Loophole took out the fingers he had prepared in advance, and there were exactly ten fingers in them.

Then he stuffed all ten fingers into Yuji's mouth.

He opened Yuji's mouth and confirmed again whether he had swallowed all ten fingers.

There were already fifteen Sukuna fingers in Yuji's body.

A voice interrupted Loophole's thoughts, and then he found that his right hand was missing.

It was the right hand that had just fed Yuji the fingers.

"Give you a second"

"Get out of here!"

Loupu didn't dare to delay, because the one in front of him was the Curse King from a thousand years ago. His goal had been achieved. The

Curse King appeared in the world, and the era of curses officially arrived.

In less than half a second, Loupu retreated five steps away.

Sukuna just said one sentence, and Loupu, one of the four great disasters, was terrified.

This was the first time Loupu looked Sukuna in the face.

"Sukuna and Gojo Satoru are different"

"The evil aura that hit them was different in nature."

Mimiko and Nanako stood there, not daring to move. They felt that if they moved, they would die here.

The overwhelming evil of the other side frightened everyone.

"Mimiko, relax!"

"You can breathe!"

It seemed that he noticed that Mimiko was having trouble breathing, but he didn't dare to move, so he had to use words to remind her.

"You, you hold your heads too high!"

Mimiko and Nanako lowered their heads immediately.

Loko's reaction was a little slow, and half of his head was cut off.

In the face of absolute evil and power, everything is nothing.

Sukuna's slash passed by, although it was only for a moment, but half of Loko's head had disappeared.

"Do you think getting down on one knee is enough?"

"Kids, let's start with you."

"Please eat one of my fingers."

"I will just listen to your last words."

Mimiko and Nanako acted so humbly and gave me a finger, so it would be okay to listen to your last words.

Nanako acted so sincerely and raised her head slightly, but she didn't dare to look at Sukuna.


"There is a man in a monk's robe with stitches on his head."

"Please, kill him!"

The two people's request was to ask Sukuna to kill Nososo.

Before Sukuna had seen Nososo, he might have considered it.

But after seeing his Nososo, he did not consider killing him. The relationship between Sukuna and Nososo was mutually beneficial.

"I beg you again, release Master Xia Yu!"

Mimiko and Nanako were very angry and wanted to find Gojo Satoru.

They remembered what Xia Yujie had said:

"Mimiko, Nanako, Satoru is my only true friend"

"We have a good relationship!"

So they think it is understandable that Geto Xiayou was killed by Gojo Satoru.

��But Nozomi is different. He is just a dirty cursed spirit who has survived for thousands of years by taking over other people's bodies.

In the eyes of Mimiko and Nanako, this is undoubtedly a way to defile Geto.

"Lift your head"

"Don't make me say it again."

The two thought Sukuna agreed, and actually raised his head.

Sukuna smiled at the two of them, but who could have expected that the next second, only half of Mimiko's body was left.

"You are not stupid enough to think that you can use me unconditionally with just one finger?"It seems that one finger is the exchange condition for killing Nose, which is indeed a great disrespect to Sukuna.

The power of just one finger is dispensable to Sukuna.

"Trying to give me orders with just one finger?"

"I've never encountered anything so outrageous in my life."

"It has always been that others beg me for something, not an equal exchange."

Sukuna is very unhappy now. How come humans are all the same after a thousand years? Nanako was very angry. Mimiko's body lay quietly beside her. She took out her mobile phone and pointed it at Sukuna.

Before Nanako could send the spell, her body was cut into countless pieces by Sukuna.

Lekhu knelt on his knees, not daring to move, for fear that Sukuna would kill him the next moment.

No one can face fear directly, even the special-grade cursed spirits.

"It's your turn next."

"Curse Spirit!"

The system eliminated Feng Wuxia's aura, but he was still a step too late.

It was less than a few minutes since the Curse King Ryoumen Sukuna woke up.

The fool Ruku actually fed Yuji ten fingers.

In other words, Sukuna now has the strength of fifteen fingers.

"System, what about the mission?"

【Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission】

【Battle against the Fifteen Ibusuki Nuo】

【Save ordinary people as much as possible】

【Mission completed, points +200】

【Current score: 300]

In the original novel, Sukuna would fight to his heart's content. Even though Sukuna did not use his true strength, he killed thousands of people.

If it was just a fight against Sukuna, Feng Wuxia would have an easier time.

Adding the condition of protecting ordinary people as much as possible, things would become very difficult.


"I resurrected you for nothing"

"I hope you can create an era of cursed spirits"

"We are the new humans!"

Sukuna didn't want to say anything more to Louhu, because he had eaten ten fingers for himself.

This was a considerable number.

He didn't expect Louhu's request to be so simple.

Sukuna was in a good mood and said to Louhu, who was kneeling on the ground:

"Curse, do you know?"

"I'm in a good mood now"

"As long as you can hit me once, I will let you go"

"How about it?"

The clepsydra found that Sukuna didn't seem to be joking, and his words really hit the nail on the head.

Maybe his wish could really come true.


"Once a word is spoken, it cannot be taken back!"

Loupu stood up. Noso had previously evaluated Loupu as having the strength of about seven or eight Sukuna fingers, thinking that Sukuna now only had the strength of fifteen fingers.

Even if Loupu only had half of Sukuna's current strength, it would not be much different.

On the other side of the Shibuya subway station, Fushiguro Megumi picked up the cursed tool and aimed it at Fukuguro Shir who was approaching step by step.

Thanks to the technique of Gojumaki senior, the cyborgs were basically all eliminated.

Now the space above the subway station is very open, which is a very good place for fighting.

Fushiguro Megumi's attention is all on Fushiguro Shir.

Fushiguro Shir played with the cursed tool, as if he had already eaten Fushiguro Megumi, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

"Escape the rabbit!"

""Entangle him!"

Summoned hundreds of rabbits, came forward to wrap up Fushiguro Shier, trying to delay his steps.

But the next moment, Youyun split a passage and didn't delay him for a second.

Nanami appeared in front of Fushiguro Megumi and blocked Shier's attack for Fushiguro Megumi, but the force was too strong and he flew out.

Fushiguro Shier's target has always been Fushiguro Megumi.

"Grandpa, they're around the corner!"

"Got it!"

Zenin Naohito was seriously injured, but they were seniors, so how could they let the juniors die?

At this moment, Zenin Maki also joined the battlefield to delay Fushiguro Shinobu's actions.

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