Cut Off Robin Fruit, Ohara True Several Thousand Hands

Chapter 3 Eight Gate Blooming · Peacock (Seeking Flowers For Evaluation And Collection)


Robin saw the unbelievably strong Kuzan being crushed and beaten, and his pretty face, which still had some tears remaining, couldn't help showing joy.

"Brother, don't be careless."

"Although I am a Marine Vice Admiral like him, he is a user who ate frozen fruit."

"Physical attacks are completely useless against him."

Saul was not as optimistic as Robin, fearing that Bai Yu would underestimate Kuzan's strength because he didn't know the depth, so he quickly reminded him.

"Ice Cube Storm Pheasant's Mouth."

Before Bai Yu could reply, the smoke and dust covering the battlefield suddenly split in two, and immediately a giant ice bird filled with billowing cold air fluttered its wings and swooped down in front of Bai Yu in an instant.

"Eight Gate Blossoms Lilianhua."

Seeing this, Bai Yu couldn't see any surprise on his face.

After all, it is the future Marine Admiral.

Even if he hasn't grown to the peak at this time, he can't be knocked down with one or two moves.

bang bang bang

Thirty arms rose up from the front of Bai Yu like saplings breaking through the ground, and then all five fingers were tightened, Armament Haki wrapped around his fists, rolled up ear-piercing sonic booms and bombarded the ice bird one after another,


As one fist after another touched the body of the ice bird, the violent and unparalleled punching power erupted brazenly, and a majestic wave of air rolled up in the midair, smashing the ice bird into ice chips.

chi chi

But at the same time, all fists that touched the ice bird were frozen into ice without exception, and then exploded in mid-air.


Kuzan was not discouraged when he saw that the ice block and pheasant's mouth didn't work. He condensed the ice blade in his right hand and just took a step forward when his eyes flashed scarlet.

Without hesitation, he thrust the sharp skate into the ground with his backhand.

chi chi

At this moment, the ice blade in Kuzan's palm seemed to open a door to the world of ice, and the endless surge of freezing air tilted away like a mountain torrent.

The land with a radius of one thousand meters was frozen into ice in an instant, turning into a world of ice and snow.

"It's frozen."

Kuzan glanced over the ice beneath his feet.

Even through a thick layer of ice, he could still clearly see nearly a hundred fists beneath the ice.


As long as his reaction was a little slower just now, he will be greeted by hundreds of iron fists.

"It seems that your Observation Haki has not been trained to foresee the future."

Bai Yu spread a pair of wings behind his back and was suspended in mid-air. When he looked at Kuzan, there was a half-smile expression on his face.


Just as Kuzan was about to say something, there was a sudden crackling sound from the ice field under his feet.

It was as if something was about to break through the ice under the ice.

"not good!"

Kuzan's face changed suddenly, but before he could take any action, the ice field he was stepping on was already covered with cobweb-like cracks, and then exploded.

"Eight Gate Blossom · Toward the Peacock."

As the ice broke, hundreds of arms appeared like giant dragons breaking through the ice, occupying all of Kuzan's sight in an instant.


Facing the air strikes that smashed down the air flow in a radius of 100 meters, and the arms that were still burning with blazing flames, Kuzan only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a loud buzzing in his ears. Immediately, all parts of his body from head to toe Overwhelmed by the majestic, scorching power.

The flaming fist like a storm and wind is like a fiery red peacock proudly opening its tail to the sea, showing its gorgeous and eye-catching feathers.

It's just that under the gorgeous and brilliant appearance of this feather, there is a terrifying destructive power hidden.

Stronger than Admiral backup.

Future Aokiji Admiral.

At this time, after being hit by hundreds of iron fists surrounded by flame shock waves and Armament Haki, there was no way to fight back.

First, he was forcibly blasted into the air from the ground by overlapping flame iron fists, and before he had time to take a breath, more fists surrounded by flame shocks and Armament Haki chased after him like shells, aiming at the people in the sky. He bombed indiscriminately again, shooting hundreds of meters away.


Bai Yu gave up.

Taking advantage of the fact that Kuzan was under a series of lightning-fast heavy blows and was unable to resist, he manipulated his arms and punched heavy flaming fists, which finally converged into a flame shock wave piercing the sky, catching up with Kuzan who was flying backwards. , blasting him into a blazing spark, he could only fly powerlessly into the distance.

"Good... so strong."

Saul, who witnessed this scene, stared straight.

He saw that Bai Yu's strength was superior to his own, but he never imagined that he could beat Kuzan by himself.

Especially those fists that were as dense as rainstorm and blazing like fire.

He didn't doubt at all that this round of fists fell on him, even the body of the titans would be beaten to a pulp.

"Bai Yu, you...are amazing!"

Robin's eyes widened, shock and admiration written all over his face.

"Do you regret it? This is the Devil Fruit you were cut off from."

With a flick of the finger, Kuzan was sent flying.

Bai Yu didn't go after her either, but put her hand on Robin's head and rubbed her hair.

"No regrets!"

Robin shook his head.


Bai Yu asked.

"You don't know, do you? I am the youngest scholar in Ohara, and I have read a lot since I was a child."

"I know that Devil Fruit has a lower level, and the Flower-Flower Fruit that you can eat is just a very common Paramecia fruit."

"So, it's not Flower-Flower Fruit that is powerful, but you, a capable person."

Seems like Bai Yu is coming back strong.

Seems to see Kuzan being run over.

Ever since Marine and CP agents landed in Ohara, Robin, who has been crying and never laughed at all, puffed out his chest and smiled.

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