Cut Off Robin Fruit, Ohara True Several Thousand Hands

Chapter 9 Letting You Three Hundred Hands


Facing the stormy fist of Senju Buddha.

Sakazuki struggled with the elementalization for a while with Observation Haki, and was hit head-on by Bai Yu's bergamot manipulating the Senju Buddha.


After being punched, Sakazuki's whole body was stiff, and he felt as if every part of his body had been crushed by a bulldozer. He immediately let out a muffled grunt, and then he vomited blood and flew backwards from the beating.

If it's just a punch, with his physique and Armament Haki, he can handle it.

But after the punch, he didn't have time to stabilize his body. Hundreds of fists were like hungry wolves rushing to eat, rolling up waves of air in the sky, scrambling to chase him, and then bombarding his body frantically.


As strong as Sakazuki, he received hundreds of punches from the Senju Buddha, and his facial features were distorted, his face was wrinkled, and scarlet blood spewed from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

After a burst of intense, deafening explosions, his body was like a piece of blood-stained rag. He was thrown hundreds of meters into the air, and scarlet blood mist exploded all over his body, and then he fell on the ground in a panic. The sea of ​​Kuzan froze, forming a blood-red ice field.


As soon as the body came into contact with the ice field, the solid and cold ice field immediately fell apart, and dozens of irregular ice blocks of various shapes rose up from the ground.

Sakazuki, on the other hand, was buried in the ice pile.


"You're out of hands!"

"Bai Yu!"

After a round of bombing by the Senju Buddha, although Sakazuki was beaten to vomit blood, his internal organs ruptured, and his body was irregularly twisted, he did not lose consciousness while lying in the ice pile, and he did not even have the despair and powerlessness after the defeat. Instead, he roared loudly.

"Frozen moment!"

Just when Sakazuki suffered a round of inhumane bombing from the Senju Buddha, Kuzan had quietly reached the feet of the Senju Buddha, which was hundreds of meters high, and then shot out two icicles from his palm, matching the round of icicles behind the Buddha. The arms are joined together.

chi chi

in a moment.

The icy cold air, like a torrent of gates, poured out.

With the icicle as the center, layers of ice blocks spread rapidly, destroying Buster Call, and after pressing Sakazuki to the ground for a fat beating, the remaining hundreds of arms froze, not to mention, and quickly moved towards the front of the arm. Buddha spread past.

At the speed at which the ice cubes freeze, it only takes one breath.

Not only the remaining arm, but even the Buddha himself, together with Bai Yu, will be frozen and completely frozen.

"Brother, is the dead Marine waiting for you?"

While freezing the big Buddha, Kuzan looked towards Bai Yu who was standing on top of the Buddha's head.


Just when he thought the overall situation was settled and began to pretend, a majestic fist pressure, like a typhoon passing through, fell from the sky and directly submerged his body.


A bergamot hand as big as a warship stretched out from the top of Kuzan's eyes and quickly enlarged until it occupied his entire field of vision. An unrivaled force crushed his body, making him feel like he was going crazy. The feeling of a head-on collision with oversized Sea Kings.


With a slap, Kuzan was slapped and flew straight away, like a baseball being knocked into the air, spinning in the sky while flying upside down, and finally hit the ice field not far from Sakazuki, blasting a hole almost deep into the bottom of the sea.

"Why do you still have hands?"

Kuzan was lying on the ice, with blood oozing from his nostrils and mouth, and his eyes were round.

The three Senju arms behind the Senju Buddha have consumed more than two thousand in the wave that destroyed Buster Call and severely injured Sakazuki.

The remaining less than three hundred arms were also frozen by him.


The incomprehension in his heart was quickly explained.

When Kuzan's eyes fell on the big golden Buddha with the sky above his head and his feet on the ground, he completely understood.

under his gaze.


No, it is the Buddha at Bai Yu's feet who keeps waving and fanning people.


"Do you have any misunderstanding about the big Buddha under my feet?"

"Don't just pay attention to the three thousand bergamot hands behind it, this big Buddha itself is not just a decoration!"

After taking a panoramic view of Kuzan's expression and the changes in his eyes, Bai Yu showed a sneer on his face.


As soon as he finished speaking, the 300-meter-high golden Buddha began to separate from the hundreds of arms frozen into ice behind him.

After losing all his arms, Buddha's intimidation was greatly reduced.

But what followed was greater mobility.

"Since you are so afraid of these bergamot hands, I will let you have three hundred hands."

Bai Yu crossed his arms, stepped on the 100-meter Buddha, and looked down at Kuzan and Sakazuki who were sitting paralyzed in the ice pile.

"The Buddha is separated from the hand behind it."

Sakazuki's face was full of emotion, showing anxiety for the first time.


His plan was to pin down Bai Yu's Senju Buddha himself, actively attract fire, and then let Kuzan seize the opportunity to freeze the Buddha.

The fact is also as he thought.

It's just that I never thought that the seemingly decorative Buddha would still have such terrifying power after leaving the bergamot hands behind him like peacocks spreading their tails.

(Pirate's new book, please support me, thank you!)

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