Cut Off Robin Fruit, Ohara True Several Thousand Hands

Chapter 164 Suzuo Nine Tails? That Kind Of Thing Doesn't Make Any Sense

"Is it going to be pierced?"

Seeing that the big hand that protected Bai Yu airtight was about to be pierced by Wang Zhi's energy beam and fire pillar, John immediately showed ecstasy.

But when he wanted to make up the knife and cooperate with Ochoku's attack to destroy the big hand, layers of glistening black light bloomed, and Armament Haki, who looked like a black armor, suddenly appeared, wrapped the entire arm and armed it .


pillar of fire.

Energy light cannon.

Hit on this armed arm, except for the sound of gold and iron clashing, and sparks all over the sky, this armed arm can no longer be shaken.

"Laozi really doesn't believe that I can't cut your broken hand."

A stern look flashed across John's eyes.

In the eyes of the great swordsman, there is nothing in this world that cannot be cut.

I saw his hands holding the knife tightened suddenly.


Two long knives were crossed in front of him, like a Shura crawling out of hell, a ghost, dodging "Qi Yixue" and rushed to Bai Yu.


With bursts of sword light shining in the sky, the two long swords wrapped around Armament Haki like a raging fire burst out a huge cross-shaped slashing wave, directly swallowing Bai Yu and the armed arm protecting him.



At this moment, a big hand that was also covered by Armament Haki's armor suddenly rose up, surrounded by violent fists, and punched John who was in mid-air and slashed with a knife. .


One punch to implement.

There was a loud noise, mixed with bursts of spiral air currents visible to the naked eye.


John, who was punched, flew hundreds of meters away in an instant, like a cannonball, smashing the houses, trees and metal pieces blocking the road.

"What the hell is that?"

Originally wanted to take the opportunity to make a move.

One after the other with John, Silver Ax, who pinched Bai Yu, saw this, his face changed suddenly, and he teleported away a hundred meters away.

at the same time.

The earth shook suddenly.

Under the stunned expression of Silver Ax and Ochoku, a huge fox head poked out from the slashing wave released by John, and then waved his hands.

The terrifying force shook the surrounding slashing waves into specks of light on the spot.


The fox's head began to climb steadily toward the sky.

at first.

There is only a fox head, and a pair of hands growing from the ground.


Shoulders, body, and legs grew out of the ground one after another.

With the continuous waving, huge shadows like snake-shaped Sea Kings descended from the sky, covering the ground of the hive.

Nine huge fox tails immediately caught Ochoku, Silver Ax's eyes.

"Nine Tails Fox?"

"What the hell is that?"

Ochoku, Silver Ax took a breath.

Nine Tails the size of a fox.

That's just 100 meters high.

This kind of tonnage is simply not in the eyes of the king who has been milling in the New World for decades.

After all, they have seen the Sea Kings thousands of meters away.

What really moved them was the terrifying oppression emanating from the Nine Tails fox in front of them.

"Uncle Long, is it really okay for us not to help?"

On the roof of a house not far away.

Robin glanced at the towering Nine Tails fox, and then turned to look at Monkey·D·Dragon beside him.

"Haven't you seen it yet?"

"Our captain is testing his mettle."

"One against two is the power of Kaido, BIGMOM and other sea emperors: what about one against three?"

Monkey·D·Dragon shook his head.

"This is our captain's measure."

Robin's eyes flickered upon hearing this.

Ochoku, John, Silver Ax.

Just use any two of them to compete head-on against Charlotte Linlin, Kaido.

If the three of them are dispatched, both Kaido and Charlotte Linlin can only be defeated.

Now Bai Yu chose to fight three against one.


It is to test yourself, and the real top sea emperors in New World, which one is better.

"Just keep an eye on those guys up there."

"Don't let those people brought by Ochoku get in the way of Bai Yu's fight.

"After all, this guy got angry after being disturbed, and this hive can't stand his toss.

As Monkey·D·Dragon said, he stepped on the bricks and stones on the ground.


After hearing this, Kimimaro and Robin nodded in unison.

line of sight.

Observation Haki.

All gathered on the pirates on the skyship.

the other side.

Summon the Nine Tails Fox Queen.

Bai Yu stepped on the top of the fox's head, raised his right hand with the palm facing up, and his fingers gradually bent like eagle claws.


The billowing Armament Haki rushed out like a torrent.

Erupting from the feet of Nine Tails, it was like a raging fire, covering the 100-meter fox body like arrogance, burning blazingly.

Immediately afterwards.

Starting from the feet, layers of black light exude layer upon layer, revealing the terrifying and oppressive Armament Haki who transforms into Susano Armor to arm the body of Nine Tails...




And nine fox tails that go straight into the sky.

All were armed with Susan's armor and wrapped airtightly.

"Prestige · Tailed Beast Flower · Susanoo."

Take shape with Susan Nine Tails.

It actually made the same movements as Bai Yu.

Raising his hand, he made a movement of bending his five fingers and gathering them into a fist, and the hive immediately blew up a surging air wave like a typhoon passing through.

Within a radius of hundreds of meters, all the trees were directly bent down.

Some trees with not very large trunks were either uprooted by the air waves or crushed.


"Who are you scaring?"

"Even if it is Sea Kings over a thousand meters, Laozi has killed a lot.

At this time.

John, who was just blown away by a punch, climbed out of the ruins.

Facing the rolling oppression emanating from Susano Nine Tails, although he was shocked in his heart, he dismissed it on the surface.

"Prestige? Susanoo?"

"For us."

"That kind of thing doesn't make any sense."

Silver Ax took a deep breath and suppressed the emotion on his face.

As the king who has galloped the sea since the Rocks era, naturally he will not be intimidated by Susano Nine Tails.

"This size."

"That kind of tonnage."

"It's just a target."

Ochoku smiled coldly.

It seems to be to prove the persuasiveness of his words. 1.1

He directly raised his right hand, and then the whole arm began to mechanize, turning into a huge cannon that was as tall as a person.


With bursts of blazing flames blooming in the gun barrel, a flame energy cannon so hot that it can even burn through the air spewed out, splitting the sky in an instant.

He didn't bombard Bai Yu who was standing on top of Susano Nine Tails, but shot toward the mountainous body of Susano Nine Tails.

See here.

Bai Yu folded his arms across his chest, as if he didn't even intend to block it.

Until the flame energy cannon was about to submerge his body.

Susan Nine Tails moved.

A tail wrapped in the mighty force of breaking mountains and rivers, and fell down condescendingly.

It is as majestic and powerful as the collapse of Mount Tai.

Directly scatter the flame energy cannon that can burn through the ground.

Seems like a blow from Ochoku.

It's like children playing with water guns, and the small water jets coming over are just like.

Not worth mentioning. .

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