The life spell around Fushiguro Megumi was lifted, and he returned to the original state under the bridge. He was half-kneeling on the ground. The consumption of the domain was too great.

Almost in an instant, all his cursed energy was drained.

"Mr. Feng, I would like to trouble you for something."

"Yes, I'm really sorry, I'm seriously injured and can't move."

"Yuji and Nobara need help."

After saying that, Fushiguro Megumi found a big rock to lean on and slowly closed his eyes. He was too tired to even stand up.

The curse of the Eighty-Eight Bridges repeated the curse of Fushiguro Miki, so his sister did not wake up.

He had just called Feng Wuxia, and now that the curse repeated by his sister has been lifted, they can go to the Eighty-Eight Bridges.

Holding a finger of Sukuna in his hand, Fushiguro Megumi got a finger after killing the cursed fetus, and planned to give it to Yuji later.

From now on, Yuji is still stable, so he feels more at ease to give it to Yuji.

Of course, he also asked Feng Wuxia to come, so that even if Sukuna really comes out, he can suppress Sukuna immediately.

"What an amazing speed, it can run so fast with someone on its back."

The curse spirit controlled the blood to attack Tiger Stick and Wild Rose. Although they had already run a distance and came to a remote road, the curse spirit moved very fast and ambushed on the road before Tiger Stick escaped.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Tiger Stick blocked the blood for Wild Rose, and the blood sizzled.

It kept burning Tiger Stick's back.

"Let me see, which meteorite is better?"

Feng Wuxia opened the system and carefully searched for a suitable meteorite.

It couldn't be too big, it needed to be just enough to destroy a small area.

"found it"

"It’s you!"

(I saw a review about the ability of the Samsara Eye. Maybe I put it in Chapter 23 and people didn’t read it carefully, so I put the setting in Chapter 1)

【Ding, this system would like to remind the host】

【Although it is a side quest, it is better not to overdo it.】

"Okay, I understand the reason, just watch the operation and it's done!"

Corrosion and Decay Technique: Decay!

Curse Spirit Release Technique, black pattern marks grow on the faces of Tiger Stick and Wild Rose, the blood just now is the premise of release.

They will suffer the pain of fire.

Tiger Stick is the container of Ryomen Sukuna, no matter it is damage or toxins, he has a certain tolerance.

On the other hand, Wild Rose has no special physique, but she can persist for so long under the burning.

"What's wrong with that woman? My blood has no effect on her?"

It's not that it has no effect on her, but the most classic saying of Wild Rose: Let's see who can endure more!

Wild Rose has the ability to share damage. As long as he doesn't touch the technique, his brother will bear the pain together.

"Should I undo the spell, or I won't be able to help my brother."

Yuji Itadori rushed over, and Nobara was very weak.

But dealing with his brother was not a problem at all, and it would take some time to deal with Itadori.

He was not even sure if he could beat Itadori.


He finally softened his heart, not wanting his brother to suffer such pain.

He released his own spell, and Wild Rose escaped. Yuji concentrated on dealing with the cursed spirit.

He mixed the cursed power in his hands and quickly hit the cursed spirit.

He released the Wing King to fly into the sky, temporarily avoiding Yuji Yuji's attack.

"Brother, run away now!"

Wild Rose was still in a weak period and couldn't deal with his brother. There was no better chance to escape than now.

"Ant, stop!"

"Did I tell you to leave?"

Fortunately, Fushiguro Hui made a phone call, and Feng Wuxia just happened to stop the cursed spirit that wanted to escape.

"Who are you?"

The man in front of him was overflowing with curse power, and his strength was very strong. He was not sure he could deal with Feng Wuxia.

He controlled the blood to attack Feng Wuxia, but he blocked the blood attack with one hand and wiped the blood off his armor.

"You are really weak."

"In addition to controlling blood, is there no special technique?"

The blood squeaked on the armor, but Feng Wuxia didn't care at all.

"Brother, you go first, don't worry about me."

Use your eyes to signal your brother that at least one person should go first.

"There's no need to make eye contact, because you're all going to die here today!"

"Stupid cursed spirit, provoking God is a stupid act"

"You will pay for this"

"Let me show you the power of God!"

""Heavenly barrier shock star!"

A huge meteorite fell, and this move almost exhausted the chakra in the body.

But it recovered in the next moment, and the body of the dirty world turned into a convenient, inexhaustible chakra.

Looking at the meteorite falling from the sky, although the meteorite does not look very big, it is just a visual difference.

In fact, the meteorite is enough to destroy a small forest. This is the result of Feng Wuxia's special selection through the system.

"Yuji, you take Kugisaki Nobara and go first"

"Hey? Feng Wuxia, don't you want to leave?"

"I won't leave. It's nice to enjoy the scene of the meteorite landing!"

Madman, a complete madman, you don't want your life, but the curse spirit wants your life.

He waved his hand to signal the two to flee quickly. Fushiguro Megumi, who was lying under the bridge, had been settled. Otherwise, he would not have released ninjutsu so wantonly.

"I have already settled Fushiguro Megumi, you just need to leave now"

"Bro, I don't want to die...."

The green curse spirit looked at his brother. To be honest, he had no way to deal with it.

No matter how powerful they were, they could not face the meteorite.

"It's an honor. This move consumed all my chakra."

"You can't escape, so you might as well wait for death."

Seeing that the curse spirit wanted to escape, he kicked it, breaking its leg and lying on the ground screaming.

"Why are you so disobedient?"

"Isn't it better to wait for the meteorite to fall?"

Desperate, completely desperate, this kind of power is not something a human can possess.

Is he a god?

The conditions for the use of the Tensai Zhenxing, the Tensai Zhenxing only requires the pupil power of the Samsara Eye, but not the real Samsara Eye. After all, when the Edo Tensai Madara used the Tensai Zhenxing, the Samsara Eye was not on him.

Yuji, who escaped with Wild Rose, looked at the meteorite that had already landed. The power of this move was much greater than that of Gojo Satoru at the exchange meeting.

The surrounding dozens of kilometers were razed to the ground, but fortunately the place they chose was an uninhabited forest.

The broken body gradually recovered, and it was not long before the body was repaired.

"System, will the account manager notice it?"

【Ding, I won't notice】

【The host uses chakra, which is not a product of this world.】

【The last remaining breath of the cursed spirit is the cursed power of Yuji Itadori】

【So the target of the account is still Yuzhang.

It is really the same as what the system said. Most of the side plots will not change the main plot even if I intervene. Of course, don't play too much.

I almost got into trouble today.

(Another fourth update, friends who like it, please recommend the book)

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