"Whether it can succeed or not, I'm really looking forward to it~"

ended with the sound of Qi Suo's murmuring.

The scene returns to the scene.

In An's eyes, the one in the sky was not a fireball at all, but a meteorite.

Perhaps it was friction with the atmosphere that caused the surface to burn violently.

Everything happens in a split second.

The pitch-black tent that covered the entire school burst instantly!

Feeling the loud noise coming from the sky, Bai Yi casually killed the five curse masters in front of him.

Then he turned around and came to the front of Ange Gehime.

Because it's too fast.

The demeanor of Ange and Megumi slowed down countless times in Shiro's eyes.

Behind it fluttered the mutilated bodies of the cursers.

Perhaps they feel that they have an advantage in numbers and have a good chance of winning.

But Bai Yi's side will not give them any time to regret it.

hugged Ange Ji and Hui Bai Yi and opened the biological stand, and then ran directly out of the abandoned school building.

The crimson meteorite annihilated an entire school in an instant.

Then there was the smoke that rushed into the sky and the loud noise that reverberated in the sky!

On the way out, Bai Yi also found another side of the special spell spirit flower emperor.

She used her spell to enclose the entire circle of the school.

The purpose is to stop Bai Yi's escape.

Turning his head to look at the triumphant leaky pot on the top of the meteorite, Bai Yi's body completely disappeared into this area.

Hanami continued to manipulate the growth of the trees, and she frantically attacked the central area where the meteorite fell.

Gazing stood on a high ground in the distance, watching it all.

According to his eyesight, nothing came out of the tent at all.

So he thought more that Bai Yi was hit by the attack of the leaky pot.

And Hua Yu's mending knife is even more deadly.

It's a pity that everything is just his fantasy.

A snow-white figure instantly appeared on the roof of the building.

At this moment, Bai Yi had already hugged Megumi back in his arms, and he shook his head helplessly as he looked at the huge explosion smoke in the distance.

In that situation just now, he could indeed kill the Leaky Pot and the Flower Emperor in an instant.

It's just that he's not sure if Megumi and An's life can be guaranteed.

Sure enough, making friends is a troublesome thing after the real crossing.

"What was that just now?"

Ange behind her, looking at the school in the distance that had become a ruin.

Red flames were accompanied by black smoke.

The sound of a terrifying explosion echoed faintly in my ears.

There was a hint of shock in her voice, and she had never been shocked by the fact that she had never been on a super-grade spell.

"That's the attack of the special spell spirit leaky pot, and the trees next to it are also the attack of the special spell spirit

" "Name, I remember it seems to be called Hua Yu"

Bai Yi carefully observed the demeanor of the two spell spirits at the scene.

It seems that Hanami and Leaky Pot think that the attack has hit Bai Yi.

They were frantically searching for Bai Yi's breath at the moment.

"This level of attack, is it really a curse?Ah, of course it's not like it's wrong to look at it in vain"

Realizing that he had refuted Bai Yi's words just now, An Geji hurriedly apologized.

She walked to the position where she was tied with Shiroichi, looking at the huge smoke in the distance.

The surrounding area has also been affected to some extent.

Residents living in high-rise buildings look out from their balconies.

"Since they are spell spirits, you should be able to handle it, right?"

She was just a little scared when she saw such an unreasonable attack for a while.

There is also a worry about Bai Yi's safety.

"Yes, yes, but if I leave you, I always feel that something bad will happen"

Maybe Bai Yi's intuition is at work.

He always felt that as soon as he was away from the singer, something unforeseen would happen.

In that case, then he simply didn't leave.

It's okay to run away with Ge Ji like this

, "This time it was the Curse Supervisor who called you out, right? If that's the case, there must be a collusion between the Curse Supervisor and the special spell spirit,"

Bai Yi thought about it and knew that it was the insiders of the Curse Supervisor who did it.

However, Bai Yi was a little puzzled, why did the group of people from the Curse Supervision Society kill An Geji,

or did they seduce themselves out and kill themselves?

Limited by intelligence, Bai Yi was unable to complete his reasoning on his own.

He directly used the mediator to start cheating.

"Well, it turned out that it was because Megumi~ It seems that someone doesn't want to live anymore!" Suddenly,

there was a golden flow in Bai Yi's eyes, and his red eyes seemed to have a scarlet flash.

A pair of rabbit ears swayed in the air in annoyance.

Originally, there was a lot of sulking in my heart, after learning that the high-level of the Curse Prison wanted to kill Megumi.

Bai Yi's attitude has changed dramatically.

At this moment, his killing intent had reached its peak.

An Geji beside her was also cold, this was the first time she had seen such a white one.

"It doesn't matter

, Bai Yi, the spell spirit over there?" "It's not very tricky, but there is a traitor in the Curse Supervision Council, and it's still in the upper echelons"

After thinking about everything, Bai Yi turned his head and prepared to leave.

It seems that he doesn't plan to fight with the leaky pot and the flower royal right here.

The hermitage beside her tilted her head to look at Bai Yiyi, who was walking with his head in a witch costume.

"What about the underworld, should she also be called out?" Hearing

what An Geji said, Bai Yi turned his head and motioned for her to follow before speaking.

"It's safe over there"

The boulder that had been hanging in his heart fell, and An Geji also followed Bai Yi's footsteps.

After that, the two left.

And above the destroyed ruins, the leaky pot looked at his masterpiece with some pride.

"Hahaha, what god? It's just that I haven't seen the strongest mortal!" extinguished

the flame in his hand, and the leaky pot jumped down from the corner of the ruins in the heights.

Put your feet on the ground that has been carbonized.

He was feeling something he had never experienced before.

Hua Yu's figure slowly appeared in the field of vision, and she was more cautious.

From the moment she had been vaguely aware that something was wrong.

As a spell spirit born from the resentment of plants and trees against humans, Hanami naturally has a high level of insight.

"Now, this is what you said about the existence that can kill the special grade in seconds? It really makes me laugh off my big teeth!" The

leaky pot that felt that he had killed Bai Yi looked at Hua Yu with disdain at this moment.

And Qi Suo on the high mountain in the distance also came to the scene at this moment.

She raised her hand to her forehead and chuckled helplessly.

In his heart, he also has endless contempt for the leaky pot in front of him.

Dare you say it, just a spell.

"Don't be stupid again, Leaky Pot! Your attack didn't hit anything!" Qi

Suo, who couldn't stand it, finally interrupted Leaky Pot's confident speech.

Hua Yu looked at the rope with a female body with some confusion.

Note: Qi Suo's body at the moment is a tiger mother, knotweed Kaori.

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