Cut Off Robin Fruit, Ohara True Several Thousand Hands

Chapter 48 Flowers Of The Eight Gates: A Thousand Purples And Reds: Day Tiger

"It's a little late for you to know."

"After going to hell, go to confess and atone for the Marines you killed!"

"Senju imp."

Kong Kong stared at Bai Yu with dead eyes, kicked his legs on the ground hard, raised himself from the ground, and stabbed hard with his right hand covered by the big bone gun.

Circles of spiral purple shock waves suddenly stirred up in the air.

Together with the big bone gun, the body of the brave pirate in front of him, who gave him a Maryford crash, was completely pierced and made into a kebab.

But just when the joy of getting revenge and resolving the hatred arose in his heart, he suddenly found that Bai Yu, who had been shot through by himself, did not have any blood flowing out of the wound.


Kong·kong's pupils constricted, and then a red light flashed in his eyes, as if he saw some terrible future, his face was full of horror.

"As expected of a man who bears the name of Marshal."


"The future you see is not far enough away, otherwise, your shot would not have pierced in."

Bai Yu's voice fell.

Under Kong Kong Kong's horrified and angry eyes, the body pierced by the bone gun unexpectedly split into pieces, turned into blossoming petals, scattered all over the ground.


This scene made Kong Kong feel cold physically and mentally.

Even if he has seen the picture in front of him in the future foreseen by Observation Haki, and even saw the picture a few seconds later, he still has the feeling of falling into an ice cave.

"Flower of the Eight Gates, colorful, day tiger."

At this time, a knife sounded as cold as Kuzan's ice age from behind.

He didn't wait for Kong Kong to turn around, and didn't wait for him to make any countermeasures.

At this time, Bai Yu, who was standing behind him, had already raised his right hand and made a straight punching motion.

at the same time.

Arms are continuously raised from the ground, like thousands of flowers blooming, towering above the ground.

A total of ten thousand!

Then Wan Senju's arms began to assemble, converging into ten giant arms that lifted the sky, like towering mountains, towering into the sky.

After wrapping around the powerful Armament Haki, the length and size of these arms, which are even bigger than the Buster Call battleships that can transport the titans, are just like a ferocious, terrifying, violent man who will choose to eat at any time. Like a black dragon.

Following Bai Yu's positive punch, the ten armed giant arms followed like a shadow, scrambling to punch Kong Kong Kong with exactly the same positive punch.

chi chi

Two completely different visions of heaven and earth appeared successively on the battlefield of Maryford.

The air in a radius of one kilometer is actually like boiling water, with a large number of bubbles visible to the naked eye.


In front of Bai Yu's fist, a gigantic vortex seemed to appear, engulfing countless air bubbles and compressing them crazily.

Soon, among gray baixiang after head after head, the huge mountainous tigers leaped away from the vortex, first opened their cold, bloodthirsty eyes, stared at Kong Kong who was facing them back, and then started The gray day tiger that jumped out of the vortex opened its jaws wide and swooped over.


The wind follows the tiger, and the cloud follows the dragon.

When the huge and boundless day tiger leaped out, the sky suddenly changed.

Wherever the terrifying day tiger passed, the huge battlefield immediately flew sand and stones, and the sand and dust billowed.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Under the roar of the tiger that resounded through the sky, the terrifying day tiger punched by Bai Yu had already opened its mouth and bit Kong Kong's body.

Facing the sudden day tiger, Kong Kong had no time to dodge, the only thing he could do was to cover his whole body with Armament Haki, and then the whole body was swallowed by the day tiger.


next second.

A burst of dazzling white light, so dazzling that the world could not be overshadowed, bloomed from the huge day tiger's body, and immediately, the gray-white shock wave spread out like a missile explosion, and spread in all directions in a mighty way.

Wherever the shock wave passed, whether it was rocks, the ground, or even the pile of construction waste, they were all crushed into slag.

When the gray-white shock wave stopped expanding and turned into a gray-white energy sphere that spread several kilometers away, entrenched on the torn ground, the nine-headed day tigers that had been stalking all around immediately rushed towards it.

Just a day tiger set off a shock wave in Mariford that spread several kilometers away.

Now the nine day tigers rushed forward together, instantly bursting out a terrifying white beam of light, surrounded by the majestic Haki storm, one end of which shot up into the sky, pierced into the clouds, and blasted the thick clouds above Maryford open, leaving behind an appalling sinkhole.

The other end tore the earth, breaking Maryford into two halves like a piece of fragile white paper, and then along the crack, like the judgment of the gods, went straight into the deep ocean, blasting out a bottomless sea ​​pit.

Such a terrifying blow.

Even Monkey·D·Dragon and Zephyr can only stagnate the confrontation, and then use Armament Haki to resist the oncoming shock wave.

After all, one punch sends out a Haki shockwave that covers an area of ​​several kilometers.

Unless the speed is as fast as that of a flash ability user like Polusalino, otherwise, he can only defend, and there is no possibility of dodging.

(Pirate's new book, ask for flowers, please collect, ask for evaluation votes, thank you very much!)

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