"Keep it down, are you kidding me?"

"Imagine a delicious meal in front of a child, and you tell him to eat slowly and not to rush?"

Shi Liulong lit a cigarette, slowly exhaled smoke rings, and said something inappropriate to Yuta Okkotsu.

"This is the first time in my life that I am eight-tenths full. I have fought with powerful people."

"I once met a beautiful lady."

"Otsutsuki, everyone is looking at me with this expression, as if telling me, 'What's there to be dissatisfied about?’"

"This brand of cigarette has a sweet aftertaste"

"But my life has been full of suffering."

Ishigaki Ryu, who had his hands in his pockets, took his hands away, and Yuta Otsutsu realized that his speech was over.

He took a fighting stance to welcome Ishigaki Ryu's attack, and sure enough, Ishigaki Ryu drew his fist and punched Yuta Otsutsu.

Yuta Otsutsu, who had been prepared in advance, just took a few steps back and was not hurt.

This punch was very painful, although Yuta Otsutsu blocked it.

In the process of continuous fighting, Yuta Otsutsu found that Ishigaki Ryu's attack was very special.

"High output plus the burst of cursed power, the attack is sharp, if I don't defend seriously, I will definitely get hurt."

The two fists rubbed together, and Yuta Otsutsuki was unable to block it and almost flew out. Shiliulong's cursed power was too terrifying, and it was not on the same level as the others.

"People always ask me why I am not satisfied."

"I'll tell you the truth, Yutsutsuki, because you're not satisfied, you seek excitement!"

Yutsutsuki Yuta was a little flustered. The punch just now was not light, and it took a long time for him to recover.

Shi Liulong took advantage of the victory and rushed towards the place where Yutsutsuki Yuta disappeared.

It didn't take long for him to find Yutsutsuki Yuta.

Sensing Shi Liulong's breath behind him, Yutsutsuki Yuta dodged Shi Liulong's fist.

"Ice smoothie shockwave!"

Otsutsukota stretched out his hands to block it. This attack was nothing compared to the shockwave just now.

The shockwave just now was very lethal, but this time it was released in just a moment.

The damage was much smaller, so Otsutsukota could block it with both hands.

"Blocked it with bare hands?"

"I found out, you are my dessert, Yuta Otsutsuki!"

Otsutsuki, who was already seriously injured, was even more defenseless against the sudden appearance of Kurosaki Hengzi behind him.

Even if he sensed Kurosaki Hengzi's aura in advance, he couldn't defend himself at all. In his current state, two fists could not beat four hands.

Turning his head slightly, he roughly understood Kurosaki Hengzi's technique.

"The target is not people, but the sky and the plane."

"Cut the plane together with the opponent."

Shi Liulong was very angry when he saw Wu Lu Hengzi appear, and scolded her to stay out of the way, saying that Yuta Otsutsuki was his prey.

"His cursed energy hasn't run out yet, but it looks like there isn't much left."

"Fighting three people in a row, his physical strength and magic power must be seriously insufficient."

Otsutsukoshi Yuta wanted to move the battlefield away from the stadium where ordinary people stayed, but now it seems that there is no way.

He took off the ring in his hand and then said slowly:

"Come on, Rika."

Shiliu Long was very confused about the appearance of Rika. He had never seen Rika before and thought that this was Yuta Otsutsu's backup.

However, the shikigami's cursed power was sufficient, and Yuta Otsutsu was also constantly recovering his cursed power.

Rika was originally a shikigami created by Yuta Otsutsu with cursed power, so she could provide Yuta Otsutsu with cursed power in reverse.

"Yuta, which one do you want to use?"

The real Rika has become a Buddha, but she left the external technique and the cursed force storage container to Yuta Otsutsukoshi.

"Just use that."

You can contact Rika through the ring, and the magic power recovery time is only five minutes, but it is enough to deal with two people.

"Let's start with you"

"Don't move!"

Kurogi Heizi realized that she had been tricked. Affected by the curse, she stood there motionless, as if she had lost her soul.

Rika went around behind Karugi Heizi, ready to cooperate with Otsutsuki Yuta at any time.

Otsutsuki Yuta punched her, but Karugi Heizi could not move because of the curse and could only stand there and passively take the beating.


"Here we come!"

"Damn, you guys are too sweet."

Shi Liulong ran beside Yuta Okkotsu, and seemed to think Rika was very interesting.

Yuta Okkotsu used Rika's arm to jump out.

He released the shockwave, and Rika appeared behind Yuta Okkotsu and released the shockwave for him.

"Just like Yuta Otsutsukoshi, he can block it with both hands."

"Even stronger than him."

Yuta Otsutsuki pulled out his hair, and he used it as a sister to summon a new shikigami.

This is a new move he has researched.

Otsutsuki returned to the battlefield, and Ishiryu Ryu was very excited. He interrupted the fight between him and Otsutsuki.

Rika's huge fist hit Ishiryu Ryu in the face, but he did not flinch, but met the fist. He took the blow hard, and then gave it back to Rika completely.

He responded to his opponent in the same way. He stroked his crew cut, and at this moment he was extremely excited.

"Let me enjoy the fight to my heart's content!"

Wu Lu Hengzi felt very strange. What Yuta Okkotsu used just now was the technique of Dorub.

Not long ago, Yuta Okkotsu used a spell, so it was impossible for him to use other techniques.

Now Wu Lu Hengzi understood that Yuta Okkotsu's technique was imitation, and the kind of imitation without side effects.

The melee continued, Rika fought against Ishiryu Ryu, and Yuta Okkotsu fought against Wu Lu Hengzi.

Yuta Okkotsu and Rika had the upper hand, and the two were defeated one after another.

"I don't know what the ancestors did to you"

"But I understand one thing: if people live only for themselves, they will reach their limit sooner or later."

This remark angered Wu Lu Hengzi, who was completely different from her philosophy.

"Those who talk so much are always those people."

Shi Liulong appeared behind Yuta Otsutsukota and shouted,"Still talking nonsense, still talking nonsense at this time."

He patted his chest, his eyes were extremely excited. Since the three of them had reached a situation of life and death,

Yuta Otsutsukota had to use his last trump card. It is well known that it is a way to judge whether one can become a strong man.

Domain is an indispensable skill. There is a world of difference between a sorcerer with domain and one without domain.

""Domain expansion!" The three said this in unison.

The expansion of the domain pushed the Xiantai barrier to the commanding heights of the battle.

The domain is the strongest battle between sorcerers.

When multiple domains collide, all the sure-hit spells will be completely invalid at this moment.

No one can gain the upper hand in the domain.

"Karushi Hengzi, keep an eye on Rika and don't let her enter your area."

"Rika can restore the cursed power for Yuta Otsutsukota continuously."

"If we can isolate her, we are halfway to victory."

Shi Liulong and Wu Lu Hengzi agreed on this.

A barrier was formed with the three of them as the center. The area was already constructed, and Rika, who arrived late, could not enter the barrier.

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