Yuta Otsutsukoshi went forward to fight with Shiliulong. Shiliulong was hurt repeatedly and felt unhappy. He had not experienced this kind of feeling for a long time.

"I didn't know I could have such an experience after trying my best."

"It's just great, so perfect!"

He found an opportunity to grab Shi Liulong's collar, then squatted down suddenly, not giving the other party a chance to react.

The ground under their feet collapsed, showing how strong Yuta Otsutsukoshi's body is.

Yuta Otsutsukoshi whispered:"The battle is over."

Just above Shi Liulong's head, a shock wave fell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few seconds later, it hit Shi Liulong on the ground. This was the shock wave he had released before. All of this was within Yuta Otsutsukoshi's calculations.

"My shockwave?"

"How did you do it?"

Yuta Otsutsukoshi still had dead fish eyes, but now he also felt very satisfied, the opponent was very much to his taste.

I don't know how long it has been since I opened my hands and showed my fists.

"I used Wu Lu Heng Zi's sorcerer to change the attack path of the shock wave."

Shi Liulong began to laugh. This was a laugh from his heart, a respect for a strong man.

"It's really good"

"Fighting with all your might, but ultimately losing honorably"

"I seem to have no regrets in my life."

"Thank you for your hospitality, I am full...."

The pure love god of war, Sendai, defeated four enemies and became the final winner of Sendai.

He did not kill Ishigura Ryu, and Urusei Hengzi was only seriously injured and unconscious, but not dead.

The scene changed, and Otsukotsu Yuta ended the battle of Sendai barrier and sat lazily on the ground.

Ishigura Ryu was lying on the ground with a comfortable look on his face, enjoying the hard-earned peaceful time.

"Otsutsuki, you are so sweet."

"I'm not praising you, is it really okay if you don't kill me?"

"The enemies who once fought desperately are now chatting peacefully together."

The dazed Yuta Otsutsuko reorganized his thoughts. He had no reason to kill the two for no reason.

There was no hatred or conflict of interest between them.

Shi Liulong was a man who enjoyed fighting at all costs. Wu Lu Hengzi was very scheming, but not strong.

There was no need to be wary of the two.

"All harm and no benefit"

"Miss Wu Lu also said so."

Shi Liulong suddenly became alert. According to Yuta Otsutsuka's tone, Wu Lu Hengzi is not dead yet.

"Wu Lu, is she still alive?"

"That's right, after the domain is deployed, it enters the spell fuse, so the damage is just like that."

Although Shi Liulong's shot does not require a spell to be launched, the corresponding is that after the domain is deployed, the strength of the shock wave will be greatly reduced, and it is not even half of the original damage.

The two who were fighting hard just now are now like good friends, sitting on the ground and talking to each other.

"Miss Wu Lu said a lot of bad things about you."

"Did you have a fight?"

Shi Liulong looked frustrated. It was indeed him who knocked the other person out with the shock wave. He was wrong about this.

"She is just that kind of person, we will make peace in a few days."

Okkotsu Yuta said slowly:"I can't refute what Miss Wulu said to me during the battle."

"I am indeed the descendant of that gentleman, I will not refute anything"

"No matter what I say, there will be a war in the end."

"My experience is much better than hers, maybe this is the best outcome."

Shi Liulong and Yuta Otsutsukoshi sat side by side, like long-lost brothers.

The two of them were on the left and right, and the style of their clothes was the same, the only difference was the color.

"Is that so?"

"I don't quite understand that guy's situation."

Shi Liulong was confused. He didn't know about Wu Lu Hengzi's situation, so he naturally didn't understand Yu Kei's feelings.

Yu Kei stood up and said to Shi Liulong on the ground:

""Transfer all the points to me."

Shi Liulong was puzzled and looked at Yuta Otsutsukoshi with great doubt.

Of course he would be confused, because the additional rules are not public, and you need to call Xiao Jin to check the rules yourself.

Otherwise, you will be kept in the dark for the rest of your life.

"Xiao Jin, report the newly added rules"

【Rule 10: Swimmers can transfer points to each other.

Shi Liulong understood what Yuta Otsutsukota meant.

The essence of this rule is to avoid killing. As long as swimmers keep transferring points, they can survive in the barrier.

"I see. If there wasn't this rule, you would probably kill me."

"Who knows?..."

Yuta stretched his muscles and bones, and his cursed power had almost recovered.

He used the reversal technique to heal the wounds on his body.

【Swimmer"Okkotsu Yuta" received transfer points from Ishigaki Ryu and Urusuke】

【Yuta Otsutsuki's current score: 200】......

"What are comics?"

"What is a cartoonist?"

Charlie couldn't help but start thinking about these two questions.

Not only did the editors shake their heads when reading his cartoons, but the readers also cursed. He really didn't understand why no one could appreciate his art.

He walked on the street in a daze. Now he is a sorcerer. Before, he was an unknown little cartoonist. He was not even an 18th-tier artist. His life was a problem. His monthly salary could barely make ends meet.

Charlie sat on a chair in the park bored. He didn't know when two people appeared beside him.

"Is this guy Charlie?"

"Just trust me, I'm good at finding people.

Cheng Jinci and Feng Wuxia came to Charlie's side.

Charlie had a gloomy face and threw all his doubts to the two of them.

"I know a hammer."

"I haven't seen the comics you drew, so how can I know if they are good?"

The atmosphere between the few people was very awkward, and this sentence of Cheng Jinci directly killed the conversation.

The position they were in was even more awkward. The three of them were chatting on the Ferris wheel.

"Scales, are you serious?"

"Isn't this a bit disgusting? This is a Ferris wheel."

"I won't say anything about the ordinary Ferris wheel, this is a couple's Ferris wheel."

Kinci was shy, he didn't know it was a couple's Ferris wheel.

It's just that I haven't ridden a Ferris wheel for a long time, so I just went up to talk to Charlie.

"How would I know?"

""I didn't know until I got there that I wouldn't have sat there."

Charlie felt pretty good, at least the atmosphere wasn't that tense.

When he faced the editor, he didn't even know how to refute him.

"It's terrible. The couple's Ferris wheel was sitting with two grown men."

"Qi Luoluo will be sad if she sees this."

God damn Qi Luoluo will be sad if she sees this. He is also a man. Is there really nothing wrong with Cheng Jinci?

I always feel that something is strange. He has a girlfriend who can't get pregnant. Is this guy doing something secret behind his back?

"It's so strange. Tokyo has changed. It has completely changed."

"Since the official announcement of the existence of the cursed spirit"

"Cartoonists seem to be ignored and have become the lowest class in society."

"You must have come to me for a reason, give me a reason to fight"

"I need motivation to keep fighting in the Death Migration."

Kiyoshi Kinji was speechless. The combat power of the high school was almost over the top. Feng Wuxia was here. Even if Sukuna came, he would be slapped twice.

Charlie thought too highly of himself. They were not looking for Charlie's help. They just hoped that Charlie could transfer all his points to them so that they could create better rules.

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