"The barrier disappeared?"

"How is it possible!"

Zenin Naoya was the first to discover this, and he planned to end the battle as soon as possible.

Fortunately, only the barrier at the gate of the Zenin family disappeared.

It did not have much impact on the scene, but it also showed that someone had invaded the Zenin family. It was obvious that helpers from Fushiguro Megumi and others had arrived.

Although it was not known how the news got out, or whether Fushiguro Megumi had a backup plan.

No one was going to give Fushiguro Megumi a chance to attack next.

Zhang Kaiyouyun casually grasped the nunchaku, holding the middle part, and the other two sides changed at will.

Fushiguro Megumi was caught off guard and had to use both hands to resist.

This time, Fushiguro Megumi's hands were shaken and hurt.

"Maki-senpai is right."

"The power of a cursed tool is linked to its user"

"If the opponent is a top-level sorcerer, I'm afraid I will be killed directly."

It can be seen that Zenin Naoya is not very skilled yet, which means that Fushiguro Megumi still has a chance. Finding his flaw is the only way to defeat him.

Kusakabe Atsuya entered the dark passage. It took him a long time to find it.

The Zenin family hid too deep. He had been to the Zenin family before.

It was the first time he found the tunnel. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't find it at all.

The tunnel was very dark, so he had to pick up a torch to barely see the road ahead.

After walking for a few minutes, he found some residual blood on the ground, which should be the blood left by Maki.

It is not difficult to guess that a battle took place here, and it was more like an overwhelming battle.

Zenin Fan left the tunnel early, so the two did not run into each other.

"Very smelly"

"The smell of the curse became stronger and stronger, mixed with the smell of blood."

Unable to bear this smell, Kusakabe Atsuya just wanted to find the two as soon as possible and leave this place of trouble.

An iron door appeared at Kusakabe's place, with more than a dozen locks on the iron door to prevent the two weak people from escaping.

It was hard to imagine that Zenin Fan would kill his daughters.

He drew out the weapon behind him, cracked the lock on the iron door, kicked the iron door open, and found that the two Maki sisters were lying helpless on the ground.

He jumped down and put his hands under the noses of the two people, and could still feel a faint breath.

"Fortunately, I didn't die"

"Otherwise, I've come all the way here in vain!"

Groups of Level 2 curse spirits approached the group, as if they were going to tear them to pieces in the next moment.

"Help me up..."

"I can still fight."

Zenin Maki, who was unconscious just now, woke up and wanted to fight with Kusakabe Atsuya.

Kusakabe did not refuse Maki's request.

After all, one person protecting two people and two people protecting one person are completely different levels.

It would be very difficult for him to deal with all the cursed spirits, and he would not have the energy to take care of the two Zenin sisters.

Now Maki has woken up and has a cursed tool in his hand, and the situation has improved a lot.

"Have you met Megumi Fushiguro?"

"Zenin Naoya has feelings for Fushiguro Megumi"

"I went around the main courtyard, not knowing Fushiguro Megumi's situation.

Without knowing Fushiguro Megumi, I just wanted to quickly resolve the battle, but reality gave me a hard slap in the face.

Countless cursed spirits came out.

"Damn, how many cursed spirits are imprisoned in the Zen Temple fan?"

"I'm afraid there are thousands of them."

The cursed spirits kept coming closer, and Maki was desperately trying to protect Mayi's position.

"I don't know, the old guy said"

"There are at least more than 2,000 of them."

There are so many of them, and most of them are not very strong. It is impossible for them to leave the secret room in a short time.

"There is bad news"

"Maybe you can't feel it, but I know it very well."

Zenyuan Maki didn't understand what this meant.

"Sorcerers within the barrier cannot use spells"

"Only the power of the curse can be used."

Zenin Maki was very surprised that the old man actually knew in advance that someone would break into Zenin's house.

He even spent a lot of money to ask a master to set up a barrier.

"The barrier is very strong, it is definitely not set by Zen Fan"

"It seems that there is a master behind the scenes helping him."

Maki also has a cursed tool in hand to deal with the cursed spirit, so Kusakabe is in a difficult situation. He can only use the cursed power to strengthen the attack and hit the cursed spirit's vital point to kill it in one blow.

"Focus on dealing with cursed spirits"

"Feng Wuxia is here too."

Hearing that Feng Wuxia is here, Chanyuan Maki seems to be much more relaxed, without the tension just now.

Feng Wuxia has just entered Chanyuan's house, and he is not very familiar with the layout of Chanyuan's house.

There happened to be a hand-drawn map outside, so he took it down and observed it carefully.


"I'll see how you run this time."

"Even if you have wings on your back, you can't fly away."

Fushiguro Megumi flew out from the roof, and Feng Wuxia grabbed Fushiguro Megumi's collar without looking back.

This made Fushiguro Megumi stop.

"So good"

"I also saved myself the time of looking for you."

Fushiguro Megumi was very angry. He was almost dead, and Feng Wuxia was still looking at the map. Couldn't you just follow the sound of the fight to find him?

"Yo, long time no see"

"You are badly injured!"

Feng Wuxia was still teasing Fushiguro Megumi, and Zenin Naoya stopped beside him.

He didn't dare to move forward. The man in front of him brought him endless fear.

When Yuta Otsutsuki appeared, Feng Wuxia followed.

He just casually hit and sent Zenin Naoya flying. He never dreamed that he would meet him in his own home.

"You shouldn't have shown up"

"This is our family affair, you don't seem to have the right to interfere, right?"

Feng Wuxia let go of Fushiguro Hui and stretched his muscles on the spot. The enemies he encountered in the past few days were relatively weak.

Almost all of them were killed in one hit, and he couldn't feel the fun of fighting at all.

"Are you looking down on me?"

"Don't forget that this is Zenin's house!"

Zenin Naoya thought that Feng Wuxia's move to knock him away last time was a curse.

But he didn't know that it was just Feng Wuxia's pure physical strength, without any external force.

"It just depends on the strength of the technique."

"If Gojo Satoru didn't have a spell, he would just be the weakest special grade sorcerer."

When he mocked Feng Wuxia, he also mocked Gojo Satoru. He thought that the strong only relied on their natural spells.

"I think you misunderstood something."

"I don't need that kind of thing."

"In addition, the innately powerful technique is also a part of one's own strength."

Feng Wuxia saw Zenin Naoya as just an ant without power and thus unable to rage.

When he began to have this idea, he was destined not to stir up any waves.

"Maki-senpai is still in the tunnel"

"You go save them first, I can still hold on for a while."

Foshiguro Megumi's old behavior came back. Feng Wuxia crumpled the map in her hand into a ball and stuffed it into Fushiguro Megumi's mouth.

She found a few ropes to tie Fushiguro Megumi up.

Maki had Kusakabe Atsuya on his side. The second-level cursed spirits were just numerous and posed no threat.

Even Kusakabe Atsuya could handle it alone.

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