Question: What do you think of Gojo Satoru?

"It's the teacher. If it weren't for the teacher, I would have been sentenced to death!"

"Let's just say he is a benefactor. There is one thing that is recognized by others."

"To be honest, I don't know him very well, but he looks silly."

"What a fool!"


"Frivolous, self-centered, the strongest sorcerer, or let me say, he is the strongest shit, sorcerers are shit"

"No need to say more, everyone understands"

"The strongest!"

Who is stronger, you or the teacher?

If Sukuna returns to his prime, it will be very difficult to deal with him!

Will he win?

He will win!

"This is too bad!"In the revolving lantern, Gojo Satoru complained to Jie from his high school days.

"You are still the same!"

"I once told my students that you are alone when you die."

Xia Yujie sat aside and said,"Who would care?"

"There is no such thing as a sorcerer dying without regrets.

Seeing Gojo Satoru's worries, Xiayou Jie patted Gojo Satoru on the back.

"How about the Cursed King?"

"Is he very strong?"

Gojo Satoru said,"He is very strong, and judging from the look of Sukuna, he hasn't used his full strength yet."

"We have too little information, and everything about Sukuna is still unknown."

Without Fushiguro Megumi's Ten Kage, Gojo Satoru is not sure if he can beat Sukuna.

"I have tried everything, but still failed..."

【An absolutely strong person, with a natural sense of loneliness!】

"Jay, if you were there"

"Pat me on the back, and I will be inspired!"

Nanami once asked Mingming, if you want to maintain the status quo, go south.

If you want to find a new self, go north.

Gojo Satoru raised his hand and said goodbye to everyone present, as if he really had no regrets.

"is it possible?"

"Obviously this is impossible!"

Are you saying goodbye to your deceased friend, or are you saying goodbye to your students?

I don't know, I'm not sure, but I am sure of this:

"You are Gojo Satoru, and you have never changed."

If I give you another chance, will you cherish it?

"The answer is yes!"

At this moment, all of Gojo Satoru's memories have been integrated into the eye mask. Using the unlimited travel ability, he cooperated with the system to eliminate his own breath, and when the noose was not paying attention, he entered the sealed prison gate.

"Gojo Sensei......"

Gojo Satoru was very surprised to see that the person coming was Feng Wuxia, but he quickly regained his composure.

"I didn't expect you to change your mind."

"I am so lucky to be your teacher!"

I didn't expect Feng Wuxia to call me teacher, but I don't know what the purpose of her visit is.

"What if I tell you, you will die?"

"Is this true?"

Gojo Satoru was obviously frightened. He had never thought that he would die.

Anyway, Feng Wuxia had come in, so it seemed like a good idea to chat with him.

""Tell me, how did I die?"

Gojo Satoru was very interested in this slightly sensitive topic.

Since he became the strongest, the word death has never appeared in his name.

Suddenly someone talked about death, and he was a little uncomfortable.

"Take it."

"This is your eye mask."

Feng Wuxia didn't say much, but handed the eye mask with fused memories to Wujo Satoru in the prison gate.

Seeing Feng Wuxia's serious expression, he knew that this eye mask was not ordinary.

"OK, I'll take it."

"But you haven't told me how I died."

He shook his head and said nothing. After Gojo Satoru put on the blindfold, he would know everything. He didn't need to say anything.

Gojo Satoru put on the blindfold, and all his memories merged into his brain.

In Gojo Satoru's brain, time was running fast. He saw everything, everything about the future.

When the timeline came to Gojo Satoru's death, half of his body was lying on the ground.

There was still blood flowing from his mouth. Being cut in half was not enough to completely kill Gojo Satoru.

But the huge pain that followed made him unable to move.

"what happened?"

"Where is this place?"

Gojo Satoru was watching the battle from a third party, and saw everything he had experienced in his life.


Gojo Satoru was obviously surprised. Sukuna was using the body of Megumi Fushiguro, and he was defeated by Sukuna and lay in a pool of blood.

His brain was working rapidly, similar to the performance of time travel, and Gojo Satoru came to another place again.



Jie? Is that you?

The high school student Jie Xiayou appeared in front of Gojo Satoru. The relationship between the two is still so good.

"Oh, I regret it."

"For my own righteousness, I want to clean up the entire world of magic."

"I knew this wouldn't work."

"But you! You can't regret it!"

"You are Gojo Satoru, the Gojo Satoru who is the only one in the world!"

"I won't allow you to regret"

"You have to remember that from now on we are not the strongest"

"You are the strongest!"

Xiaoyou Jie patted Gojo Satoru on the back and said,"Go, Satoru. Although I am dead, all I can do is give you the greatest support!

I patted your back and I did it.

I gave it to you in advance. Don't lose this time!"

"Let’s head north, Wu!"

"Farewell to all the dead companions"

"Welcome the new you, the world of magic cannot be without you."

Yes, it is not Gojo Satoru's style to leave the mess of Sukuna to the students.

The timeline returns to Gojo Satoru who was sealed by the prison gate, and two lines of hot tears flow from the corners of Gojo Satoru's eyes.

"Thank you Jay!"

"This time, I will win!"

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task.】

【Points +200】

【Current points: 300 points】

"Is Nanami still alive?"

"Alive, well."

"Really, it's good."

This seemingly simple conversation is filled with endless sadness, perhaps only Gojo Satoru himself knows.

As the strongest, he is destined to face some things with this title.

"You have a solution, right?" Gojo Satoru looked at Feng Wuxia?

"Well, now is not the time"

"Would you like to go out?"

"I���I will set up a bondage and use my eyes as a price to buy your freedom."

Gojo Satoru refused Feng Wuxia's bondage.

He saw the future of the world of spells in Feng Wuxia, and he couldn't do that.

According to his memory, he would break through the seal of the prison gate sooner or later, including his understanding of the true meaning of death. Now he needed a quiet place to digest it.

"Is this really okay?" Feng Wuxia asked Gojo Satoru again.

"no problem"

"I am the strongest!"

Gojo Satoru said with a smile. He is no longer the same Gojo Satoru now.

He is a brand new Gojo Satoru, the strongest Gojo Satoru.

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