Cut Off The Fruit Of Green Bull, And Turn Into A Buddha On The Top Of The Valley Of The Gods

Chapter 55: Shock the Quartet! Rocks' powerful Conqueror's Haki!



A black-red violent airflow blew up in the sky, and the autumn wind swept the leaves to shred the originally overlapping black clouds!

The strong noon sun shone wildly.

The light reappears in the world.

More than half of the guards subconsciously closed their eyes and raised their hands to cover, so they couldn't see what was in the sky at all.

In the dark for a long time, their eyes can't accept being suddenly illuminated by strong light!

After a few breaths.

Vision restored.

Everyone immediately looked up at the sky~ Sora.

But only for a moment.

As if they were petrified, they opened their mouths in disbelief and watched the shocking scene in the sky−.

Both sides of the boundless sky were as black as ink, and a few kilometers in between was a blue sky.

Like an open door to hell.

Countless black dots fell from it at a high speed, like a released hell demon.

The outer defenders had protruding eyes and long mouths.

The dark pupils were full of fear.

They didn't hear Zephyr's cry, and they didn't know what it was. They didn't react from their horror until they saw the whole picture of the "black spot" after being in a daze for more than ten seconds.

"Damn, it was an air strike!

“Rocks Pirate, yes Rocks Pirate!”

"Fight back! Fight back!!


The blue veins of the roar burst out, and at the same time, he raised the musket in his hand and was ready to shoot.

But it's too late.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Thousands of pirate ships with skull and skeleton flags crashed to the ground, and in a flash, the Marine branch guarding the periphery and the soldiers of various kingdoms were crushed and injured countless times!

Even if it is dodging in time.

It was also directly lifted into the air by the huge air wave.

next moment.

Countless pirates wielded machetes and jumped off the ship...

at the same time.

Inside the island, near Cracking Mountain.

The defenders here are all elites, and there is not much panic on their faces.

Correspondingly, the thousands of pirates who fought against them are also elites in Rocks Pirate.

Shiki did not directly let everyone descend to the land, but one person stepped on a piece of gravel, still floating in the air, forming a gravel array.

At the front end of this gravel formation, there is a boulder of dozens of square meters.

Rocks crossed his chest with his hands, and was wearing a black robe.

Condescending, his eyes stared.

Seven cadres on both sides of him stood in sequence.


On the high platform of the cracked mountain.

Whether it was Kong or Zephyr with his fingernails embedded in his palm, or Sengoku and Garp beside him, everyone was shocked.

On the side of the round table for worship.

The Five Elders stared at the Rocks at the forefront of the Stonehenge, each with a shocked expression.

in their hearts.

Rocks will definitely not come when he knows that he and others have set up a net, and he is ready to take the initiative to clean up after the sacrificial ceremony.

I didn't expect him to come!

And it appeared in such a shocking way, descending on the top of their heads!

And in mid-air.

Rocks is first on the left.

Luo Mu gnawed on a toothpick and put his hands in the pockets of his wide-leg pants. His eyes seemed out of focus, but in fact he kept wandering around the circular altar and the Five Elders.

First on the right.

Whitebeard carried the tall Cong Yunqie, whose sturdy physique was like an iron tower, his eyes swept over Garp, and then began to scan around, looking for Roger's trace.

Second on the right.

Golden Lion was holding a cigar of life, and his golden hair moved with the wind. The lion's eyes were locked on Zephyr from the beginning.

Further back.

The faces of Ochoku, Silver Axe, and John were all very solemn.

They thought that today was a big battle.

I didn't expect such a big battle.

Marine all Admiral, Vice Admiral, world ZFCPO, all senior CP9 agents, and Vinsmoke family members wearing advanced battle suits, and the five mysterious old men.

These exist.

Let an extremely dangerous signal rise in their hearts.

Feel the state of several people.

Rocks, who was standing at the forefront, said softly with a half-smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"What can I do? There's no need to run."

"And if it doesn't work today.

"I will definitely die..."

Rocks are not stupid.

He knew for a long time that almost none of his squad leaders really came to fight, but today.... they can't help it.

At this moment.

The branch Marine and Kingdom soldiers outside the Valley of the Gods have already fought with the ordinary pirates of Rocks, shouting and killing.

And in the center of the island.

Whether it is Kong and others Marine on the high platform on the left, the ZF side of the world, or the elite pirates headed by Rocks, Luo Mu and others standing on the boulder in the air on the right.

The two sides were strangely silent and confrontation, and the air was so dignified that water could drip.

But only for a moment.

A loud noise broke the eerie silence.

"You lowly inferiors! How dare you destroy our sacred sacrificial ceremony?!"

"Trash Marine, what are you still doing?! Hurry up and catch all these damn mobs!

"Quick! Grab it! Put it on the altar and burn it to death!"

"Is the trash calling you? Don't you understand?"

Cracking Mountain Cracks.

Hundreds of Celestial Dragons reacted from the initial shock and jumped up and pointed at Rocks' noses and cursed.

Since birth, they have never met anyone who dared to disobey them.

So before entering the coffin, these Celestial Dragons didn't even know what it was to be afraid.

Hear the stupid cries of these Celestial Dragons.

Marine, World ZF, and everyone including the Five Elders sank.

But no one came out to stop it.

Kong glanced at the Five Elders next to him and took a deep breath.

Then take a step forward.

Shouted to the Rocks on the boulder.

"Rocks! 35

"It's too late to stop now!

"No matter how strong you are personally, you will definitely fail today."

"Marine, World ZF, and the top combat power of various kingdoms are all here, and there is no need to make fearless sacrifices!

The voice fell.

Still waiting for Rocks to respond.

And those Celestial Dragons started screaming again.

"Trash! What else are you talking about, hurry up and destroy them all!"

"Damn pariahs are all the same, dare to destroy our most sacred ceremony and still want to live? Everyone present must die!"5

"What rubbish Marine, it's not as good as my slave, give it to me! Kill these untouchables!

see this scene.

Rocks hugged his stomach and laughed wildly, as if he had seen the best clown show ever.

"Ha ha ha ha.....

Wild laughter echoed throughout the valley.

"You are protecting this group of garbage?

next second.

He suddenly stopped smiling.

Ignoring everyone, he directly cast his eyes on the Five Elders in the central area, and slowly raised his right hand across his neck, making a movement of wiping his neck.

"You five old things are still alive. 99

"Tell you guys I can't fail the Rocks, all Celestial Dragons here today."

"All have to die!!

Next to the Rocks.

Luo Mu's eyelids twitched, and he thought to himself.

"Provoking the Five Elders directly is worthy of being the craziest in the world."


"Judging from Rocks' attitude, did he have any grudges with the Five Elders before? 35

"Also.... why is he not afraid of a full-scale war? It can't be just to kill a few stupid pigs and then come to die. That's too stupid..."

Luo Mu's mind was racing, and the many doubts that had arisen in his heart became more and more intense.

And the next moment.

The only old man in a kimono without a suit in the Five Elders walked out, holding the First Generation Ghost in his arms.

Rarely angry.


"You traitor has no right to point fingers at the five of us.

"Since you're here, let's go looking for it, and stay here to atone for the Creator with your blood! 3


Hearing this word, everyone was stunned.

What does it mean?

Luo Mu was the first to react.

"What does the old man mean, Rocks.... Celestial Dragons?!"

at this time.

Rocks' long hair is windless and automatic, and a dark red light shoots out of his diamond-shaped eyes.



"Stupid stuff, you better pray that today's regional trains still have standing tickets.


An ancient beast-like aura erupted directly from Rocks, and the terrifying Conqueror's Haki swept away instantly.

Luo Mu's eyes tightened.

"Black Conqueror's...."

The Five Elders frowned, their expressions were very cautious, and at the same time, an astonishing power erupted from their bodies.

Seeing that the two almost-substantial energy storms are about to collide.

But suddenly!

The Five Elders' heart seemed to miss a beat, and they turned their heads in the direction of the Red Line in horror.

.....for flowers...

Rocks was equally stunned, staring into the distance, and even the unique black Conqueror's Haki stopped.

"Sir Im!? 35

The old man in the kimono murmured.

Just now, he felt the abnormality of Lord Yimu! Although he didn't know what the situation was, the matter about Lord Yimu was definitely 10,000 times more important than the matter of the Valley of the Gods!

Without any hesitation, his eyes narrowed.

said coldly.


"I'll leave it to you here, if I miss anyone.


"Just wait and apologize!""

Say it.

Ignoring Rocks in the air, he looked back at the other four old men and nodded slightly.

next moment.

Several people touched the ground with their right feet at the same time, and their figures immediately disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, they were already hundreds of meters away.

"Damn old thing."

"Don't try to run!"

Rocks stepped forward, and the boulders under his feet shattered immediately, and he jumped to chase the Five Elders who were evacuating.

"Don't be too arrogant! 39

"Pirates!! 35

There was an angry shout of vicissitudes on the high platform, and Kong ripped off the cloak of justice.

Muscles rise high.

call out!

The speed was too fast, and the sturdy body actually rubbed against the air and made a sonic boom!

The huge black iron fist quickly approached the Rocks in mid-air.

"Go away!! 35

Rocks did not dodge or evade, standing in place with his arms slammed back.


A black light lit up, and the Conqueror's energy that had just disappeared reappeared, even more powerful!


Kong's heavy punch hit Rocks, but it was bounced upside down and flew several meters away.

at the same time.

The entire island was trembling, stones fell from the cracked mountain, and cracks stretched for dozens of meters, and even the gravel controlled by Shiki in the air began to crumble.

The dark clouds that were blown to both sides in the sky were pulled by a force, and quickly stirred to form a huge Uzumaki.

This moment begins.

Heaven and earth change color!

The frenzied Conqueror's Haki swept the audience.

All the people below the level of the school officer were instantly unconscious. Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral all looked hideous and struggled to support. Only Admiral stood still, but he also concentrated all the power of his mind to fight.

No one thought that Rocks' Conqueror's Haki could be so violent!

And it's far from over.

The black Conqueror's Haki directly condensed into a hurricane, sweeping the whole island.

The ordinary soldiers and pirates who were fighting on the periphery were all swept up into the sky, and then fell heavily.

Every mouth vomited blood.

The sky over the island suddenly darkened, and then a zig-zag purple barrier thunder suddenly fell.


A loud roar erupted.

at the same time.

An island more than ten kilometers away from the Valley of the Gods.

This is a desert island.

But when Marine, World ZF and Rocks Pirate were about to start a full-scale war nearby, several groups of people had already landed on this deserted island in advance.

Secretly watching the battle in the Valley of the Gods in the distance.

Because they all understand that this is destined to be a battle that will go down in history.

There are pirates, bounty hunters, rebels, GM troops from various countries...

Even the Roger Pirates who were invited by Garp to help and the "Lonely Red" Baroric Redfield and other top powerhouses also hid here.


See the entire Valley of the Gods shrouded in raging black Conqueror's Haki.

Everyone's eyes were bulging, and they lost their voices in amazement.

"how is this possible?"

"It's terrifying, what kind of ability is this?"

"It should be.... it should be the legendary Conqueror's Haki..."

'Conqueror's? How could Conqueror's have such power?!

Not just them.

Even Redfield was shocked, his eyes fixed on the valley of God.

"Damn, my strength and that man are no longer the same level!!

Roger, who was hiding aside, glanced at Rayleigh and the others behind him.


"There really is a chance for us to play..."


After a pause, Roger's eyes looked at the center of the battlefield from a distance of several miles.

There, a figure with a toothpick in his mouth disappeared behind Rocks.

"I always feel a little uneasy, that guy Luo Mu, there might be other actions."

Obviously, compared with the wild Conqueror's of the Rocks, Luo Mu's aura showed before.

That's what made him care more deeply in his heart!


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