The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"By the way...what level are you two?"

Zenin Maki put one hand on her waist, and her eyes under her round glasses swept back and forth between Gojo U and Otsutsuki Yuta

Seeing this, Gojo U closed his eyes and pretended to be in deep thought, as if he was searching for memories in his mind

" it in English?"

Otsutsuki Yuta, who was next to Xiaoyu, asked cautiously. At present, he still had a basic understanding of the knowledge in the world of spells, like a Curious baby

Gojo U, who was just pretending to be in deep thought, successfully came to a conclusion. Under the gaze of Zenin Maki, he said the answer in his heart with a faint smile on his face

"Maki-san... I forgot"

Zenin Maki: ... (fist hardened!)

Maki's forehead burst into some blue bruises, and she looked like she was gritting her teeth. She gradually became impatient and said directly: "You two, take out your student IDs! That bandage bastard should have given it to you"

Bandage bastard?

Upon hearing this, Yuta Otsutsukotsu immediately began to search his body, looking a little flustered, but Gojo U was not in a hurry. He stretched his right hand into his pocket and took out a brand new student ID.

Zenin Maki also took the student ID from Gojo U and took a closer look.

"…Gojo U…

…Level 3 sorcerer…"

Maki couldn't help but whisper a few words. In her opinion, Gojo U's sorcery rating was normal. After all, except for those talented sorcerers, the initial rating of others was generally between four and three. level, and she herself has always been a fourth-level magician due to some external factors

And Yuta Otsutsuki finally found his student ID, and just as he was about to hand it to Maki, she snatched it away

This guy... should only be fourth-level

Maki glanced at Yuta Otsutsuki, and his cowardly appearance made her more certain of her thoughts. She glanced at the student ID in her hand, but the handwriting on it made her stunned, and her eyes widened a little

"Yuta Otsutsuki...

Special-level sorcerer?!!"

Isn't that higher than level one!

Maki's voice was particularly loud in the quiet and creepy corridor. She was shocked, but Gojo U on the opposite side was not surprised at all. When he first saw Yuta Otsutsuki, he had a very short period of stiff limbs because of the terrifying aura emitted by the special-level curse spirit next to Yuta Otsutsuki

Being able to have such a powerful special-level curse spirit, I believe that Yuta Otsutsuki's curse level is definitely not low, unless those high-level people are blind!

On the other hand, Yuta Otsutsukotsu was rather confused. He was ignorant and still had no idea about the value of the special grade.

"To put it simply... in the entire world of sorcery, there are a total of four special grade sorcerers including you, one of whom is my brother."

Gojo U gave a speech on the side. Seeing Yuta Otsutsukotsu's shocked expression, he just smiled, then looked at Zenin Maki and said

"Okay, Maki, we still have to continue looking for the missing persons. Let's talk after the mission is over."

After saying that, he blinked his blue eyes, but they were still covered by sunglasses. After hearing this, Maki was too lazy to continue to worry about the so-called sorcery level.

However, when Maki turned around, he saw a huge blue curse spirit, staring at the three people with its extremely protruding big eyes.

Zenin Maki: Wait, when? ! ! (Shocked)

"Boom boom!"

In just one breath, the cursed spirit drove its huge body and broke through the restraints of the teaching building. A large amount of rubble flew in the air, and the most conspicuous figures in the air were Zenin Maki and Otsutsukota

While Otsutsukota was still in a daze in the air, Maki had already clenched the weapon in her hand, determined to teach the cursed spirit a lesson

"Asshole, watch out!"

Maki gritted her teeth and was about to attack, only to see the cursed spirit open its mouth again, which made her feel a little bad


The weapon in her hand hit the cursed spirit. The teeth of the cursed spirit were bounced off and flew to the nearby rooftop and came to Gojo U's feet.

In the process of being put into the mouth of the cursed spirit, Maki's thigh was scratched by the sharp teeth in the mouth.

At this time, Gojo U was standing on the rooftop. Maki's weapon was in his hand. He looked up at the huge cursed spirit, but he thought of something in his mind.


When he just arrived at this school

As soon as he got off the car, Gojo U was pulled over by his brother Gojo Satoru. Under the puzzled eyes of Maki and others, Gojo Satoru pulled Gojo

Tiao Yu came not far away, and seemed to be talking about something shameful.

Gojo Satoru put a hand on his shoulder, just smiled, and whispered: "Xiao Yu, during this mission, you don't have to deal with the enemy immediately."

Gojo Yu was a little confused, and was interrupted by Gojo Satoru just as he was about to say something.

"Actually, your brother, I want to use this mission to see the power of Qi Ben Li Xiang, so... you know."

As a brother who has been together for more than ten years, Gojo Yu instantly understood what he meant, nodded, and replied with his brother's consent. Arrived beside Maki and the others


Thoughts returned to the present

The cursed spirit had already discovered Gojo U standing nearby, and directly twisted its huge body to attack him with great momentum

Gojo U saw this without any lies, just mobilized the cursed power in his body, and instantly disappeared from the spot

On the school playground

Gojo U was looking at the huge cursed spirit not far away, took off his sunglasses, and observed the cursed spirit and the four people in it with his six eyes, and couldn't help whispering

"... Quasi-first-level cursed spirit..."


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