Moxu Luo looked at Chuntai who disappeared in his hand in surprise, and then looked at the people next to him.

It was obvious that the priority of the target had changed.

"The strongest shikigami?"

"The name is quite loud"

"I just don't know how strong he is."

Sukuna with fifteen fingers can defeat Moxu Luo, so there is no need to be afraid of Moxu Luo's strength.

At most, he has a little more than ten fingers.

Moxu Luo is most famous for his super adaptability.

Once Moxu Luo adapts to your moves, you cannot defeat him.

You must kill or subdue him before he adapts. Moxu

Luo waved his hand, and the sharp knife in his hand stabbed at Feng Wuxia's position.

Feng Wuxia did not hesitate at all, and blocked Moxu Luo's attack with his right hand, yawning at the same time. The stone bricks under his feet cracked, and this attack was just a tickle to Feng Wuxia.

In the eyes of others, Moxu Luo's attack was enough to kill a first-level sorcerer in seconds.

"Is this what you call the strongest shikigami?"

"That's all."

Moxu Luo's blade has an enchanted attribute:"Demon Repelling Blade."

It is a technique specifically used to deal with cursed spirits. Once the curse is touched, it will be wiped out.

The Uchiha fan hit Moxu Luo's feet. Moxu Luo has a strong repair ability.

Even broken bones can be repaired quickly.

The chandelier above Moxu Luo's head rotated unbelievably.

At the same time, the wound on Moxu Luo's foot was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is also one of Moxu Luo's exclusive abilities, similar to the ability to reverse the technique.

Moxu Luo, who adjusted his state, attacked Feng Wuxia again.

With one knife, a huge scratch appeared on the building behind him.

This time, Feng Wuxia's Uchiha fan was blocked by Moxu Luo, just once.

Moxu Luo adapted to Feng Wuxia's attack and predicted the next move.

"Strong adaptability"

"Plus the power that is enough to surpass the special grade curse spirit"

"No wonder no sorcerer has been able to subdue Mokhura so far."

After the actual fight, it was discovered that Mokhura's upper limit is very high. The stronger the Ten Shadow owner, the stronger Mokhura's strength.

Looking at the deformed monster in front of him, he knew in his heart that he must take down Mokhura as soon as possible.

Mokhura cannot be given more opportunities to adapt.

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi had regained some consciousness, and his eyes were slightly open.

Glass was healing the damage, and Principal Ye Mo next to him tied up Haruta.

Feng Wuxia was fighting with Mokhura on the battlefield.

He didn't expect that he would be so bold. Knowing that Mokhura was the strongest Shikigami, he still summoned this big trouble.

At that time, Fushiguro Megumi was at the end of his rope and had a seriously injured body.

There were curse masters chasing him from behind, and if he didn't summon Mokhura, he would die.

Chibaku Tensei cannot be used. There are many sorcerers on the scene, and there are also many ordinary people in the subway station underground. Those with too much lethality cannot be used, otherwise it will affect other people.

Bring Mokhura to the air, and rely on the ability to fly to temporarily contain Mokhura for a while.

"System, open the mall"

【Ding, the mall is open】

【There are currently four types of spells available for purchase】

"Buy a territory ticket!"

【Successfully purchased a domain ticket, points -100】

【Current points: 300】

【[Host, please select the domain object]

Give priority to copying Gojo Satoru's domain, because Gojo Satoru's domain can make Mokura crash for a period of time.

Any creature with a brain will crash once it is hit by the Infinite Void.

It can be said that the Infinite Void is naturally resistant to creatures with brains, and the Curse Spirit is no exception.

As for the reason for not copying Sukuna's domain, it is:

Yuji is in a bad state now, and he cannot be allowed to see Sukuna's domain, otherwise he will cause secondary damage.

Moreover, Sukuna's domain will attack indiscriminately, and any creature within the domain will suffer a certain degree of damage.

As for the Infinite Void, ordinary people will not suffer any harm if their brains crash.

At most, they will lose two months of memory and suffer from dementia for a period of time. Try to shrink the domain to the extreme as much as possible so that it does not affect the area where ordinary people are.

"System, I choose infinite space!"

【Ding, the infinite space was copied successfully】

【The domain has been attached to the domain ticket】

【The host can use it at any time】

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Song Technique!"

Feng Wuxia took the initiative to consume Moxu Luo's state and divert his attention.

Moxu Luo blocked the fire style attack, but it also paid a heavy price.

His right hand was burned and he could not use it for a short time.

The chandelier above his head rotated again, and while Moxu Luo was healing, he immediately released the domain voucher purchased from the system mall.

"Use territory tickets!"

"The domain is unfolding, and there is an infinite space!"

For a moment, Mo Xu Luo was trapped in the domain. When he wanted to fight back, he found that he could not move.

All time was frozen in the domain, and only Feng Wuxia could move freely.

"Finally settled down"

"Next, let me tell you who is the king."

"Shinra Tensei!"

The scope of the domain was originally compressed to the extreme, and Feng Wuxia used Shinra Tensei.

Moxu Luo was about to turn into meat paste, and he was still unable to move. It is not uncommon for a special-grade sorcerer to have a domain, but it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a world of difference between a special-grade sorcerer with a domain and a special-grade sorcerer without a domain.

"not enough"

"I will completely defeat Moxu Luo when the system crashes!" He continued to increase the power of Shinra Tensei. Outside the domain, everything was calm, but inside the domain, gods were fighting.

The chandelier above Moxu Luo's head began to rotate, and it seemed that he was beginning to adapt to the domain.

It won't be long before Moxu Luo will adapt to the infinite space.

It will be difficult to defeat Moxu Luo.

Don't give Moxu Luo any chance, use the shadow clone technique to put pressure on him.

The other clones used"Shinra Tensei" together."

The chandelier above Moxu Luo's head gradually lost its light and gradually dimmed.

This means that Moxu Luo can't hold on any longer.

As Moxu Luo's body fell into pieces, the domain was lifted.

Feng Wuxia held Moxu Luo's chandelier in her hand and threw it aside without any care.

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Feng Wuxia, who defeated the strongest shikigami"Moxu Luo" in surprise.

Who would have thought that in less than ten minutes, the strongest shikigami Moxu Luo would be defeated by Feng Wuxia.

And he was the kind who had no power to resist.

"Here, I give it back to you."

"You summoned Makkuluo."

Makkuluo died, and Fushiguro Megumi's ritual was lifted. Looking at the chandelier in front of him, Fushiguro Megumi was speechless.


"Wasn't it you who summoned it?"

"You've already killed him, why are you giving him back to me?"

In fact, Moxu Luo will not die. I just defeated him.

Of course, the next time Moxu Luo sees Feng Wuxia, he will most likely not attack.

"Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?"

"Moxu Luo will not die"

"Next time you call him"

"If you are not convinced, come find me."

"I will continue to defeat Moxu Luo."

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