Cut off Magma Fruit, Meteor Volcano On The Valley Of The Gods

077: Luo Xiu's ThoughtsIt's Time To Occupy Your Own Territory.

well known.

Demon fruit power is the ubiquitous predator.

Not your formidable enemy.

Or a future enemy.

But the sea that can be seen everywhere!

Even if you are the most ordinary ability user.

Or a monster at the apex.

Also a powerful Logia ability user.

As long as the body touches the sea.

The curse that this sea treats all Demon fruit power equally will take effect.

Although the sea will not be as domineering as the 'seastone' to invalidate the Devil Fruit ability possessed by the ability user.

But the sea will make the ability user quickly become exhausted and weak in a very short period of time.

If it falls into the sea at this time.

Then there is no doubt that absolutely will be drowned.

No matter how strong the ability user is, there will be no exceptions except for the murlocs who have the ability to breathe in the sea.

And Luo Xiu's thoughts.

It is because he can suppress the will of First Generation Onitsu through his own will.

in a sense.

Does this method also work with lava fruits?

Of course, Luo Xiu, a lava fruit capable user, definitely has no way to suppress his own ability.

But Luo Xiu followed this line of thought.

He can go to 'external force'!

For example, the sea is not stronger than seastone's 'curse' 770, but it can suppress the effect of the ability user

In order to weaken the so-called 'will' in the lava fruit?

Although Luo Xiu has thought about waiting for the will to appear in the "Nica Fruit" like Luffy in the future.

But as soon as this idea appeared, Luo Xiu just gave up.

He has no hope for things like 'blood lineage' and 'fatalism' that do not suit his actual situation.

Not to mention as a time traveler.

Luo Xiu also doesn't expect a local Devil Fruit to have any nonsense 'fatalism' theory towards 'outsiders'.

And what Luo Xiu is interested in is what will happen when the Devil Fruit is developed to 100.

He has no interest in the fruit 'will' inside.

if you can.

Luo Xiu didn't mind removing this 'will' at all.

What he needs, only the ability of the lava fruit itself is enough.

As Luo Xiu stretched his hand into the sea that was regarded as a forbidden area by all Demon fruit power.


Even if Luo Xiu is capable.

As expected, he was no exception, Luo Xiu almost immediately felt a feeling of rapid weakening of physical strength coming.

On this point, Luo Xiu was not surprised.

With this effect, even the 'Four Emperors' who fell in the future will be treated equally by Hai Hai. Even though Luo Xiu is wearing it, but eating Devil Fruit is naturally no exception.


Taking advantage of this time, Luo Xiu was not idle.

"It's been a long time since I felt this weakening."

Thinking of the time when he just crossed, Luo Xiu murmured.

At the same time that his physical strength was rapidly exhausted, Luo Xiu also began to activate the ability of the lava fruit - to conduct experiments.

See the difference between the usual and the usual.

"Ability to use abilities as usual, which is basically the same as when Aokiji fell into the sea in Summit War, and basic abilities including elementalization are basically the same as usual..."

"Then, it's my turn..."

Luo Xiu's mind moved, his left hand maintained the action of soaking in the sea, and lava flowed out of his right hand.

He looked up at the giant Sea Kings corpse not far from the sea.

"Great Eruption!"

Hot lava spews out instantly!

However, in Luo Xiu's gaze, Great Eruption that should have dealt at least devastating piercing damage.

"Compared to usual power... it has been weakened by at least two layers."

Watching the smell of meat from the burning corpses of Sea Kings.

Luo Xiu frowned slightly.

Physical strength is not a factor that directly affects the fruit, but the effect of the ability will be discounted when the person with the ability touches the big body. This should be why the moment when 'Aokiji' falls into the sea from the top, it does not freeze a large area, but freezes the feet first ( biff) as part of the support point?"

Thoughts come to mind here.

Luo Xiu paid attention to the awakening degree of the lava fruit on his attribute.


Luo Xiu went on to verify several conjectures.

Did not proceed immediately.

do not forget.

Where he is now is 'Calm Belt'.

The place where Sea Kings lairs gather, before Vegapunk, a technological genius who can use seastone to make warships appear through Calm Belt technology, appeared in the future.

It is not surprising that Calm Belt said that it is a "forbidden zone" for all forces in the world.

Although the large Sea Kings next to it died not long ago, the bloody aura has gradually dissipated towards the entire Calm Belt with the passage of time.

I believe that after a while, nature's 'cleaners' should swarm here.

Normally, Luo Xiu is naturally fearless.

But if you let the power of the sea continue to weaken your physical strength.

Luo Xiu doesn't want to be a fisherman, this time it's the "fish"'s turn to catch someone's car rollover.

"It seems that I need a place that is quiet enough and will not be disturbed by people during the experiment.

The color of knowledge is released.

Feel the breath of large Sea Kings following the bloody smell under the Calm Belt sea one after another.

When Luo Xiu left, he took note of another "experience gained" this time.

Next time when you are ‘fishing’, take a dead Sea Kings to make a nest on the ‘Calm Belt’, the effect is definitely far better than any [bait’ that Luo Xiu has ever used

Of course, if this kind of thinking is placed on Blue Star...

I'm afraid that the eyes of other fishermen will fall out in shock.

Take Sea Kings to nest....

Go fishing for Sea Kings again....

What kind of family is this, and what kind of strength can make a fishing fairy'?!

at the same time.

With Luo Xiu leaving Calm Belt, he is going to continue to perfect the experiment.

Luo Xiu already had an idea of ​​where to go in his heart.

Since I want to find a quiet place, I don't want to be disturbed.

As a member of the top pirates at sea today.

It is also time for him to occupy his own territory in this turbulent era.

Ideas popped into Luo Xiu's mind.


A reward order was blown by the wind along with the seagulls delivering the newspaper.

Luo Xiu reached out and grabbed the newspaper in his hand, and glanced at it casually.

Luo Xiu's heart moved, standing on the boat, he couldn't help touching it, and said with a smile:

"Hmm... 10 billion Baileys? The World government is really generous. If I wasn't a time traveler, I would probably sell myself for money now, hahaha

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