Sukuna's flames hit Feng Wuxia, and the next second the whole person was engulfed by the flames.

Seeing that Feng Wuxia did not dodge his attack, Sukuna was very surprised.

"Your flame is very weak!"

"I can't feel any power"

"Are you just trying to fool me?"

He looked at Feng Wuxia's body in surprise.

The scene in front of him was far beyond his expectations.

His left hand, which had been burned off, was constantly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye under the blessing of the body of the Impure World Transformation.

In less than ten seconds, the scars on his right hand and his body were wiped out.

It was as if Sukuna's fire did not hit Feng Wuxia.

Sukuna was still thinking about what was going on.

Feng Wuxia came to Sukuna with an Uchiha fan.

With a wave of his hands, Sukuna only felt a huge force, and the whole person crashed into the tall building behind him.

"very good"

"I know you're more capable than this."

"Let me see how strong you are!"

Sukuna was getting more and more excited. He was eager to fight. After being sealed for thousands of years, there was finally someone strong enough to challenge him.

He brushed off the dust on his armor, as if he was disgusted that Sukuna had dirty his armor.

To deal with Sukuna with fifteen fingers, you must use some killer moves, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with him.

Jump to the place where Sukuna fell, and don't give Sukuna any chance to breathe.

Otherwise, thousands of ordinary people in the Shibuya area will die in an instant.

Itadori will regain consciousness soon.

In the interval of thinking, Sukuna smashed the building where the two were.

He released more than a dozen slashes, but Feng Wuxia dodged them all.

"He is very strong, and his spells are different from those of other sorcerers."

"His strength comes from his confidence in his absolute strength."

From the taunting between him and Sukuna just now, it can be seen that Feng Wuxia does not think that his strength is lower than Sukuna in his prime.

Now that Sukuna has no cursed tools, this is his best chance to attack.

Rimei has not appeared yet, and Sukuna has no way to obtain weapons for the time being.

"Idiot, find a place to hide now"

"When Sukuna and I fight later, you won't be able to escape in time."

Feng Wuxia looked at the leaky pot half-kneeling on the ground. His body was severely injured and it would take some time to recover.

It was difficult for him to stand up at the moment.

He didn't care about anything else and just pulled up the leaky pot and threw it somewhere else.

Just don't disturb the fight between him and Sukuna.

Feng Wuxia instantly appeared in front of Sukuna and staged a"beating technique return battle."

Although the two of them only fought with their fists, the aftermath was not small.

Buildings within a radius of several miles were damaged by the two.

Sukuna showed a silly smile on his face. He was enjoying this hard-won battle.

"Little did he know that Sukuna missed the best chance to subdue Makoro."

As mentioned before, Feng Wuxia released many clones in the Shibuya area.

The clone that was released was just the one holding the Uchiha fan.

Now most of the clones are gathering near Fushiguro Megumi.

Fushiguro Megumi is in a state of suspended death, so there is no need to worry, the reversal technique can cure the suspended Fushiguro Megumi.

Moreover, the place where Makoro was released is not far from the base of the High School, and the extra clones have gone to look for Ieiri Shoko.

Sukuna's reversal technique is indeed very troublesome. Even if his hands and feet are broken, they can be restored in a few seconds.

In this case,"short-term sealing" has become Feng Wuxia's first choice.

Finding the right opportunity, Feng Wuxia flew in the sky, made seals with both hands, and released fire escape.

This time Feng Wuxia did not control the amount of chakra. Anyway, the surroundings were destroyed and there was no breath of living people.

It is better to make himself feel better.

"Unlimited version of"Great Fire Extinguishing" was released towards Sukuna below.

Sukuna was a little surprised. Such a huge amount of fire, coupled with the powerful lethality that could not be ignored, made Sukuna with fifteen fingers feel an indescribable pressure.

He released a slash, trying to split a channel from the middle of the flame, but facing the unlimited version of Fire Style, it looked like an ant hitting an elephant, and the slash could not shake the Fire Style in the slightest.

Leakage Pot had already appeared in a safe area.

Seeing the battle between Sukuna and Feng Wuxia, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"The shadow clone technique!"

"The tree world is coming!"

The fire escape was burning and the wood escape was released at the same time. The burning wood escape attacked Sukuna.

Although Sukuna managed to withstand the fire escape, there was no chance for Sukuna to breathe.

Sukuna, who was still repairing his body, had to retreat. If he was caught by the wood escape, he would be finished.

This attack was similar to the fire escape just now. The power of the wood escape was enough to destroy a city at will.

Feng Wuxia was flying in the sky, looking at Sukuna who suddenly stopped, and realized that Sukuna had repaired the wound on his body.

"Don't run away"

"You can't escape"

"The power of only fifteen fingers is not enough to fight me."

Now Sukuna has no body, no curse tool, and his strength has not yet recovered to the peak. He has not even comprehended the space slash, so he is naturally unable to fight against Feng Wuxia's power.


"Let me think about it, maybe this move is the most useful for you."

A very powerful ninjutsu suddenly came to my mind, but it consumes too much chakra.

There is no need to worry about this, but I am afraid that the range is too large and it will affect other people.

"Sure enough, fifteen fingers"

"Still not enough to deal with you."

Sukuna suddenly realized that the person in front of him was likely to be on par with Gojo Satoru.

The ability he showed now was already showing some signs of surpassing Gojo Satoru.

"Bastard Noose"

"Look at the good things you did"

"You have to seal Gojo Satoru and leave this mess to me!"

The battle must be ended as soon as possible, as the situation on Fushiguro Megumi's side cannot be delayed.

Besides, if he can subdue Mokorora, it would be a good choice.

The clone's strength is only 60%, and it will take some time to deal with Mokorora.

And Mokorora's biggest difficulty is adapting. He is not sure if he can adapt to ninjutsu.

But he will definitely not adapt to ninjutsu so quickly, as ninjutsu is not a product of this world.

Even if he really adapts, it will take some time.

"Not awake yet?"

"Or was it that the injury that Tiger Stick had previously suffered was too severe?"

"Is that why he can't wake up yet?"

Sukuna began to take the opponent in front of him seriously. If he had been there a thousand years ago, he might have really lost.

"I really want to know, which family are you from?"

"I've never heard of such a perverted family."

"I am just a nobody from my family, why should you, Sukuna, think about me?"

He kicked Sukuna in the abdomen. It was obvious that Sukuna had been prepared for this kick.

So when the kick came, Sukuna had already blocked it with both hands.

Sukuna was very suspicious whether Feng Wuxia was an old monster from a thousand years ago, whose body had just recovered automatically. He had a bold guess in his mind, but he was not sure, so he never said it out loud.

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