushiguro Megumi and Nobara looked at Yuji, who was confused.

"When did you become so close to this gorilla?"

"I don't know either……"

The exchange meeting is divided into two days. The first day is a team battle and the second day is an individual battle.

Gojo Satoru secretly tampered with the method and decided by drawing lots today.

Take out a wooden box, and the principals of both sides are present.

See what is the new way of fighting

"Feng Wuxia, you are the referee of this game, you come and draw the lots!"

"All right."

He reached into the wooden box and fiddled with it for a long time before pulling out a piece of paper.


Principal Ye Moth and Principal Le Yan Temple leaned over. He remembered that it was a personal stand.

But in Feng Wuxia's hands, it became a baseball game.

"Stop, Satoru!"

Tiger Stick squatted on the ground and put on his helmet and gloves. Behind him, Iemo Kenji said:

"I heard you were dealing with a special"

"You are talking about this. Dongtang and I dealt with it together."

Principal Ye Mo and Principal Le Yan Temple chose a shady place.

They have a good relationship.

"Do you hate knotweed?"

"This is not a question of whether he is likable or not."

According to the rules of the spell, Yuji is not allowed to exist.

He is alive only because of Gojo's willfulness.

It is not unreasonable to let Yuji live, which will kill more people.

"I don't know if our decision is right."

"If you want to regret, wait until something happens."

In Gojo Satoru's words, how can we deprive young people of their youth?

This is absolutely not allowed.

Feng Wuxia sat in the shade of a tree, holding a dogtail grass in his mouth.

"Feng Wuxia, you are the referee, what are you doing sitting here?"

Of course he knew he was the referee, someone would keep score in baseball, so he might as well take a break.

"It's just a baseball game. Although it's a game, it looks more like entertainment."

"makes sense"

"Did you hear what we just said?"

Feng Wuxia nodded. She had heard the conversation between the two of them, but out of politeness she did not intend to talk to them.

"What do you think?"

He tentatively threw the question to Feng Wuxia. The opinions of a strong man like him were very useful to them.

"I don't have any opinion, if the knotweed really gets out of control"

"Gojo Satoru and I are the insurance for the high school"

"You can rest assured about this."

"If I lose control, I will kill the knotweed without mercy.……"

But as long as Tiger Stick is fine, he will protect Tiger Stick for a day.

"Principal, you are right."

"If you want to regret it, wait until something happens.

Gojo Satoru, wearing glasses and a blue shirt, walked past the three of them.

"Hehehe, hehehe~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"

"Noctuid, you should first find a way to control the five moths.���It's finally over, Feng Wuxia breathed a sigh of relief

"What about system rewards?"

"If I don’t tell you, you won’t give it to me, right?"

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task.】

【Points +100】

【Current points: 400 points】

"Open the system mall!"

【Ding, the product is currently available for purchase】

【[Death Substitute Ticket, Domain Ticket, Quick Heal Ticket, Remote Kill Ticket]

Four hundred points can only buy these things.

Death Substitute Ticket, can unconditionally die for the host once, of course, it is not necessary for the Reincarnation, it can be used by others.

Domain Ticket, can use the opponent's domain once, the same effect will be offset.

Quick Heal Ticket, similar to the Reversal Warlock, but faster, as long as it is not a complete kill, it can be restored in an instant.

But the prerequisite is that you need an item that the opponent carries with him.

Remote Kill Ticket is even more powerful, you only need to silently recite the opponent's name in your mind, imagine the opponent's appearance, and then light the ticket to achieve the effect of remote killing.

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