"what is your purpose?"

"What on earth are you looking for Sukuna for?"

Panda was seriously injured, but he still didn't tell Lu Ziyun the whereabouts of the tiger stick.

No matter what Lu Ziyun's purpose was, Panda would never tell him the location of the tiger stick. He didn't want to see a strange strong man looking for trouble with his junior.

"I don't know the Sukuna you mentioned."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ziyun found the flaw of the panda. His expression was not well managed, and he could tell at a glance that the other party was lying.

"You must know, your expression tells me you know where Sukuna is"

"If you tell me, I can consider letting you go."

At this moment, the panda's body began to change, and he was about to switch forms.

"I advise you not to underestimate me."

"My sister will kill all the enemies."

A cursed skeleton with a triangular head appeared. Lu Ziyun slowly retreated while carefully looking at the new form of the panda. As

Lu Ziyun prepared to release the spell, purple currents began to surge through his body.

A strong current rushed towards the panda. At this moment, Lu Ziyun had separated all the cursed power in his body.

While attacking the enemy's body, the positive electrode was transmitted to the opponent.

The panda's body in the form of a sister was severely damaged, and large areas of wounds appeared on its body, which directly caused the panda's combat effectiveness to plummet.

This attack was outrageous. Even without the field expansion, it had the effect of a sure hit.

"Ask you again"

"Where is Sukuna?"

The panda's body was torn into pieces. He couldn't bear the attack and fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

Lu Ziyun felt that this battle was really boring. He thought that the panda could bring him a different surprise, but he didn't expect that the panda was just as weak as those weak swimmers.

He didn't want to meet a swimmer who could be subdued in a few moves. Lu Ziyun gradually began to doubt whether he was right to agree to Nosuke.

【Ding, Jinci defeated cartoonist Charlie】

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission】

【Points +100】

【Current points: 700】

"I really brought the right person."

"I didn't expect that the gambler was so reliable."

As soon as Lu Ziyun sensed that a powerful aura was approaching, he immediately prepared the spell and entered the combat state.

"Damn panda, this force is coming towards us"

"I didn't expect you to have helpers."

Bang! Feng Wuxia jumped down from a height of several hundred meters.

Countless dust splashed under his feet. Lu Ziyun released lightning to disperse the dust that blocked the solid line.

He knew that the newcomer was not simple. A sorcerer who could fly and had such a strong aura must be the best among the special grade.

Lu Ziyun immediately became interested and greeted Feng Wuxia's arrival in full state.

Patting his armor, he said jokingly to the panda on the ground:

"Panda, I haven't seen you for a few days. You seem to have become thinner."

"It was originally several hundred kilograms, but now it is only a dozen kilograms."

The panda was speechless. It was such a time and he was still joking.

On the other hand, Lu Ziyunyi had a different view. Only an absolutely strong person would relax in battle.

It was like a strong person would not care about the feelings of an ant. Although Lu Ziyunyi was a little troublesome, his strength was at most at the threshold of the special grade.

"Finally here, I've been waiting for a strong man like you"

"It's really not easy to find a strong swimmer!"

Feng Wuxia didn't say much and threw a punch.

It seemed like a simple punch, but there was no flaw in Lu Ziyunyi's eyes. This was the highest realm of the strong.

Just a random punch made the enemy unable to find any flaws, thus disrupting the opponent's rhythm.

The enemy was thrown into disarray.

He wanted to use a spell tool to resist, but the flawless punch disturbed his thoughts.

There is no doubt that Lu Ziyunyi did not block this punch and directly hit the container behind him, causing a large dent in the container.

The surrounding ground also cracked under the power of this blow.

"You are such a pervert."

"But this is what I like!"

Lu Ziyun climbed out of the sunken container and began to look squarely at his opponent.

He was now completely in an excited state.

"Another madman"

"As expected, there is no normal sorcerer."

Feng Wuxia really couldn't understand why all the sorcerers who were reborn in the flesh were so crazy.

Lu Ziyunyi was not a second-rate guy. Four hundred years ago, he was the strongest. He was a figure who dominated the era. That was why Lu Ziyunyi's mission was given priority.

Both of them were looking forward to a battle of equal strength, but it was a pity that this battle could not fulfill Feng Wuxia's wish.

"I have seen many powerful sorcerers."

"But there is no one like you"

"Judging from your aura and cursed power alone, you are definitely special grade."

Lu Ziyun stopped talking nonsense and released a spell to attack Feng Wuxia.

Lightning attribute spell!

Lightning attribute spell is actually a very delicate spell manipulation.

First of all, the positive and negative charges in the cursed power must be separated, and the positive charge is given to the opponent at the same time as the strike.

Then the negative charge accumulated in the body is induced to the enemy, and the principle of mutual attraction between positive and negative charges is used to achieve the effect of a sure hit.

Under the effect of a sure hit, Feng Wuxia is a body of the filthy world, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't hide.

He has no sense of pain and will not die. He has unlimited chakra and cursed power. In any era, he is a king who spans the ages.

In Lu Ziyun's stunned eyes, there was a look of doubt and confusion.


"I obviously hit you."

""A resistance type spell?"

When Lu Ziyun was stunned, Feng Wuxia flashed in front of Lu Ziyun. With his feet suspended in the air, he kicked Lu Ziyun like a scorpion.

Using the spell tool to resist, the power of this kick was too great, and he couldn't block it even if he wanted to.

Lu Ziyun was not completely powerless. As a top spellcaster, he could quickly adjust his state even when facing an enemy that surpassed him and meet the opponent's next wave of attacks.

"It didn’t fly out?"

"You have some skills, but how do you deal with it next?"

"Wood Release, the tree world is coming!"

A huge vine grew out from the ground and grew towards the place where Feng Wuxia pointed with both hands.

"What the hell?"

"You are cheating!"

"In the techniques I have seen, even if such a huge vine can be released, it still needs external assistance, or at least it needs to absorb energy to release it."

He was right. Even Hua Yu, who was born from the forest, couldn't do it. Feng Wuxia used up a lot of chakra to have so many vines growing out from the ground.

Lu Ziyun felt a sense of crisis for the first time. This was a new experience he had never had before. With the blessing of adrenaline, the expression on his face became more and more uncontrollable.

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