"Fushiguro, you've made quite a fuss."

Feng Wuxia knew that Fushiguro Megumi was probably at the location of the explosion, so he sped up and flew towards Fushiguro Megumi's location.

"Damn it, you’re doing this again?"

"Didn't I tell you I'm still here? Are you blind?"

Zeishi walked out of the room. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have been killed by the boy Huang Su.

He thought that the explosion of Huang Su had killed Fushiguro Megumi, but who would have thought that Fushiguro Megumi reacted very quickly.

At the moment when Huang Su's teeth exploded, he took down the door next to him to block the impact of the explosion, and at the same time protected Li Mei who fell to the ground.

Because of this, Fushiguro Megumi, who was resisting the explosion, had to take care of Li Mei, which consumed a lot of his physical strength.

"Did you see it clearly?"

"They don't care about you at all, you are just their pawn"

"You can die anytime you want after you are no longer useful."

Fushiguro Megumi was still trying to persuade him, but Reimi, who was lying on the ground, had a ferocious expression on her face, and seemed to not believe what she was seeing.

She shouted like a madman:

"I don't believe it. Mr. Reiji said he would protect me!"

Seeing that the other party was still pestering her, Fushiguro Megumi didn't want to pay attention to her. This woman was completely crazy and her last bit of rationality was gone.

The man with a ponytail and claws appeared, and the explosion of Huangluozhe bought him a chance to breathe.

The scene formed a four-on-one situation. Fushiguro Megumi didn't have much physical strength left, and there was almost no chance of winning.

"Full of elephants"

""He's flying."

The claw man was caught off guard and wondered why he was injured again.

Fushiguro Megumi was not stupid, and knew that among the few people, Li Mei had gone crazy, and the weakest one was the claw man.

The body of the full elephant crashed through the building, and countless bricks flew out with the claw man.

Fushiguro Megumi found the right opportunity, stepped on the back of the full elephant and picked up the bricks.

He smashed the back of the claw man's head heavily.

Fushiguro Megumi did not stop, even though the opponent had lost his ability to fight.

He let him go just now, so don't blame Fushiguro Megumi if he wants to join the battlefield. He drew the big knife from his waist and cut off the claw man's neck.

Fushiguro Megumi successfully killed the swimmer, but Xiao Jin did not show up to report Fushiguro Megumi's points.

"Want to expand your field?"

"No, my curse power can't last too long. If I don't kill the two of them, I'll be in big trouble."

While thinking, Huang Luzhe spat out a tooth from his mouth.

A man appeared and blocked Huang Luzhe's tooth with his man, and the tooth exploded in his face.

But he didn't seem to be hurt at all, and instead criticized Huang Luzhe and Ling Shi righteously.

"Two against one is not fair at all"

"Your teeth are not sharp at all, they didn't hurt a single hair of mine!"

"My name is Gao Yu, an artist and sorcerer, or a comedian."

Fushiguro Megumi was unsure of this idiot comedian, but he didn't say much because Gao Yu had helped him just now.

"Never mind. I'll just trust you."

"Don't do anything tricky."

Seeing a stranger appear on Fushiguro Megumi's side, Huang Luzhe wanted to know which side he was on.

"Are you asking me"

"Is it funny or not?"

"My battle suit is modeled after the clothes of the hero who first taught me how to be funny."

"I swear on my own name that I will not let this be a dull moment."

Ling Shi and Huang Lu felt that Gao Yu was about to attack, and quickly prepared their skills to meet Gao Yu's attack.

Who knew that Gao Yu, this idiot, said something that none of the three of them expected:

"It's really a wifi with a crooked top beam and crooked bottom beam."

The scene suddenly became silent, and Gao Yu lost his composure. He didn't understand why the others didn't laugh.

Then he started to swear in front of them.

"What a rubbish audience."

"Did you have your smiles in your mother's womb? To be honest, I often meet such audiences.

Gao Yu's appearance reminded Fushiguro Hui of Toudou. He was like a brother of his adoptive father and mother. His personality was exactly the same as Toudou's.

But did you know that Gao Yu's technique was like a bug?

He could turn people's funny imaginations into reality. This technique was completely comparable to Gojo Satoru, but he himself knew nothing about it.

Gao Yu himself, however, knew nothing about his powerful technique.

"Start making a battle plan!"

"The one wearing armor, let's discuss the plan together!"

Fushiguro Hui turned around and saw Feng Wuxia standing next to him. It seems that you have been watching the show just now.

"Cotinus coggygria can turn its organs into bombs"

"And Cotinus coggygria can use the reverse technique to heal organs"

"That means he can create a continuous stream of explosions."

Feng Wuxia started to analyze the technique of Cotinus coggygria, and Fushiguro Hui began to face his opponent. He didn't expect that any swimmer could be so powerful.

Only a few people can do the high-level reversal technique, which is a very difficult technique.

"No need to specify any plans."

"I will take care of the two of them."

Fushiguro Megumi summoned Xiao Jin and found Hikari Hiromi to check his points.

After confirming that Hikari Hiromi had spent 100 points, he said to Huang Lu and Lei Shi:

"My goal has been achieved, so I'll leave first."

Zeishi was very angry about this. You come and go as you please, and you treat his base as a teahouse?

Besides, Fushiguro Megumi killed the claw man, and the claw man was his little brother, so he would not let Fushiguro Megumi go.

He was bound to turn Fushiguro Megumi into a point.

"Is this another helper you found?"

"Looks weak..." boom

"What the hell?"


Huang Luo stared at Ling Shi who flew out in a daze. He hadn't reacted yet, and he didn't even see Ling Shi's afterimage. Feng Wuxia wiped his fist. Ling Shi's words just now made him very upset. He didn't expect that a mere trash would dare to mock him.

This punch was a punishment for him. If Ling Shi was weaker, he would die in this blow.

"Oh, you are so strong."

"Where did you learn from?"

Gao Yu began to look Feng Wuxia up and down, and found that he was really different from other swimmers.

The murderous intent emanated from his whole body, which was the result of Feng Wuxia's efforts to control.

"It's not good. Lingshi, get up quickly."

"Don't leave your mess to me, I don't want to be thrown out like you." Huang Lu has already backed off in his heart. The person in front of him is not a swimmer, but more like a devil. The kind of devil who kills without blinking an eye.

"Don't play dead, give me a word"

"Even a squeak is fine."

Looking at Ling Shi who was completely unconscious with blood flowing from all his orifices, Huang Lu looked at the escape route.

He had been in Tokyo Barrier for twelve days to participate in the Death Migration, and he had already figured out the general route to Shinjuku.

As long as the other party couldn't fly, he still had a great chance of escaping.

"Oh, he's running away!"

"Taste my Millennium Killing!"

Gao Yu quickly went behind Huang Lu and stabbed him fiercely.

Huang Lu only felt a burst of sourness, and the expression on his face was out of his control.

"Fushiguro, do you know this fool?"

"For the time being, you have helped me. I know you and I can say no."

Feng Wuxia looked at the place where the ground collapsed, grabbed Fushiguro Hui's arm and said:

"You are so inefficient."

"Where is the enemy on the ground just now?"

Fushiguro Hui only then noticed that the claw man was not dead, as if Xiao Jin did not show up to report the bonus points.

He ignored this point and was eager to deal with other enemies, ignoring the claw man who was not completely dead.

"I should have done it more decisively."

"He survived even after his neck was slashed. He is really lucky."

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