"Is it hard to find Sukuna's finger?" Yuji was puzzled.

Gojo Satoru blocked Yuji's mouth with his fingers and said to him with his face close to Yuji.

"If it were so easy to find, we would have found it all long ago."

Nothing is harder to find than this.

"But now that you are here, the Sukuna in your body will tell you where the fingers are in order to gain more power."

Tiger Stick is not only a container, but also a detector and radar, so wherever there are fingers, Tiger Stick must be present.

As for Feng Wuxia, he lives on the right side of Tiger Stick, and Fushiguro Megumi lives on the left side of Tiger Stick.

"And you?"

"Do you want to be a student or a teacher?"

Gojo Satoru turned to look at Feng Wuxia who was silent, and the choice was in his hands.

Even if he was a student, he would just be with Yuji and perform more tasks.

Of course, if he chose to be a student, Gojo Satoru would be more assured of Yuji, because he was not by Yuji's side, and Feng Wuxia could effectively watch over Su Nuo.

"Being a teacher is so boring. I have to listen to that bearded uncle talk every day."

"As a student, I have more room to move around. Besides, wouldn't it be better if I could be with Sukuna?"

Feng Wuxia grinned. It didn't matter to him whether he was a student or a teacher.

Students participated in the task just to complete it better. It didn't mean that teachers couldn't interfere with students' tasks.

"In that case, let's go pick up the last student next!"

Wild Rose stretched her body and felt sore all over after sitting on the tram for four hours.

"Sorry for the long wait, have the school uniforms arrived?"

Fushiguro Megumi and Yuji looked at Gojo Satoru who had arrived late.

"Oh, the school uniform has arrived, and it fits me perfectly.

Yuji is a little confused as to why his school uniform is different from Fushiguro Megumi and Feng Wuxia's.

"Be careful, Gojo-sensei sometimes does this. Fushiguro Megumi warned

"By the way, why do we have to gather in Harajuku?"

The last freshman, Nobara, is coming soon, but her appearance is a bit special, which is quite embarrassing.

"System, open the mall."

It's not good for Feng Wuxia to walk on the road like this, after all, he has merged with the dirty world.

He has long hair and a fan on his back.

【Ding, the mall is opened successfully]

The storage space in the first row attracts attention

"Buy storage space!"

【Congratulations to the host for purchasing storage space]

At the same time, Tiger Stick noticed that Feng Wuxia's appearance had changed. His long black hair became shorter and turned white. He looked like a normal student, and his face had changed a lot.

"Don't mind it, it's just my special ability."

Feng Wuxia waved his hand, signaling the people in the city not to mind it.

"Model, I mean, how am I?"Ye Qiangwei grabbed the agent who was trying to escape.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

He tried to run away in a panic, but the wild rose behind him didn't give him any chance.

"Should we go say hello to that guy? How embarrassing!"

At this time, Yuji was wearing pink glasses and holding popcorn in his hand.

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Yuji's outfit and said,"I think your outfit is also quite embarrassing."

"Hey, over here, over here!" Gojo Satoru called Nobara over.

"What does that eye patch look like?"

Ye Qiangwei was quite interested in the eye patch.

Feng Wuxia half-jokingly said,"Don't mind it, because he is blind."

Fushiguro Megumi: Single 6

"My name is Yuji Itadori, and I'm from Sendai."

"My name is Fushiguro Megumi."

From the perspective of Nobara Kugisaki, Yuji looks rustic and must have eaten boogers when he was a child.

Fushiguro Megumi only said his name to act cool and uninterested.

The white-haired man in armor next to him didn't say a word and was even less interested.

"Humph, it's rare that all the first-year students are here, and they are all from other places."

"Of course we have to have some, Tokyo sightseeing!"

Tiger tsubasa and Nobara were dancing with excitement, while Fushiguro Megumi had already guessed Gojo Satoru's nature.

Feng Wuxia knew the plot, and stood beside him with Fushiguro Megumi, watching the two fooling around.

"Next up is announcing the destination!"


Five minutes later, a residential building that exuded a cursed aura and was lifeless, and was rumored to be an abandoned hospital that had been uninhabited for years, appeared in front of him.

"Sure enough, what good places can Gojo-sensei find? Fushiguro Megumi seems to have guessed it long ago

"It's a scam"

"They only know how to bully us outsiders!"

Tigerroot and Wild Rose were like crazy. What happened to the Tokyo sightseeing and Roppongi?

What about the abandoned building next to the cemetery?

"I want to know your strength, which is similar to the practical test."Gojo Satoru said

"You guys get rid of the curse."

Yuji had no cursed power, so he said to Gojo Satoru,"Huh? But I don't have any cursed power."

Gojo Satoru pointed at Yuji and said,"Now that you have eaten Sukuna's finger, it is a curse in itself."

"It takes time to learn how to manipulate cursed power, so use this first!"

He handed the curse tool, Tuzuoma, to Tiger Stick, and used it to deal with the curse.

"Good soil……"Wild rose complained beside

"What about me? I am also a freshman. Do I need to take the assessment?"

Feng Wuxia pointed at herself.

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Feng Wuxia like a fool. She was so strong, why were you so persistent in taking the assessment for freshmen?

"You don't need to, I know your strength"

"That’s right!"

Gojo Satoru handed Feng Wuxia the special grade sorcerer certificate that he applied for yesterday. He didn’t expect that it would be completed in one day.

""Those old guys up there seem to be afraid of you, hahaha!" Gojo Satoru still doesn't forget to laugh at those old, aging high-ranking officials.

Not only Gojo Satoru, but many sorcerers are dissatisfied with the high-ranking officials, so later Otsutsuki Yuta pretended to rebel, and the old rocker regretted killing the moth.

The sorcery world needs to be thoroughly cleaned up.

"It's boring to wait here, let's go to the dessert shop."

Gojo Satoru pulled the two away from the cemetery. After a long period of no limit, Gojo Satoru needed to replenish his sweets.

In the abandoned residential building, the two had no idea that they were removing the curse, and the three of them went to eat dessert.

"Do you really not need to worry about them? How about I go too?"

In the dessert shop, Fushiguro Megumi was worried and made this request.

"You have just recovered from a serious illness. Don't force yourself."

"And this is a test designed for Wild Rose and has nothing to do with Yuji."

In fact, Yuji's strength has been seen since the beginning. He has Sukuna's curse in his body, so ordinary cursed spirits can't beat Yuji at all.

"Isn't Tiger Stick a key surveillance target?" Feng Wuxia said

"He can control the lodging Nuo, so don't worry about it for now. Besides, you are also a key surveillance target, but those old guys don't dare to say it openly."

The words are full of ridicule for the top management.

If Gojo Satoru hadn't saved Yuta Otsutsukotsu and stood on the side of the Jews last year, a special-grade sorcerer might have disappeared from the world.

Anyone who threatens their status will be eliminated.

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