Amazon Lily.

Nine Snake Island.

The legendary 'Dream Kingdom' in the sea

Although many people simply don't believe that such a fantasy kingdom composed entirely of women really exists.

But as a time traveler.

Luo Xiu is actually very clear.

Nine Snake Island is not a legend circulated outside the sea.

The reason why no one has witnessed the appearance of Nine Snake Island with their own eyes.

This is due to the location of the Isle of Hydra within the Calm Belt where the Sea Kings' lairs gather.

If there is no ability to tame Sea Kings pulling boats like Hydra Island.

In this era, most wind-driven sailing ships had no possibility of reaching Nine Snakes Island.

And even if you get away with the power problem, drive around the Calm Belt, which is full of Sea Kings nests.

This is almost as conspicuous as a candle in the dark, and in a short time, all kinds of Sea Kings, who are free "cleaners" in the natural world, will follow the smell and come to the door.

Therefore, Jiusnake Island, which is located in the Calm Belt at the position of "153", can be said to have a perfect natural barrier, which is enough to guarantee the safety of every generation of Jiusnake Island people.

Although this "barrier" will lose its effect in the future with the development of seastone technology by the world government.

But in this day and age.

This natural barrier can be described as unsolvable.

Luo Xiu.

That's what I'm looking at!

He was just about to turn Nine Snake Island into his own territory.

at this time.

"You, what's your purpose?!"

Shakky raised his head with a face of humiliation and solemnity, and looked at the man standing under the blue sky in front of him, who they thought was a 'big fish' just now.

The former's humiliation on Shakky's face was that he could not accept that he and the entire Nine Snake Pirates under his command were so vulnerable.

The dignifiedness of the latter is because, as the current Emperor of Nine Snake Island and the captain of Nine Snake Pirates, Shakky, unlike other people on Nine Snake Island, knows nothing about the news of the outside sea.

When he saw Luo Xiu's vaguely familiar face up close.

Shakky has already recognized the identity of the man in front of him who easily solved the Nine Snake Pirates.

Unravel the source of the end of the Rocks era.

...the great sea-moving natural disaster.

Gather all the evil in the world.

The demon who tore apart the war in the valley of the gods.

Shakky has seen all kinds of rumors no less than dozens of times through the news released by the World Economic News.

And now.

The man in front of him was even more furious by the World government.

A reward of up to 10 billion Baileys has been offered in the history of pirates.

The top monster in the sea with almost 'impossible' conditions and sky-high rewards.

If Zhenqi still had the thought and hope to resist before Luo Xiu set foot on the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates.

But when Luo Xiu's identity was recognized.

Shakky's heart sank, and his face gradually became serious.

She knew that the Nine Snake Pirates, no, maybe Amazon Lily was about to encounter unprecedented trouble.

The man in front of him.

Just the release of Conqueror's Haki knocked out nearly everyone in the Kuja Pirates.

In addition, Luo Xiu has a suffocating record of destroying the country and killing tens of thousands of Rocks Pirate members and Marine elites in one shot.

And, have no awe at World government and Celestial Dragons.

Such a 'monster'

It is definitely not an existence that they, or even Nine Snake Island, which has lost the protection of Calm Belt, can contend with.

"It seems that the current situation allows us to talk."

See the change in Shakky's eyes in front of him.

Luo Xiu was not polite.

In other words, Luo Xiu doesn't need to be polite at all.

The strong in the sea are respected.

This is the truth of the opening of the era of the greatest hegemony in the history of pirates since the era of Rocks Pirate.

Pirates don't need to reason at all.

Even if Luo Xiu really wanted to.

It is completely possible to support a puppet just like Kaido controls Wanokuni in the future.

But that kind of behavior is not suitable for Luo Xiu.

And Luo Xiu is not interested in such things as managing a kingdom.

I come, I see, I conquer...!

It's not enough to just charter a territory and be a king.

What he values ​​is the advantage of Hydra having this natural barrier in the Calm Belt.

This is an advantage that even 'Wanokuni' cannot match at present.

Although Luo Xiu considered Wanokuni this place.

But several thoughts canceled Luo Xiu's original plan.

this place.

Although there are many hidden secrets.

Even 'Pluton', one of the three Ancient Weapons, was there.

It is said that the world government does not dare to move easily, and the whole people are "samurai" and have a great reputation.

But in fact.


As a traverser.

After seeing the real level of combat power of the World government.

Luo Xiu is very clear.

Wanokuni is a place, as long as the World government is willing.

The occupation will not exceed seven days at most, and it will be useless to invest more "human lives".

If it weren't for the mining of 'seastone', this place would have disappeared long ago.

After all, even Kaido, the "five scumbags of war", can easily invade.

This alone is enough to dispel Luo Xiu's thoughts.

The harder you blow, the harder you slap your face is the normal state of this world...

Relying on external forces is ultimately cheating oneself.

And the most important thing is that Luo Xiu has no interest in the blank 100-year history.

He is not a descendant of the D family, nor has any relationship with Nakhon Yu 100 Years.

In Luo Xiu's eyes, it makes no difference who is the largest government in the world today.

As long as it is to provoke his enemies.

Just destroy it.

So what if you know the history of the pirates' native land?

What is past is already past tense.

How to create the future is the right answer.


There is one more.

It's Luo Xiu's personal preference.

To Kozuki Oden, a person with the ability to eat the "fruit of emotion".

Luo Xiu really couldn't appreciate the personality charm of this thing.

No matter before crossing, or now after crossing.

Even the Golden Lion.

Luo Xiu is... no, it should be said that they are not comparable, the former is not very good.

"Did I insult the Golden Lion a little too much?"

Touching his chin, he murmured in his heart.

For the first time, Luo Xiu had this feeling of "surprisingly pleasing to the eye" when looking at the Golden Lion.

Then, Luo Xiu shook his head.

Get those things out of your head.

Let's talk about the business at hand first.

Shakky attitude.

It still made Luo Xiu very satisfied.

And Shakky also thought a lot after going through this incident.

Although the current Hydra Island is naturally safe under the bonus of Calm Belt, it is not a problem.

But how long can it last?

With the rise of the top sea monsters in the outside world one by one, the biggest hegemony competition left over from 2.3 Rocks is launched.

Facing a turbulent era that could last for years, if not decades.

Nine Snake Island, a legendary place, will be exposed sooner or later.

As the current Emperor of Nine Snakes, Shakky does not deny the overall strength of Nine Snakes, it is very strong, and there are few kingdoms in the whole world that can compare with Nine Snakes.

However, after meeting Luo Xiu's Empress Li.

That kind of combat power alone is enough to make the entire Nine Snake Island Pirates helpless.

Shakky has begun to clearly recognize a thing called 'the gap'.

Even if she didn't want to admit it at first.

But the overall strength of Nine Snakes Island is compared to those monsters who are really known as standing at the top of the sea.

The difference is really huge!

And the man in front of him.

It is after Rocks Pirate on the sea.

It is recognized by countless people on the sea as a 'mobile natural disaster!

The most dangerous existence in the world today!.

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